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Forum for Natural Justice (HUMAN RIGHTS) (FNJ)

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Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:59 am    Post subject: Forum for Natural Justice (HUMAN RIGHTS) (FNJ)

Advocate Diwanji and myself are posting this here together.

We have formed this forum at Abu Road to see that justice is implemented. So BKs and others who have complaints that the Brahma Kumaris have treated them badly, can contact us through this forum or you can contact Advocate Diwanji through his mobile number: 09829380039

Another member of this Forum (FNJ), called Chandru, is trying to get an office set up beside Shantivan in Abu Road so that it can be our registered address from which we operate. As we progress, I will give news here. I have suggested that we use this XBK Forum as our forum for FNJ work also. Advocate Diwanji is keen on taking up the complaints put in this XBK forum as matters of the FNJ and he wants the complainants to contact him through his mobile so that actions can be taken immediately.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 6:20 am    Post subject: The stonewall of white saris

bkry wrote:
Advocate Diwanji and myself are posting this here together.

[ ... snip ... ]

Advocate Diwanji is keen on taking up the complaints put in this XBK forum as matters of the FNJ and he wants the complainants to contact him through his mobile so that actions can be taken immediately.

I believe that you are highly well reasoned and reasonable bkry and you background in law in administration [ am I correct to state that? ] will be very useful in this work.

Personally, I am more capable and more happy at handling my own matters in my own manner but, I think that what you are instigating is something very useful and very valid. And that it is even quite within the remit of B.K. " service ".

It is " serving " the institution to do the " service " it ought to be doing to human souls, specifically those human souls consider themselves injured by the actions of individuals acting under the guise of the institution, and hopefully you can enable some the changes and set about about changes to counter some of the institutional deficiencies that, say, Eromain's investigative work revealled.

I would suggest that starting with this case of child abuse and the institution's response to it would be a good test case. As the institution are seemingly aware of who did it ; are they still within the organisation? in what position? what checks, limitations or punishment was applied? How many other unreported cases were there?

Rather than get immediately bogged down in individual cases, and there is the danger there that your energy would be consumed by petty or malicious individuals, my suggestion would be that your first venture ought be to document and make public the legal structure of the organisation. What are its grievance policies and systems for handling complaints internally?

As much as the institution would like to believe that it is " God's " representative and that " God " will take care of the karma created by instruments acting in " His " name, it is also a growing international terrestrial organisation bound by temporal laws and human responsibilities.

Ultimately, human beings are responsible to human laws and human standards and - by their own faith and understanding - the B.K.s should be a shining example in this area and *NOT* hide away behind self written P.R. and the stonewall of white saris.

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:46 am    Post subject: DOING TRUE SERVICE


You are a dear soul, kind, insightful and with great poise. I admire your convictions for striving to fix some thing that has flaws and not look the other way. I was so touched by another ones story here that was not afforded kindness by the seniors.

I have always been impressed with your replied even knowing that I am an NBK. I am also impressed with the idea of doing “service” for people in need, rather than just bringing in new people, to bring in new people. Serving others is the true essence of GOD.

Do post an address for donations to the cause and best of luck to you and your dear friend Diwanji.



Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:13 am    Post subject:

After having come back to Malaysia, I had been so busy that I had not been able to go to an internet cafe so as to contribute here again. I will be leaving for India again on 25-4-2006 and I have to try my best to complete all my work here before I leave and so I will be busy again after this. I will see you all again when I am in New Delhi, after the 25th of April. Actually, I have informed Diwanji of the child abuse case and had suggested that we should do something about it. Diwanji is also eager to do something about it and he asked me to get the abused child and her relatives to contact him. I had told him that the child has now grown up and that I did not think that they have made a police report. Diwanji still asked me to get them to contact him and I had said that I will try to do that but that I needed time as I was not sure if the parties were willing to procede with the matter. I am a lawyer and so is Diwanji. We both have experience in legal practice. However, we both understand that we should try to settle the matter without putting the girl or her relatives into an embarrassing position unless the girl does not mind the matter being turned into a public matter. We can't act on hearsay evidence, evidemce given by others. We need the relevant parties to contact us. Even if Diwanji gets carried away with the desire to bring justice, I am there to make sure that everything is as per what the girl feels comfortable with. I hope the girl and her relatives will contact Diwanji.

Actually, since, I and Diwanji will be involved with all religions, I was thinking that it might be a good idea that the Forum for Natural Justice should not only deal with matters dealing with the Brahma Kumaris but that it should also deal with matters/injustice relating to all religions/sects. But I have not told Diwanji and the others about this yet and so I am not sure if he and the others will agree to this.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger
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