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Destruction didn't take place in 1976
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:59 am    Post subject: Destruction didn't take place in 1976

om shanti,

In one of the murlis given by God Shiva through corporeal medium of Dada Lekhraj (Brahma) in 1966, it was announced that destruction would take place after 10 years (i.e. in 1976), but as we all know destruction didn't take place. Now why didn't destruction take place and, if it did, then what sort of destruction took place?

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 5:21 am    Post subject: Destruction Did Not Take Place In 1976

It did remember that time well.
I was one year in gyan. The transformation was scheduled to happen around January 18, 1977. The Divinization Conference was held after the Christmas of 1976. It was a grand affair for BKSU and attracted lots of press in Bharat. I attended the Bombay Conference and spent a week there with the yogis from Guyana. We then visited Madhuban and spent a month there. Every one was, on January 18, 1977, biting their nails and awaiting an address by BD. BD descended and told every one that there were still many souls in many parts of the world to be served. Due to the unfinished business of world service, BD stated that the transformation could not take place as originally scheduled.
Many were shocked and left gyan.
BD advised all BKs that their efforts should not be based on destruction. He asked all BKs to focus on transformation and not destruction. Smile
The planning by the Yadavs for the current situation globally was done around this time. Gore Vidal in his reports in the Guardian describes the detailed plans by the US Government to take over the oil fields in Asia and the Middle East. Russia was politically seduced to a conflict with Afganisthan. The Afganisthan war contributed significantly to the collapse of the Russian Empire.
The Iran Revolutionary Guard feared that the US would have staged a coup similar to the one which resulted in the forceful removal of a democratically elected Prime Minister who did not want to dance to the tunes of GB, the USA and Europe. They decided to occupy the US embassy in Theran. It was the same building which was used by the CIA to stage a coup in the 1950's.

Around the time of the scheduled date of destruction, many important global events took place in the camps of the Yadavs and Kauravas. The events thirty years ago have currently placed the global village in a much more volatile situation approaching a flash point.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:14 pm    Post subject: Re: Destruction Did Not Take Place In 1976

hanuman wrote:
It did remember that time well.
I was one year in gyan. The transformation was scheduled to happen around January 18, 1977.... Every one was, on January 18, 1977, biting their nails and awaiting an address by BD. BD descended and told every one that there were still many souls in many parts of the world to be served. Due to the unfinished business of world service, BD stated that the transformation could not take place as originally scheduled.
Many were shocked and left gyan.

Dear Hanuman and all,

This was well before my time but of course I heard about it. Does anyone have any murli quotes for this? I just wonder about the detail of what was said. I mean if it was said that destruction will happen on this date, then it doesn't seem fair to say when the date comes that things are not ready. I mean it would have been better / more accurate to say that destruction will take place on this date if things are ready.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:20 am    Post subject:

arjuna wrote:

Dear Uddhava,
Omshanti. There are murlis and Avyakta Vanis in which the so-called destruction, which was supposed to take place in 1976 was hinted.

Dear Arjuna,

Om shanti. Thanks for your murli quotes. There are certainly many general references to destruction in the murli but as far as I know 1976 is the only date that has ever been given. Going back to pbk sumit who started this thread, he says

In one of the murlis given by God Shiva through corporeal medium of Dada Lekhraj (Brahma) in 1966, it was announced that destruction would take place after 10 years (i.e. in 1976)

So I am wondering was the date of 1976 given clearly or was there a misunderstanding by BK's? Was the date of 1976 given only once (in 1966) or was it repeated on numerous occasions in the following ten years?

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:33 pm    Post subject:

arjuna wrote:
Dear Uddhava,
Omshanti. We have proof about the declaration of 1976 in the form of the picture of Lakshmi Narayan, which was prepared on the basis of divine visions during the life time of Dada Lekhraj (alias Brahma). In that picture it is declared in written form that in the coming ten years corruption and vices will end from Bharat (India). This picture was prepared in the year 1966. So the BKs took this declaration to construe that the world will be destroyed by 1976.

Dear Arjuna,

Om shanti. Ok so Dada Lekhraj described a vision which somebody painted in 1966. Maybe it's a matter of translation / grammar, but I'm not sure what this means - in the coming ten years corruption and vices will end from Bharat. Anyway do you mean tha tthe BK's misinterpreted what was written in the picture? If the picture was prepared in 1966 doesn't this mean that Dada Lekhraj was still here to give a correct interpretation?

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 9:49 am    Post subject:

arjuna wrote:
Dear Uddhava,
Omshanti. The declaration of the end of vices and corruption from Bharat in the picture of Lakshmi Narayan was definitely misinterpreted both by Dada Lekhraj (Brahma Baba) and the Brahmins. That is the reason that the declaration was neither withdrawn nor revised till 1976. It is heard that the BKs even gave it in writing to the Government of India. When the so-called misinterpreted destruction did not take place in 1976 then many BKs left the organization.

Dear Arjuna,

OM shanti, can I just check something - do you mean that the date of 1976 / 77 was a misinterpretation and destruction was never truly scheduled for this time? This seems to be different to Hanuman who says above that destruction was scheduled for this time but was then postponed.

hanuman wrote:
Every one was, on January 18, 1977, biting their nails and awaiting an address by BD. BD descended and told every one that there were still many souls in many parts of the world to be served. Due to the unfinished business of world service, BD stated that the transformation could not take place as originally scheduled.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 3:18 am    Post subject: It was clarified

Well one cannot think that Baba's saying of destruction 1976/77 as different interpretation. This is because I have seen Avyakt Murili in 1976-77, which was delivered after destruction date, that BABA had to say this lies to increase the effort in Brahmins as their seems to be dullness in effort of Brahmins.
Also the subtle region which was said false and non existent earlier , was again clarified in Avyakt muril that Baba said it so because people trying to go trans rather than concentrating on effort and remembrance but actually their exists subtle region.
Hence the doubts on above discussion was clarified by baba itself in Avyakt murilis.
Well this Avyakt murilis I studied long ago from textbook of murili copies from particular year. (Probably murilis of 1977-81).

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 3:37 am    Post subject:

My view:
One thing that Brahmin would be fascinated about is how Golden age would be started? So their would be different imaginations and creativity in mind. So as the mind so the belief wether mind directing to reality or not. Why one need to recognise God as some other one, when he is not mentioning any such thing clearly in ongoing avyakt murilis. However one thing is sure that what God is focussing on is Purity and Remembrance, is to have on our connection with him like satellite, so that he uses us. The more people starts remembering the more the task of destruction takes place.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 5:07 am    Post subject:

Omshanthi bhai
Well according to u how did you recognise him?

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:52 am    Post subject:

hi Arjun
Until now the murili copies I referred haven't got any clue about saying that shivbaba comes in others body, as you said. Even further I would say that if you refer recent avyakt murilis you find it goes against your kowledge. Like one is remember point of light.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 7:17 am    Post subject: Re: It was clarified

satish wrote:

BABA had to say this lies to increase the effort in Brahmins as their seems to be dullness in effort of Brahmins.

Satish, I think it's hard to believe in a God who tells lies! Shocked

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 7:29 am    Post subject:

arjuna wrote:

As regards the so-called date of destruction, the declaration made through Dada Lekhraj (Brahma Baba) in 1966 was definitely misinterpreted by the BKs and BB himself,

Dear Arjuna,

Om shanti. You have mentioned the picture of Lakshmi Narayan that was painted in 1966 and based on the visions of Dada Lekhraj. I can see how in a picture there is room for misinterpretation. But going back to pbk sumit, author of this thread...

pbk sumit wrote:
om shanti,

In one of the murlis given by God Shiva through corporeal medium of Dada Lekhraj (Brahma) in 1966, it was announced that destruction would take place after 10 years (i.e. in 1976), but as we all know destruction didn't take place.

So was there, in addition to the picture, a sakar murli giving the date of 1976? If so it is hard to see how this could be misinterpreted.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 7:54 am    Post subject:

destruction would take place after 10 years

With the emphasis on the word 'after', could this not mean that the process of destruction will begin in 1976, rather than in 1976. Is this when the role of Shankar is to emerge?

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 8:15 am    Post subject:

wahl wrote:
destruction would take place after 10 years

With the emphasis on the word 'after', could this not mean that the process of destruction will begin in 1976

Well of course it depends on exactly what was said in the murli - pbk sumit is paraphrasing the murli of 1966 in English translation - I don't know whether the word 'after' was used at all - probably not - it's not very good English. Obviously saying that
a) destruction will take place in 1976 and
b) destruction will begin in 1976, taking unspecified decades or centuries to complete,
are two very different things. Surely God would make it clear which one of these he meant? Shocked

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:23 am    Post subject:

I don't know whether the word 'after' was used at all - probably not - it's not very good English

I have yet to see a PBK murli 'in the flesh' so all I have to go on a the moment is snippets of translations.....a bit like Chinese whispers.
It seems that we are analysing details of the murli (BK or PBK) in a very body conscious way here, so much so that we are forgetting the who the Author is and the knowledge that is being conveyed.
Reading the murli is not like reading a book. We have to read and 'feel' between the lines. I like to let the words 'fall on to my mind' and then feel what is being conveyed to me. God is expressing Himself and giving us knowledge that is beyond words.

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