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Mahatma Gandhi's family or God's Family

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Joined: 17 Apr 2004
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Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 2:18 am    Post subject: Mahatma Gandhi's family or God's Family

BKs and PBKs are not the children of Mahatma Gandhi. They are the children of God. However, if one scrutinises the ways of the BKs and the PBKs, one could wonder if BKs and PBKs were the children of Mahatma Gandhi. More on this later.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:17 am    Post subject:

Actually, I do not want to get into another "Who is Prajapita Brahma" arguement. You can take whoever you wish as Prajapita Brahma. However, you should be able to accept the roles of others. At the beginning of my spiritual birth, there had been times when I had gone beyond and experienced that if Brahma Baba is the Rama of the epic Ramayana, then I am his helper / brother Lakshmana. There is a bond between Brahma Baba and me, which you might not understand.
Anyway, the spiritual truth is that from the beginning of the Golden Age until the end of the Silver Age, the deity souls will see the soul of Krishna as their leader. They will not turn to God but they will turn to the soul of Krishna as their leader. The soul-conscious state of the deity souls will enable them to know as to which corporeal body the soul of Krishna is in. Then, at the beginning of the Copper Age, the soul of Krishna turns everyone towards God and thus turns everyone away from himself towards God. Only a great soul can do such a thing. This begins the night of Brahma.

Anyway, you have not understood what I had meant when I had said that the BKs and PBKs are behaving like the children of Mahatma Gandhi. What was Mahatma Gandhi preaching? Among other things, he was preaching “non-violence” and that “India belongs to the Indians”. Well, God also teaches us non-violence but He tells us that we have a duty to take care of the corporeal body. God has told us that if we leave the corporeal body, we might not get an opportunity to make sufficient efforts to become powerful in our next birth. So, can BKs and PBKs just allow anyone to hit them until they incur brain damage or any other bodily damage or until they leave the corporeal body? Further, does India really belong to the Indians? It has to be remembered that Mahatma Gandhi and his followers were involved in a revolution or fight for independence. This is not what BKs and the PBKs are involved with.

It would be nice to hear what others have to say on this before I say more.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:54 pm    Post subject:


What so ever it is Mahatma Gandhi was liked by entire world because of his nonviolent revolution. However if Bkry, when you say BK and PBK are behaving as children of Mahthma Gandhi...if I am not wrong are you referring it to India and Pakistan?..
Well I think there are lot of things we can assume looking our Indian history but I guess the main thing is to what ever religion one belongs to,ie; buddhism, christianity, hinduism, jews,muslim, sikh etc.. at end of the day how clean one would be in heart.
When Shivababa, wants us to become pure and more spiritual, but if we have division in our minds on names or bodily tags(religion, caste, country etc) then I say that we are still can be considered as having anger within us due to body consciousness.
For Brahmins, especially in this time, one have to behave away from this world and look around for spiritual community.
with love

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:50 am    Post subject:

Dear Bkry,


Above post was not for you. Dont mistake me. It was my opinion on the unique role of spirituality uniting different communities. I suddenly jumped into my opinion without completing your answer.

However what actually you think on Mahathma Gandhi relating to BKs and PBKs?
with love

Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 7:58 am    Post subject:

Hi, I was a little busy lately but I was often thinking of this XBK forum and its members.

Actually, I had wanted to say a lot of related things when I started this thread. However, as I was thinking about it, recently, I had thought that it might be better if I did not say much.

Anyway, my lokik father, who was born in 1908 and who had passed away in 1968, hero-worshipped Mahatma Gandhi. And since I had loved my lokik father a lot, I (automatically) had great views about Gandhi. Later, when I started contemplating on how he had achieved all that he had, I had thought that Gandhi was one of the greatest man on earth (if he was not the greatest).

But now, I am a child of God's and so no one can be greater than God Himself. Through experiences I have valued God's Company more than Man's. I can understand Man for his weaknesses and I can adopt and adjust to their ways. However, no human soul can be more merciful and wonderful than God. Man always, or often, keep their own interests at heart but God does not and I have experienced this to a great extent. Whatever God does, He does it for our benefit and not for His benefit. God does not have feelings that if we do not entertain Him and put Him in front, then, He would not entertain us but Man can have these feelings. God loves us despite our faults and weaknesses but Man's love can (now) disappear when they see our weakness. This is not really true love but this is what the world can be like now.

Gandhi is not God and he also had his weaknesses though he had helped Indians to a great extent and in a great way.

As souls, we would not identify ourselves with the race etc, into which we are born. This is something which has to be understood through experiences.

When I started this thread, I had also wanted to say that people need room to breath in. We do not have any right to tell someone that he/she has to remain within his household. God tells us that where this spiritual path is concerned, we do not have to move away from our corporeal family like how sanyasis do. This is the path of the householders because it involves a righteous life-style. We are moving onto the righteous path. But this does not mean that anyone has any right to dictate terms as to how a person should be living his life. I have seen many BKs advising brothers and sisters to continue with their marriage even though the marriage was in a bad state. BKs and PBKs do not have any right to give anyone this advise.

Before gyan, once, when I was living with friends, a lady who had been badly wounded had come for assistance but my friends (a family) had not offered her any help. They had just listened to her sympathetically and had not moved forward to help her. When she left, I had wanted to go after her so as to help her but my friends stopped me. They told me that the lady’s choice was to remain with her husband despite the fact that he was badly injuring her. They told me that even the parents of the lady did not come to her assistance because there was nothing that they could do. The man was a violent man and so they did not want me to get involved. Hindu women often value their marital status more than their life. Later, when I got involved with a movement which was helping battered women, I got similar information. Women were not taking actions against their husbands, nor leaving them despite the fact that it is more advisable to leave for their own safety and for the sake of the children. When, these women get admitted into the hospital because they have been badly beaten up or burned by their husbands, they are referred the movement (which I was involved in), the police and to others who try to help these battered women. These women, often, are not co-operative because they value their marital status more than their lives. This is really very stupid.

In a perfect marriage, a husband and wife do not leave each other. They only love and care for each other. However, this is a tamopradhan world, now, and so it is filled with people who are capable of doing all sorts of things when they are in a very bad, tamopradhan state. This being so, it is not advisable for BKs and PBKs to act like the great marriage counsellors and attempt to keep married people together. This is not the work of the Confluence Aged children of God. We have to learn how to watch everything as a detached observer. Sometimes, BKs and PBKs do not know as to when their should watch as a detached observer and as to when they should give a helping hand. Often, BKs and PBKs give advise as help. Giving advise may not be "help". It may be interferance. BKs and PBKs should teach people on how they can get assistance from God instead of interfering to give advise on how they should live their lives.

When I first came to gyan in 1994, I had told a BK that I had wanted to become a sanyasi and that one day, I would become that. He told me that the BK spiritual knowledge is better because it allowed us to stay in our household while we become yogis. Immediately, I began thinking about what he had said and I had thought that this was a better idea than to become a sanyasi. The fact that this is a household path has to be understood. However, it also has to be understood that this does not mean that we can take the opportunity to become the “great advisers”. Most of the time, those who give advise are in a body-conscious state. If they were in a soul conscious state, they would be practising silence instead of giving advise. Through practising gyan, we become righteous but we will understand that this old world is in its tamopradhan state. I am not advising people to break up marriages. If BKs and PBKs were in a high stage, they would be showering so much of love onto those around them that their corporeal family members would feel more loved and become happy. Thus, the married couple would be having a more loving and caring relationship than before. But some people have psychiatric tendencies. They can be so loving and then they will face a period where their stress builds up and then they lose control and they can kill and badly injure others during this time. These people can be helped through gyan but it is better to be careful when one is with these kind of people. This is one of the reasons why I say that we should not try to act as "advisers". Another reason is that we should not place restrictions on the lives of others. It is wrong to place restrictions on the lives of others but a lot of BKs are doing this in the name of the "spiritual path" or "the system".

Actually, if a new comer wants to easily go within (to become introverted), he will have to place a lot of restrictions on his thoughts and ways. He will have to keep his mind to just God and gyan, and on nothing else. And everything around him should also only remind him of just God and gyan, and nothing else. He should do this while practising silence. With time, after a soul has learnt the art of easily going within and after he has gained a lot of spiritual energy through effort making over a long period of time, he will find that he is able to easily become introverted and stay introverted even while contemplating on something that is not related to gyan. Thus, it is good to teach people to become introverted through teaching them to restrict their thoughts and ways. However, a lot of time, BKs overdo this by expecting people to continuously place restrictions on their ways. Their “expectations” can cause irritation to others. God Himself has said that it is not possible to stay in remembrance for 24 hours now, yet BKs expect this from others but they themselves might not be practicing it. We should not place restrictions on others, unnecessarily. People need room to breath in. After I came to gyan, when I was going to the center daily, there was a time when I and the other BKs around me were intensely practicing silence and a restrictive life-style. I had to do it because if I was not linked to God, I would be experiencing the hurt etc that were coming into an emerged state when I was body-conscious. Since I had no other way out, I was fiercely restricting my thoughts and movements to remain in a good stage while in silence. Others began to break because of body-consciousness and they would get fed-up with that kind of life-style. This can happen when a lot expectations are placed on effort-makers. They begin to lose their freedom because of these expectations. But I was not breaking and everyone was questioning as to why others can’t do it when I can do it. Well, I had no choice and I was not living in a center. When I was at home, I would be constantly reading murlis and churning on murli points and it was as if I was making effort during all the time when I was awake and I would have a lovely sleep because I was making so much of effort almost all the time, but I was not faced with the test papers that those living in the center were faced with. But even then, a time came when I suddenly felt that I needed a break but I did not allow myself a break. Then, in the subtle region, I began to just break free by running around all over the place. Since my stage was weak, I was in the form of a baby lion cub. Our stage can sometimes be represented in various way when we are in the subtle region. God was not watching me at that time when I started running around in the subtle region. He was busy watching elsewhere and was giving instructions there. After wildly running around, in the subtle region, I felt like doing something more. So I had started grabing visions of the future and had started throwing them all over the place in the subtle region. The subtle region was looking so lovely with a lot of visions all over the place. Then, as God started looking around again, His vision fell on what I was doing in the subtle region. The Supreme Point of Light came closer and closer as God came closer to observe what I was doing in the subtle region. I could feel fear in some of the BKs around me as they could experience God’s might to a greater and greater extent as God came closer. Those whose stage is not high can experience fear when they experience God’s might. However, I had no fear and I had just kept running around and had kept pulling and throwing visions of the future into the subtle region. Actually, I should not be running around like that in the subtle region and my job is not that of a fortune teller but because of a weak stage, my body-conscious feelings of wanting to break free had made me continue running around the subtle region doing that which I was doing. After having watched me for awhile, God took the form of a Father Lion and He started running around after me, in the subtle region. This had made me start sitting down and God would come and sit beside me. But I would start running off again and again because of a weak stage stage and body-consciousness. Sometimes, when my stage was so weak, I would not be able to walk and God would help me up with His paw and after getting up, I would again continue running around. There was so much of concern of the face of the Father Lion when He was watching me. How fortunate we all are! There are so many people in the world who have such desires of wanting to experience God’s presence and yet God is helping us and giving us His Company just because we are making effort to remain in His Company. We are really so very fortunate. Usually, when I see the Supreme Point of Light in the subtle region, it is a reminder to me that I should attain and maintain a high stage but at that particular point of time I just couldn’t attain a high stage because of my feelings of wanting to break free. I did not want to break free from God. I think, I wanted to break free from the restrictive system which I had adopted. Anyway, soon after that I started going off for temple service and this brought newness into my life while I continued to make effort and so I became fine again. What I am trying to say is that we should allow people their freedom to do whatever they want to do and to make their own decisions etc. We should not try to place restrictions on them but they can place restrictions on their own thoughts and ways (if they want to do that).
We should help people to link themselves to God and to get instructions direct from Him. Even in the murlis, God has told us that we should keep our line of communication with God (our link) clear. But very often, BKs are not allowed to get instructions from God through their own link. They are rudely told that only the specified instruments are allowed to take instructions from God and that all others should rely on these instructions. This is really stupid. Often, instructions given through an instrument are based on the sanskaras of the messenger and the other main instruments (the Dadis) etc. The instructions will not be based on the sanskaras of the person for whom the instructions are taken. It is like this because it is the system and God flows along with those who flow along with the system. Thus, if one has asked for instructions through a messenger, it would mean that the person who has requested for those instructions is flowing along and accepting the system.

However, those who will be within the gathering of Shanker and who will be helping God in the outside world, after Heaven gets re-created, will have to learn how to get their own instructions from God direct from Him. All effort makers have a right to develop their ability to get instructions from God directly. With time, one will be able to distinguish as to when our own Maya has given the instruction and as to when the instruction is from God Himself. Normally, God just allows us to do whatever we want. There is no necessity to get instructions for each and every act of ours. We can do whatever we want so long as we continue making effort. But if God wants to use us, He will give us instructions and if our line is clear, we will be able to receive and recognize those instruction. As we become more powerful and become more stable in the soul-conscious state, we will be able to receive and recognize God’s instructions to a greater and greater extent. So, if we want to become instruments, we will have to become powerful.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger
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