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How many murlis?
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Joined: 26 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 8:37 am    Post subject: How many murlis?

Does anybody here have any idea of how many original murlis there are
spoken/written through Brahma Baba up to 1969.

Does anybody apart from the BKs have the whole collection?

Wouldn't you need to read them all to get a full picture of gyan?


Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:48 am    Post subject: How many murlis?


If you look in some of the prior posts you will find a vast amount of information on the topic. Go through some of the past post and you will find some treasures there. Then tie your question in and keep the thought going......



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PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:26 pm    Post subject:

I thought there was 5 years worth remaining (many of the original Sakars were destroyed - they were taped I believe).SO this would make roughly 365X3 = over a thousand. Of course once a week an Avyat murli was spoken (a Thursday). I am sure somebody will know the exact number!

Om Shanti

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 10:29 am    Post subject:

celticgyan wrote:
many of the original Sakars were destroyed - they were taped I believe

Does anyone know how / why they were destroyed? Shocked

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:05 am    Post subject:

I am also very interested in this, which is also why I am searching
for a History book, ideally an old book.
I'd like to know how BKs were taught from 1937-1951, what they were taught and by whom. It's a long period!


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:08 am    Post subject:

Hi Celticgyan thanks for your reply.
Though do you mean 5 years, which equals 365 times 5 =1825

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:37 pm    Post subject:

I'd like to know how BKs were taught from 1937-1951

Why is 1951 significant?

with love

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 3:11 pm    Post subject:

Why is 1951 significant?

Ok this is my limited understanding of history, anyone with more accurate knowledge feel free to correct

Initially the gathering was called 'Om Mandali', mandali I believe means 'circle'. This was the 14 year 'Bhatti' period in Karachi, with no contact from outside and no classes to outsiders.
Then around 1951 the move to Mt Abu was made and shortly after centres in India opened to spread gyan. This started an 18 year period of murlis from Mt Abu up to 1969. What or how murlis were before this I don't know.

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Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:08 am    Post subject:

The only place that I can think of looking to find this out is in the book called Adi Dev. I no longer have a copy of it but I do seem to remember that there was quite a chunk of the book that described what went on in the Om Mandali days. Maybe someone could check their copy?

with love

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 1:36 pm    Post subject: The Big Transition

One thing I do know or remember is that the whole " form " of B.K.-dom was much more flexible and inspired.

That is the say, the set formula ; 4 am meditation, 6.30 am class, 7pm meditiation did not exist. I think it is actually quite a late invention and it would be worth documenting when.

Also, as said both, the seniors said that they really could not tell when or even if the so-called Shiva soul was present or was not, they were just hanging on the so-called Brahma's every word.

It might be worthwhile to examine the transition between the fluid flexible love commune it was before to the monastic bootcamp regime it became; the whos and whys that made it so. I dont know the answers.

Likewise, it might be worth researching what proportion of folks actually follow the monastic regime. It is funny to look back but when I started and read the literature, I thought everyone did. Luckily, I was young and fit and quite possible for me to do so. It was a big suprise and brought up a lot of confusion when I visited the big centre and saw the reality. I also understand that in India it is more flexibly applied as well without all the Christian angst we had.

I think that you will find that most of the early days are utterly undocumented regarding which I would also raise the question " why? ".

I mean, if you are in a handful of souls that has been chosen by " The God Father Supreme Soul " [tm], if you are told you are so special and going to become Golden Aged deities to be worshipped for 2,500 years;are you not going to have a little compassion for the rest of the world and think about them?
    Are you not going to document it? Write it all down so others can benefit?

    Does that not suggest a little bit of a self-centred or inward looking community leadership that continued on to recent days when they hogged the stage with their Bapdada using up his time in this dimension childishly whilst newcomers just got to watch?

Now, I remember the so-called Mother of the Yugya or Saraswati being said to have a vaste collection of notebooks, and what of Dada Lehkraj? He was businesslike and to some dgree educated. Did he not keep journals or diaries? I remember pictures of him writing figuring strongly.
    Are these published, translated or open to public inspection? Those might show him examining his own thoughts, questioning himself about what was going on. May be they have even been destroyed?

Looking back, I am amazed at how naive and trusting we as B.K.s were and are handing over our lives. And again and again, do we not see a dumbing down, a child-like simplicity and dependency encouraged? I mean, if this really was the medium of God, would you not want to explore and examine those writings?

Truth is, I don't know how important the whole B.K.thing truly is for the rest of the world. May be it is not important at all. But those would make interesting study rather than all the low-level repetitive propaganda the institution publishes.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 6:37 pm    Post subject:

Well I've just ordered both Adi Dev by Jagdish and the history book by Liz Hodgkinson. It's the third time I've bought Adi Dev and this one is the third Edition, so my other(misplaced) copies must be original and 2nd Edition.
Looking forward to reading them with a new perspective

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 5:16 pm    Post subject:

Does that not suggest a little bit of a self-centred or inward looking community leadership that continued on to recent days when they hogged the stage with their Bapdada using up his time in this dimension childishly whilst newcomers just got to watch?

Newcomers were always put first in front of Bapdada - certainly in the formative years. In recent times I believe there is an overspill there are so many Souls! They were also given a name by Bapdada - different from their lokik name.

Om Shanti

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Location: New Zealand

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 5:18 pm    Post subject:

Has anybody seen that 'Scientific' book written by one of the brothers.
It goes into great detail about the cycle and attempts to prove modern Science wrong. Its complete codswallop but worth a read (its a big book!).

Also has anybody read 'Moral values attitdes and moods'!

Om Shanti

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:49 pm    Post subject:

celticgyan wrote:
Has anybody seen that 'Scientific' book written by one of the brothers.
It goes into great detail about the cycle and attempts to prove modern Science wrong. Its complete codswallop but worth a read (its a big book!).

Is this the famed book Julian Boles was always working on whilst he went off from gyan and had an affair with that woman that then committed suicide or some Indian one? Did Julian ever get his book out?

I thought he was going to focus on all the anomalies that science choses to ignore as it props ups its theories. He was intelligent enough, I would have thought his would have come out quite well.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:25 pm    Post subject:

It was the Indian book I meant of course - I had no idea about this other guy.

Om Shanti
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