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Poll : Holding onto the Four Faiths

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What is your weakest Faith ?
1. Self
 11%  [ 1 ]
2. God
 0%  [ 0 ]
3. Family
 66%  [ 6 ]
4. Drama
 22%  [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 9

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Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 84

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 3:36 am    Post subject: Poll : Holding onto the Four Faiths

There are the 4 faiths -
1. Faith in Self
2. Faith in God
3. Faith in the (BK) Family
4. Faith in the Drama.

There needs to be an almost exact balance of each whilst you go along the BK spiritual path. Aim is 100% in each Faith. If you are 100% in all, I don't think you will be in this XBKchat forum.
I have not worked out what has been the "weakest" Faith amongst XBKs (or even amongst Bks, PBks). It's a personal thing.

Poll : Which is your weakest Faith (applies to BK, XBK, PBK) ? 1, 2 ,3 or 4 ?

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:48 pm    Post subject: Re: Poll : Holding onto the Four Faiths

bansy wrote:

2. Faith in God

Do you mean faith that so-called Shiva Baba is God?

Or faith in God?


Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 84

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:37 pm    Post subject:

bansy wrote:

2. Faith in God

Do you mean faith that so-called Shiva Baba is God?

Or faith in God?

Faith in God means Faith in Baba and recognising and accepting all His roles and the parts He plays, His jewels of knowledge (gyan), your relationships (Father, SatGuru, Businessman, Boatman, etc) , and your experience with Him.
It is not just a matter of saying "God exists so I believe Him", sometimes this Faith is something that grows slowly for different souls.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:53 am    Post subject: Re: Poll : Holding onto the Four Faiths

bansy wrote:
There are the 4 faiths -
1. Faith in Self
2. Faith in God
3. Faith in the (BK) Family
4. Faith in the Drama.

Yes all four are important and I would like to discuss all four further. However, let me first say that faith in the BK family means knowing that they will be ready by the end.
God's angel.
BK Pari
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:33 am    Post subject: Re: Poll : Holding onto the Four Faiths

bkry wrote:
faith in the BK family means knowing that they will be ready by the end.

surely that is faith in the drama? Confused For sure it will beat all of us into shape one way or another...

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:23 am    Post subject:

All the 4 faiths are interconnected (in BK life).
Faith in the Drama is an extension of Faith in Baba and faith in gyan. Drama will help settle karmic accounts that cannot be done through one's own efforts. Faith in the Drama means to appreciate the beauty of each scene of drama now, and being an observer. Thus Self, Baba and Family are all included.

Faith in Family....if you have Faith in Self, and Faith in Baba, then not only are you able to satisfy and be content with yourself, but also able to satisfy others. This Faith comes to the highest point where nothing others can do will dissatisfy me or bring me down. The Family extends beyond only BKs.
The faith somone has in others is the result of that one's own vision on others. But if you fix your vision on the positivity and purity of others (even if there are defects), then YOU are able to help them emerge those qualities.

I think the weakest Faith can fluctuate over the spiritual journey for each soul. I am told that in all totality, Faith in the Self is the weakest for most BKs, hence it is the first one in the list. It does not mean that one doesn't trust oneself, but rather most BKs...even very senior ones...have to come to terms that when they are introvert, often asks questions such as "am I ready" "can I ever remove that sanskar" "Am I really making any progress" "what does it mean to be an angel" "am I really an deity".
As the old adage goes, it is always easier to blame everything and everyone else first, except yourself.

faith in the BK family means knowing that they will be ready by the end.

"Being ready at the end" is Faith in the Self; in murlis, Baba always ask His children "are you ready ?". This is not something asked from one BK to another.

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Posts: 84

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:14 am    Post subject:

I think all the faiths are hard, but the one that occured to me recently was drama....and then that has an impact on the family.

I'm sure everyone who, at the start of their BK journey, were (and still are) looking. So at the beginning, everyone was nice (usually), the food was great, the BKs were smiling and nice, God was there, I found out I am a soul.

If it wasn't for this 5000 years, and "destruction is around the corner" facet, then maybe there isn't such a mad rush for BKs to be NUMBER ONE, and hence some BKs telling other BKs what to do so they become kings and the others to be their subjects etc, and hence not being so nice than they really are.
Setting deadlines, such as the end of the world, doesn't work well as not everyone works well under pressure, though some enjoy it.

But again, I think faith will vary over time as your own conditions change.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:57 am    Post subject:

bansy wrote:
Setting deadlines, such as the end of the world, doesn't work well as not everyone works well under pressure, though some enjoy it.

how many deadlines have they set now for this, and not one met yet!.... to me faith in the drama doesn't mean faith that destruction is coming and that there is a cycle of 5000 years, but means believing that everything that happens is accurate - that it IS a drama, a game really, played by us souls for experience and entertainent, and whatever happens to you is a result of your own previous actions, or is a test to see what you have learnt, an opportunity to 'do the right thing' or alternatively create more bad karma by repeating old mistakes.. Also, as actors in a pre-scripted drama, the "number one" thing is simply not relevant, at least not to all of us, only to those who have been given that role....

i agree that the "end of the world is nigh" mantra and the competitive "numberwise" emperors, kings, court, subjects, and bhagats stuff does not result in people behaving well, and simply doesn't work on any level for many of us. I think it is an indian culture thing like many of the BK problem areas..

i see the poll is not showing any signs of lack of faith in the self - probably the first thing someone with faith in their self will do is to leave the BK fold.... (and complain about the dodgy behaviour of the family and how difficult it is to have any faith in them Wink)...

its a funny old drama...

Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 84

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:34 pm    Post subject:

I'm going to rekick and probe this (partly since I started the thread Wink ) because what it seems obvious from the small poll sample (and other posts) is most forum members do/did not have faith in the family, and so now grappling with what they set out originally to have in the first place preBK.....peace, love, family, ...a link to God.

Wasn't it the meditation to God that made you go and stay with the BKs ? Can you now really get that same "lightness" as those early days ? Where have you ended up now ?

Do you mean faith that so-called Shiva Baba is God?

Or faith in God?
ex-L is right to raise this since what or whose "God" are we referring to ? Well, first detach what the BKs say but do all the qualities of ShivBaba as you've learnt (virtues, powers, roles etc) give a complete description of God that you have been unable to find elsewhere? So would that be your Faith in God.

Your "faith(s)" may be damaged now but who has actually damaged it ? Who now owns your "faith", if you have any left (think of suicides) or has all faith gone ? Or have you found new "faith". Wasn't it there in the first place ?

Yes all four are important and I would like to discuss all four further.
bkry, will be interested in what you give as a BK

Joined: 18 Feb 2006
Posts: 47

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:14 am    Post subject: my vote

I cast my vote definetely for the drama as being the thing I have least belief in.
Friendly Regards,
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