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Soul Mates, Twin Souls and Isolation

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Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:24 am    Post subject: Soul Mates, Twin Souls and Isolation

The phenomenon of soul mates is due to souls with unfinished accounts from past incarnations meeting in current incarnations to complete those accounts. It is, however, much more than a pull or attraction. It does not necessarily imply romantic relationships. Two or more souls may need to come together for love at a transcendental level or to initiate and sustain a noble or altrustic project.
Kevin Todeschi has written a very insightful book, Edgar Cayce on Soul Mates. The author defines the term soul mate and classifies the varieties of soul mate relationships. He then discusses each variety in an individual chapter. In his discussions are case reports based on the thousands of life readings performed by Edgar Cayce.
Mr. Todeschi, lists the following classes of soul mates:
Family Soul Mates;
Soul Mates as Friends;
Twin Souls and;
Soul Mate Groups and the Cycle of Reincarnation

There is also a chapter on loneliness

We are all familiar with examples of the three classes of soul mates. Many individuals, however, tend to overlook the significance of relationships in past lives and the influences of the karmas of those past lives on current social dynamics.
Being a BK or XBK is an example of a soul mate group. If we look inwards deeply we will see that we have had many past incarnations together. We may want to ask ourselves the queation: Why have we been brought together ?
We can also apply the same question to our lokik family or the job environment. You may notice that in a class you are taking for the first time, you are able to connect with a stranger and you become life long friends. There had to be a connection between you and the person in a past incarnation. In graduate school, I studied nuclear chemistry with a group of students from a variety of departments. We were specializing in different areas. The bonding between us was so great, that we would meet for dinner, once a week for almost a semester, after the course was ended. Soul mate of groups was active in our social dynamics.
In another city where I worked, I was a total stranger. At a meeting of veterinarians, I met a veterinarian who needed another veterinarian in her clinic. She did have many spiritual and physical health problems and was scared of conducting operations. With me as her anesthesist, she felt reassured and her practice prospered. I realized that my vibrations and yogic frane of mind were helping her do her surgeries well. We developed a symbiotic relationship in the clinic and a Platonic relationship at a personal level. It was a relationship of a brother and a big sister, since she was my senior chronologically. She became my mentor though she had mental issues of her own.
In terms of twin souls, Edgar in many accounts uses the relationship between Jesus and his mother in an incarnation during the time preceeding Atlantis [Ref: Edgar Cayce on Jesus Christ]. Even though twin souls have many similarities, each soul also has unique differences. In the case of Jesus and Mary, because they are twin souls, they have had many incarnations playing significant roles as partnerships.
Solitude can sometimes worry many, especially as individuals approach middle age and beyond. When the feelings of solitude emerge, we need to look on the inside. Why is it happening? There are always valid reasons and it is better not to rush into any physical relationship. The person experiencing the solitude may not have made the spiritual and material preparations for a friend or companion. According to Cayce, the person experiencing the solitude, may also, due to karma, sending out negative vibrations.
The power of love should never be under estimated. The ultimate soul mate relationship is the one between the soul and Supreme Soul.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 12 Jul 2004
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Location: The Netherlands

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:06 am    Post subject:

Om shanti!

I came in the knowledge through contact with a twin or older soul. It was a thing you could not avoid nor escape.

At my work in 1997, I met an Hindustani woman and at the first glimps/glance of her a shock went through me. I had to know more about her. I was not in love, but had an uncontrolable urge to know more about her.
She also was attracted to me as a soul. We started to talk about spiritual things. I, at the time, never heared about the BK. Things started to turn. You could say that the prelude to transformation started to play its part. Suddenly I did not sleep so good any more. I woke up frequently at night and had a nervous feeling in my belly. Also I started to go out of the house in the middle of the night and walked blocks around in the neighbourhood. I had sudden attacks of tears flowing out of my eyes. I had to know more about it. I did know however that it was something about this woman and not of this woman. Something about her heritage, culture or religion. I dared not to ask her directly, so I went out to the library to read books about Hinduism. Ramayan, Bhagavat Gita, Veda’s etc. I could not get the answer there. She told me we were older souls or twin souls, but I could not find explanation in books. I felt that she did not want to tell me all. In the mean time this whole thing started to become an obsession for me. After 6 months she told me that I had to read the book of James Redfield “ The Celestin prophecy” and that this would give me some more info. Well it did to some extend. Still I was not satisfied. At one day she went away from the job and resumed her study at the polytechnics. We lost contact for several months.
I lost my job and applied for a job at the railroad. That day I had to come to the centre of the country to the HQ of the railroadcompany. When I was shaving I felt a presence next to me. I felt her. Like I felt her and her emotions before and saw her subtile standing next to me. I went out to go to the railway station to catch a train. Standing on the platform I had the same subtile feeling as before. The train came. Then suddenly I saw her as if in a film walking over the platform to the front of the train for real. I was shocked. I thought like, no, no, no I am not going up to her and meet. Then the story of the James Redfield book came in front of me and I thought by myself: Yes, this is predestined and I have to meet now with her. So I did. When I met her in the compartement she was not surprised. She said that she felt my presence that morning. The train started to move and we had a nice spiritual cit cat talk. When I told her that I felt her too that morning she said that it was time for me to get some answers in my quest. She told me that she was a BK but did not attend classes any more due to her study and so. She said that I definitively had to go to the BK centre and follow the 7 lessons. I wrote the name of the BK centre on my trainticket and went to my jobinterview. The jobapplication failded that day due to the current events. I was in some sort of a euphoric state. I went home and to the library to find things out about the BK. I wanted to know if it was some sort of sect. I found a reasonable neutral discription in a book about religions and sects in the Netherlands. And then wanted to give it a try.
The next day I got a call of a labour agency where I was not enlisted at all. They got my address etc from some databank and offered me a job. At first I did not feel for it because it was somewhat the same as I did before. I hated this work and had other ambitions. Untill……….I saw the address of this work. Just 10 min. walk from this BK centre !!!!
I thought about all that happened and accepted the job, cause I knew that things were about to reaveal itself. In the lunchbreak of my new work I walked past the window of the BK info centre for many times. I was a bit scared to go in and ask. Things that happened were a bit supernatural to me then. After 3 months work I finally went in and booked for the 7 day course. So at 27th of march 1998 I got into Gyan.

I got intoxicated by the knowledge and after 3 months attended the Murli every day in the morning before going to work. Every thing became clear. Very soon I was involved in all activities of the centre.
One thing stayed and that was my bond with this Hindustani woman. We met several times and now that I was in the knowledge our thoughts were stronger and I could see what she thought an felt even over a distance when she was not there. It was very strong. We both knew it. For me it became a bondage and yes, I wanted to be free from bondage naturally.
I tried not see her but in vain. It was so sweet, but blocked transformation.
Then there was my first visit to Oxford GRC for the ones not going to Madhuban retreat. I hoped for an answer. There at GRC I talked to a head of a centre in Kenya. She told me that this twin soul stuff was something to cherish in Brahmin life, but only the bondage I had to give to Baba. So I did. After GRC Oxford I went home and called HER. She said that she wanted to come to me and hear all about Oxfort on Monday. Then Monday came and SHE called me and said she could not come. I told her this was a lie. (I knew her thoughts…)
She said I was right, but she was afraid to come and hear my story about the GRC. She said she was going to contact me when she was ready for it. After that I felt free from this bondage and was happily Brahminy going forth. 6 months later I heared from HER that SHE went into a terrible depression after my GRC visit. She was certainly still attached to the bondage at that time……………………………..


when I listen to him,
when I listen to the silence
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Joined: 17 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:42 am    Post subject:

Had been a little busy lately but I was always thinking of you guys.

There have been times when people would keep coming around me. Sometimes I would subtly look to see what the connection between us was and I would notice that we had close relationships in former births. Often, souls would have the urge to continue with the relationship which they had in past births. Anger and desires of past births can greatly influence us. I had gone through a lot of that. Fortunately, because I was clinging onto God, I was able to get over those sanskaras. There had been times, for a few years after my spiritual birth, when I dared not let go of God because if I did, I could get pulled into the very depths of Hell that existed within me. I found that in most of my past births, the roles were not resting in peace because I had not achieved that which I had wanted to achieve. Actually, most of what I had wanted to achieve was based on what I will be doing with God in this Confluence Aged birth. For example, in my last birth, I was a yogi in one of the groups of yogis that had existed in India. We all had knowledge of the sciences etc that could be found in the Hindu scriptures but most of the yogi groups were not revealing these but the group which I was in was revealing the sciences that could be found in the Vedas. I was also helping to reveal those sciences, as a member of that yogi group but I felt that we should exercise more caution but other yogis in my group were exercising less caution. I know that one soul who was influenced by what we had revealed had built an aeroplane but he had made some mistakes during the construction of the plane and so the aeroplane which he flew into the air caught fire. The soul had jumped off the plane to safe himself but he fell into water and he drowned but he immediately had taken another corporeal birth. Actually, the reason why I was involved in giving information of the sciences that existed in the ancient texts was because, as a yogi, I could sense my involvement with scientists at the end of the cycle and I was trying to achieve (in that previous birth) that which I will be doing in this spiritual birth. Actually, I had left that yogi group because the others were not listening to me. After having wondered off into the jungle, I had drowned, during a period of heavy rains, because I had stepped into a lake without realising that there was a lake there. This lake is the lake which exists in Mount Abu beside Pandav Bhavan. The world does seem like a very small world doesn't it. Very Happy There were many BK souls in that yogi group, which I was mixing in during my previous birth, and I have met some of them already in the Brahma Kumaris and they are BKs who come to my help when I need it. We had worked together in past lifes and they still come to my assistance when I need it, and we are still working together now, even though we may be doing it from a distance from each other. Sometimes we have more to do with a specific group or with a specific person because of the specific role which we play in this world drama.

Sometimes, God brings people together for the purposes for which He had come into the corporeal world. BKs and PBKs would think that God came only for them. But this is not so. All human souls are the children of God and God came for everyone's sake. All souls have a role to play in this world drama. Even the souls that come at the very end have very important roles to play. If the huge number of souls had not descended from the soul world at the end of the cycle, this corporeal world would have really looked like Hell. New souls are helping to make this world a better place to live in. As souls who came into the first half of the cycle, we have to ask ourselves as to what we can do to help others of this human race, our world family. God tells us, in His murlis, that we have to bring the subtle world into the corporeal world. He tells us that one day we will be so powerful that others will be able to see God in the subtle region through our powerful gathering. We have to participate in this powerful gathering so that others can experience God's Company through our powerful stages. This is the greatest charity which we can do for Man (our brothers). Yet, at the same time, we are also helping ourselves.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 2:47 am    Post subject: Soul Mates


Great post Smile
Frank yours is very fascinating!
The soul mate relationship between soul and Supreme Soul is one of the great wonders of World History.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 8:54 am    Post subject:

Dear Bkry

Great post and great experience Smile ...But how did you go to your past? Question


Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:33 am    Post subject:

satish wrote:
Dear Bkry

Great post and great experience Smile ...But how did you go to your past? Question


I did not go to the past, the past emerged within me. Things like that used to happen for a few years after I came to gyan, but now, I have gained more control over myself and so things like that do not happen.

For example, once when I was meditating during amrit vela in the center (on 1-10-99) I was battling very hard with past sanskaras while trying to keep remembering God. Then, sanskaras of a past birth took over and I started calling out to God instead of remembering Him and so I started calling out to God, "Amun-Ru..........Ru.......Ru....". Then, I gained control over myself and I noticed that the BK on the gaddi was intently looking at me and at what I was doing and so I had subtly said, "Eh.. Not Ru but Shiv Baba".
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger
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