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PBK ARCHIVE - Brahmakumaris and Islam

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 8:16 am    Post subject: PBK ARCHIVE - Brahmakumaris and Islam

Astonishing similarities between Brahmakumaris and Islam

A glance on the white-clad sisters of the world famous Brahmakumari Vidyalaya must have certainly prompted many in the Indian society to think about the similarity of Brahmakumaris with Christianity, but the relationship between Brahmakumaris and Islam will certainly sound astonishing to anyone.

As per the knowledge propagated by the Brahmakumari Vidyalaya this cycle of human world is of 5000 years, in which the duration of heaven, i.e. Golden Age and Silver Age is 2500 years. Similarly, the duration of hell, i.e. Copper Age and Iron Age is also 2500 years. There was only one Aadi Sanatan Devi-Devata Dharma (Deity Religion) in heaven, when the form of religion was just a way of living a pure life and devoid of outer ostentation. But when we become body conscious in the Copper Age and when the sorrows and peacelessness increases then first of all Islam, then Buddhism and then Christianity is established. Later, in the Iron Age Muslim religion, Sanyas religion, Sikhism, Arya Samaj and Atheism, i.e. Communism is established. When maximum degradation of religions take place, then the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva comes in India in the Confluence Age, i.e. the confluence period of Iron Age and Golden Age and unites the souls of the entire world through Jagdamba (World mother) and Jagatpita (World father) and establishes the almost extinct Deity Religion and heaven.

As per the spiritual Godly knowledge published by the Brahmakumari Vidyalaya the shooting or rehearsal for the 5000 years old drama takes place in the confluence age itself. The shooting or rehearsal of the beliefs and traditions of every religion can be seen in the Godly family of Prajapita Brahmakumar Kumaris established by the Supreme Father Shiva. Just as the members of Brahmakumari Vidyalaya, especially the sisters in their centers exhibit their similarity with Christianity by wearing white clothes, renouncing the bindi, and by lighting candles or cutting tapes in Conferences, Fairs etc., similarly the shooting for Islam, which is established in the Copper Age also takes place in Brahmakumari Vidyalaya.

The Supreme Father Shiva has taught the Prajapita Brahmakumar-kumaris that as per the version of Geeta (Manmanabhav-Madhyajibhav) one must remember the Supreme Soul in every breath. But after the demise of Dada Lekhraj alias Brahma Baba the tradition of remembering the incorporeal Supreme Soul five times a day with the help of songs, known as traffic control songs, was started in the Brahmakumari Vidyalaya by a senior Brahmakumari. Any person who has had the experience of staying in the Brahmakumari Vidyalaya situated at Mount Abu must have certainly noted this fact. Actually, this is a rehearsal of the tradition of offering Namaz-like songs five times a day in Islam, being unknowingly done by some senior Brahmakumari. (Related Murli point-One should not sing songs, actually, one should also not listen to songs).
Similarly, one cannot find an precedent of building of a samadhi (tomb) on the demise of any member of this Godly family ever since its inception. But after the demise and funeral ceremony of Dada Lekhraj alias Brahma Baba, the then Chief of Brahmakumari Vidyalaya caused the of a samadhi of Brahma Baba in the premises of the Vidyalaya itself by turning it into a graveyard against the Shrimat of Supreme Father Shiva, where even today the gullible Brahmakumar-kumaris remember the mortal remains of Dada Lekhraj instead of God Shiva and as a result feel bad. And they think that alas they could also meet the Supreme Soul Shiva who had come in the body of Dada Lekhraj. But at that Samadhi they forget that the Supreme Father Shiva, who is the father of all the religious fathers, cannot leave his task of establishment of the Deity Religion unfinished, and he has continued his great task by entering into the second personality of the trinity, i.e. the ordinary human being who is playing the role of Mahadev Shankar.

In the Brahmakumari Vidyalaya, until Dada Lekhraj and Mother Saraswati were alive, they used to give spiritual drishti (looking into the eyes of the seekers during the process of meditation) in the form of mother and father to the brothers and sisters present in the spiritual gathering everyday and used to enable them to experience the Soul and the Supreme Soul. Their doing so was right because the Supreme Father, who is the purifier of the sinful, had entered into Dada Lekhraj alias Brahma. But after the demise of Dada Lekhraj, the chief of Brahmakumari Vidyalaya herself continued the tradition of giving drishti to others and following in her footsteps other Brahmakumaris also started giving and receiving drishti on the pretext of teaching Rajyoga to the seekers coming to the Ashram. But the exchange of drishti between the sinful souls against the Shrimat of Supreme Father Shiva led to the downfall of values in the Brahmakumari Vidyalaya. Actually this tradition of exchange of drishti (glances) on the pretext of Rajyog is a rehearsal of multi-marriages between BKs-like brothers and sisters in Islam from the Copper Age onwards. If we look at the Indian history, we will come to know that the tradition of polygamy was not prevalent among Indian Kings before the arrival of Muslim rulers. There are exceptions to this fact in the form of examples from mythological stories, but those are the reminders of present Confluence Age.

In the Indian religions there is a tradition of worshipping the corporeal forms of God. But in Islam, Christianity etc. people believe in the incorporeal point of light God. After the demise of Dada Lekhraj in 1969, there was a tradition of display of the photographs of Dada Lekhraj alias Brahma and Mother Saraswati in the Brahmakumari centres, which was a reminder of the worship of the deities in couple form. But, the main soul with the nature of Islam in the Brahmakumari Vidyalaya encouraged the display of pictures of only Brahma along with the Supreme Soul Shiva, the point of light, which is a reminder of the incorporeal God. In this manner there is an astonishing similarity and relationship between Brahmakumari Vidyalaya and Islam. This rehearsal of Islam within the Godly family established in the Confluence Age does not take place deliberately, but unknowingly. And the soul of Brahmakumari Vidyalaya, which contributes the most in this rehearsal of Islam, becomes the base-like body of Prophet Abraham 2500 years ago in the Copper Age, in whom the soul of Abraham enters and plays the leftist role. Supreme Father Shiva only causes the realisation of these facts after 1969 through the medium of Shankar. He is giving the knowledge of the beginning, middle and end of the world drama cycle now and is guiding this great task of world transformation from Kampil, Uttar Pradesh, India.


Joined: 20 Jan 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Paramdham

PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:23 pm    Post subject: Re: Brahmakumaris and Islam

0791 wrote:

But when we become body conscious in the Copper Age and when the sorrows and peacelessness increases then first of all Islam, then Buddhism and then Christianity is established. Later, in the Iron Age Muslim religion, Sanyas religion, Sikhism, Arya Samaj and Atheism, i.e. Communism is established.

Dear 0791 or anyone,

What is the Copper Age 'Islam' that was established before Buddhism and that is different to the Iron Age 'Muslim religion'?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:28 am    Post subject:

Dear Uddhava,
Omshanti. Copper Age "Islam" was the first religion to be established in the Copper Age by the soul of Abraham by entering into a soul that had been a deity in the GA and SA. It is different from the Muslim religion that is established in the Iron Age by Prophet Mohammad in respect of idol worship. At the time of Abraham, idol worship was prevalent. But when Mohammad was accepted as a Prophet then he caused the destruction of all the idols in Mecca, except the one present in the centre of Mecca (which many belive to be another form of Shivling or the Supreme Father).
With regards,
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