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Relationship with God

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Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 6:10 am    Post subject: Relationship with God

Actually, even non-BKs claim that they have a relationship with God. And God has also refered to the relationship which Meera had with God through visions (on the path of bhakti). Both BKs and non-BKs can have a relationship with God but there is a difference. God has told us that He helps his children on earth from the beginning of the Copper Age onwards and many human souls have tried to use many diiferent ways to reach out to him. One very frequently used way is to deprive the self of something or another, i.e. put the self in hardship and when the soul is not able to tolerate it anymore, the soul calls out to God because of the hardship it faces. There is also the method of building faith in oneself, then, this faith enables one to comminucate one's wishes to God. However, no-one goes back to the Soul World until the end. One has to get purified before going back and so one faces judgment before going back so as to get purified. However, God had to come into the corporeal world so as to get the pure heavenly world created, i.e the beginning of the next cycle. So BKs are given a direct link so that they can get purified. Since we are already getting purified, it is as if we are already on the way back to the Soul World but, in truth, we are still here in the corporeal world. Because we have been given the link to God, for the purification process, we are able to see God. But then, God is a point of light and a soul can't see a point of light but we can experience God's presence (even though we don't see Him). Thus, I have felt God's might even though I had not seen Him at that time. But I knew that He was there in my company. One might wonder as to how a person can have a relationship with Someone who one cannot see but can only feel. Sometimes, God gives us visions too and enable us to see Him so as to help us to develope a relationship with Him. But one does not need visions of God to have a relationship with Him. When one is in a powerful stage, one can feel one's love for God. At that time, there is no need to tell God that we love Him. The fact that we are filled with love for God itself is a communication that we love Him. We are not talking and yet we are. At other times, we can actually receive a message from Him just as we can send a message to Him.
God's angel.
BK Pari
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