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Minding The Alchemist's Crucible

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Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 2:08 am    Post subject: Minding The Alchemist's Crucible

The Alchemist's crucible is the soul. It is immortal, imperishible and plays roles in physical costumes. The soul contains two very important tools or faculties. The faculties are the mind and the intellect. The soul is also magical. Each day, like the alchemists, of the ancient and middle age eras, the energy of the soul is used in the transformation of negative experiences into positive experiences. The soul acting in the body can use a variety of innate powers for constructive and destructive ends.
Minding the alchemist crucible is an essential life long pursuit for those on the spiritual journey.
Through the mind the soul experiences the physical and metaphysical worlds with the aid of the six senses. Through the mind the soul is able to connect with God and other souls. The mind, therefore, is an essentail tool for managing the soul. On the spiritual journey, karmic accounts are settled, sanskars of good and bad karmas are created, negative sanskars are transformed into positive sanskars. Lots of Super-Physical powers are obtained.
How does the alchemist, the soul playing roles in this current incarnation use the powers gained from tapasya? It is very easy to allow the ego to take over and for the alchemist to become self important. At the time a soul experiences the surge of metaphysical powers, that is the time when the soul needs to infuse itself with a heavy dose of humility. I have found that the virtues are similar to insulators or modulators or moderators in the alchemist's crucible. The virtues prevent the energy of the crucible from boiling over or prevents the "pressure cooker effect". I would agree with a great metaphyician who cautioned that spiritual powers should be regarded as a type of currency, which can be shared with others. Others can also be trained in the art of managing spiritual powers to help themselves and help others.
In the minding of the alchemist's crucible, harmonizing or balancing becomes a critical limiting factor as the soul plays its role. How does a person balance their professional life with their spiritual life? Can a romantic life hinder a spiritual life? For the second question, I would answer no and yes. Yes, a romantic relationship can hinder a spiritual quest. It depends on the karmic destiny of the couple and their individual karmas. It also depends on the spiritual strengths and wisdom of the two souls. If one or both partners have spiritual maturity and a unique karmic destiny, a healthy romantic or love relationship can enhance and not hinder the spiritual journey. Brahmacharya is essentail at a certain stage of the spiritual journey. However, for some souls, it does not need to be inculcated through out life. Jesus, for example, had lots of metaphysical energies awakened in him. He was also the medium for the Christ soul. He was still able to maintain a lovefull relationship with Mary Magdalene and the couple had sons and daughters. St. Augustine was married and had a family. Many of the followers of Jesus, who played significant roles were not single, including Simon the Magi.
There is a point in the journey, in which we as alchemists, need to look with our minds eyes and harmonize the dark side of our soul with the positive side and bring both to the center. There is a tendency to escape from or bottle up the so called dark side of our psyche. Instead it is better to accept that side of us as part of us and use positive energy to transform our dark side to good or greater good. We should understand that dark side and never hate ourselves for who we are. It is best to like that negative side also do good deeds.
In minding the alchemist's crucible, the alchemist has to master the art of harminizing energies from a variety of sources, including the energies from its soul and Supreme Soul.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:00 am    Post subject:

Dear Errol bhai,
Omshanti. Do you wish to advice the BKs that they can marry and have children while following the path of knowledge or while remembering Shivbaba?
But the Murlis show that although Baba has allowed marriages between BKs in certain circumstances (called Gandharva marriage) reproduction through physical sex has nowhere been prescribed. For those who wish to follow the path that you are prescribing it has been said in one of the Avyatkta Vanis that one should either die completely (from the old world) or remain alive in that old vicious world. Remaining half dead is not good. So, Baba says that the path of knowledge is only for those brave souls who can control their physical desires.
With regards,
On Godly service,

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 12:37 pm    Post subject: Minding The Alchemist's Crucible


Thank you for your response.

I dislike the term half dead or half living!
Who is half dead? Is it the great yogi who cannot interact in a loving way, physical and metapysical, with other human beings?
Is it the great yogi who can balance their love energies, relate in a healthy way with the opposite sex and at the same time advance her/himself spiritually and be a great teacher for others?
There are great yogis and yoginis who are in the third classification.
Every part of the anatomical systems of these individuals are active and healthy.
Their life style may be in consistent with the Murlis. However, these individuals are able to live life to the fullest and can be great teachers to those who hide from their dark sides, have great spiritual titles and live in ashrams. An interesting scientific study could be an investigation comparing the incidence rates of breast and prostate cancer in populations practicing Brahmacharya and those not practicing Brahmacharya.
[b]Has Brahmacharya been made for humankind or humankind made for Brahmacharya? [/b]Smile

The souls of Treta and Dwapar Yug should not be hated by those who will be in Sat Yug.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:50 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti bhai Hanuman!

I agree half dead is maybe not the best words.

The key is balance in lokik and alokik world.

This is a very unique thing.

Take Care,

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:11 pm    Post subject:

Dear Hanuman bhai and Papaya bhai,

Omshanti. Hanuman bhai wrote, "I dislike the term half dead or half living!" and Papaya bhai wrote, " I agree half dead is maybe not the best words."

I agree with you that for us Brahmin children using the term 'half dead' to address anyone is not good, but the words which I quoted was from an Avyakta Vani dated 3.4.82 spoken through BK Gulzar Dadi. For the kind information of members I would like to quote a few lines from that Avyakta Vani although Bapdada has spoken in detail about this topic in that AV.

" When you leave the consciousness of the body of old world, then what do you become? Double light......Neither you leave completely, nor receive completely, then you become half dead (adhmarey), that is why you take a deep breath repeatedly. There is pleasure in dying-but if you die completely.....So Bapdada says for the benefit of children only that leave the old. Do not become half dead (adhmarey). If you want to die, then die completely, otherwise you may continue to live."

Although we children cannot use such words to describe each other. but the Supreme Father, who is father of the entire mankind definitely is entitled to use such words, especially when so many years of his teachings have been of no avail to many children. When the loukik mother and father can scold children whenever and in whichever way they wish, then does the Supreme Father not have right even to use words of caution to reform his beloved children? At least I would not mind even if he scolds me. It would only be for my benefit, because he is knowledgeful about the past, present and future of us children.
With regards,
ON Godly service,

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:00 pm    Post subject: Minding The Alchemist's Crucible


I have all respect for the Supreme Sat Guru. There is, however, the problem of the humanistic dharna of gyan. The murli may call a yogi or yogini as half dead. The yogi or yogini should not take on the burden of being half dead, thought they are at the end of the finger pointing. It is much better to be positive and transform self based on ideals set by self.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger
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