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Banned by BKs
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Joined: 18 May 2005
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Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:06 am    Post subject: Re: Banned By The BKs

inspiring stuff Hanuman Smile
hanuman wrote:

Yes - many BKs would have us believe that God only loves pukka BKs.. whereas the true nature of God is totally benevolent - God's love is unconditional. Forget "numberwise", God loves every soul without preference - this is the nature of true love.


I STILL DO LOVE AND RESPECT BD and Raj Yog. I also love those BKs who tried to hurt me

spoken like a true spiritual being Cool

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:24 am    Post subject:

You know, during my spiritual life as a BK, I have got guidance from God to do something or another. I would just do it even though, sometimes, my opinion was that it was not a good idea, service plan etc. However, ultimately, all the service plans of God had ended as the best that one could think of and I would think that I was wrong in having thoughts that it was not a good idea. I would realise that I could never have created or done anything better than that which I was guided to do (by God). God's plans are always the best and if it does not look like anything good now, it will look the best, one day (in the future). I have this faith now.
Similarly, I have faith that one day the Brahma Kumaris and the PBK movement will turn into something very good. The PBK movement looks like a group which is practising gurudom with great emphasis being paid to their corporeal leader like how those on the path of bakti do. The senior members of the Brahma Kumaris give too much of emphasis to administration of the Brahma Kumaris. Both these groups may not look good now, but one day they would have slowed turned into something good. I have this faith.

You know, there is actually a third group of effort makers. This third group do not come under any name and their state does not look too good now either. Some wonder whether they can really do it on their own. Others are hurt and there is a need for them to get over that. Others have other problems as well. But it is obvious that they are just continuing to make effort even if they have been banned or they have stoped going to the center because of one reason or another. I can see members of this third group here in this website too. This third group will also turn into a great group one day and I have faith in this too.

You know, in the murlis, God has talked of 'world servers' who He will be using at the end. Off course, all those whose stage is good is a world server at that moment of time because God's vibrations will automatically be emitted through them, into the corporeal world, when their stage is good. But considering what God has said in the murlis, it would seem that God has also used the word 'world server' for work/service getting done in the corporeal way so as to help the people of the world. In this sense, world servers would include those instruments who God uses to help the people of the world. When I sat and thought of all this, I began to contemplate on who God would use for these kind of tasks (as world servers). Would God use the PBKs who are just repeating statements like parrots and who don't even seem to be able to adopt and adjust to the ways of others? Would God use the BKs who also have a similar problem? Or would God use people like us who have been banned etc but who are still making effort with faith.

Many BKs (who help to run the centers etc) give so much of emphasis to status etc that they don't even allow people to ask questions. If a BK teacher can turn the students under his or her care into great effort makers, the teacher is seen as being great and so the teacher enjoys status because he/she has established such a great group. The BK teachers want to think that they have already created a great group of effort makers who are constantly in their master almighty stage. So, if anyone asks questions they are told to shut up and not to ask questions. If the soul acts in such a way that it threatens their status as a great teacher and leader, they would immediately tell the soul to get out and not to come back again. BK teachers are trying to turn souls into beings who act like master almighty authority and non-BKs would never be able to accept this. You know, once, when I was talking to members of an established temple authority here, I was told that they were organising as international event which was to be held here and I was told that they were inviting members from all the various organizations to represent their organisation at this event. I knew that the Brahma Kumaris here were trying their best to do service through this temple and so I had asked some BK centerwasis if the Brahma Kumaris had been invited for this event. I was told that they were not. Anyway, since many others, apart from representives were invited, I was invited to come for that event. Eventually, I went. During the time of registration, they had kept telling their assistant to put me down as the representative of the Brahma Kumaris and I had kept telling them that I was not the representative of the Brahma Kumaris. After sometime, I decided to just keep quite and let them do whatever they wanted to do. As far as I was concerned, I had repeatedly informed them that I was not the representative of the Brahma Kumaris. But then, why had they not invited someone from the Brahma Kumaris to represent them. The members of the temple authority were people who had mixed with a lot of BKs and they knew that the BKs are not capable of mixing with the general crowd. Members of the Brahma Kumaris would just ask everyone to become a member of the Brahma Kumaris, just as the PBK members just ask everyone to become a member of the PBK movement. They would also want to be accepted as the greatest of the great. Not everyone is the same and they don't seem to be able to adopt and adjust to the ways of others. Once, someone came to have a conversation with me and he was telling me that he wanted to write a book about the procedures used for Hindu worship. He was getting so worked up about the numerous differences that exit and so I decided to say something. I told him that if one turned one's mind towards the procedures instead of turning it towards God, one can't get one's message across to God. Would BKs give this advise? I had given it because I knew that not everyone would be able to follow the same path. With good intentions I had wanted to help the soul.

You know, if a soul has been banned from the Brahma Kumaris, the soul should take it has the greatest blessing that he or she has received. Instead of becoming narrow-minded like the PBKs and the BKs, one has the opportunity to help the people of the world as world servers because we have learnt to adopt and adjust to the ways of the people. I think, God would prefer to use people like us who have learnt to adopt and adjust to the ways of the people. I don't think God would prefer to use those BKs and PBks who don't even seem to be able to accept people who don't practice that which they are practising. If one has been banned from the Brahma Kumaris and one is still making effort, one is really very very fortunate.

According to BKs, shrimat says that we have to follow the instructions of the seniors of the Brahma Kumaris. But I would say that shrimat does not say that we have to follow the instrutions of the seniors. If the instructions of the seniors is devilish, is it shrimat to carry out that instrution? ...... No. The instrution, in the murli, that BKs have to follow the instruction of the seniors is just for administrative purposes. It would be easier to run the Brahma Kumaris if there was a head whose decision has to be accepted as final.

Shrimat says that we have to make effort to purify ourselves because it is time to re-create the heavenly world. God came into the corporeal world to get the heavenly world re-created and so the relevant souls will have to get purified. So long as we accept that we are souls (and not the corporeal body) and that God has come to purify us so that the heavenly world can get created, one is on the right track. You know, soon after coming into gyan, I had already begun doing something or another so as to get BKs to believe that God has come to get the heavenly world re-created. I found that there were BKs who did not believe this. Well, they are entitled to their own opinions. But after Dadi Prakashmani visited us and informed in front of the huge group that God has come to create the heavenly world, there were BKs who were of the view that they should do something to change our stupid views. I can accept that not everyone will believe in the creation of the heavenly world. Maybe, some are not interested in this at all even though they have desires of wanting to progress spiritually. But I am entitled to my views and I know that there are many BKs who hold the same view as myself. Even if one is banned from the BKs, one can still hold this view that God has come to get the heavenly world created and one can still continue making effort so as to purify the self.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 18 May 2005
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Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 7:04 am    Post subject:

great post Pari, and i agree with every point you made in it

I was not banned by the Brahma Kumaris, but reckon i would have been if i had been me instead of trying to be what they wanted me to be...

bkry wrote:

I think, God would prefer to use people like us who have learnt to adopt (adapt?) and adjust to the ways of the people. I don't think God would prefer to use those BKs and PBks who don't even seem to be able to accept people who don't practice that which they are practising. If one has been banned from the Brahma Kumaris and one is still making effort, one is really very very fortunate.

Very Happy

On the shrimat point - i also found a widespread misconception among BKs as to what shrimat is - as you clearly point out, not everything in the murli is shrimat - much of it is administrative instructions and advice from BB to his troops.

Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 84

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:14 am    Post subject:

I have faith that one day the Brahma Kumaris and the PBK movement will turn into something very good.

I've not not been banned, but I already think the BK, PBK and XBK (i.e. this forum) etc, is already something good. Whatever the stage of each and everyone of us at this point in time, I'm sure having some sort of spiritual understanding has made improvements our lives. And even if joining a movement has not worked out, at least it was (for some souls) a first step.

I also do not fully know what "shrimat" means, but following some principles, methods and guidelines, whether strictly or casually, has also improved one's ability to handle situations when they arise. This should enable progress. I think the best way to look at progress is not look at the last few days and months with the BKs but from before you were a BK and see how much you have transformed. If you feel there has not been any progress, sadly to say that was also your choice, even if you feel other souls hindered your way.

Human relationships are here to stay, as long as there are more than two souls in this world. I expect because everything was free that people attended the centres, programmes, meetings etc. Maybe if the BK courses, food, etc had to be paid there would not have been so many people coming to centres ? If you were to put up your house for anyone to come and eat and pop in daily, would you not put up some house rules, however nice and generous person you are.

Forget "numberwise", God loves every soul without preference - this is the nature of true love.

Yes, I agree that God's love is equal to all. However, there has to be a start to everything and the first souls who ever came on this planet (whatever religion or theory you wish) must have been chosen.

Joined: 18 May 2005
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Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 7:02 am    Post subject:

bansy wrote:
I think the best way to look at progress is not look at the last few days and months with the BKs but from before you were a BK and see how much you have transformed.

i agree - but many of us also feel we have been deformed to some extent by the experience - certainly for me the pros outweigh the cons and the BKs were instrumental in transforming my life much for the better - however the powerful beneficial effects can make it more difficult to see the downsides until they have really got to you... what alerted me was the sheer misery apparent on the faces of the majority of (double foreign) BKs - this is not the picture painted in the murli....


I expect because everything was free that people attended the centres, programmes, meetings etc.

I would certainly not have gone along at first had it not been free, having always had a strong suspicion of anyone who wants paid for "spiritual" services...

If you were to put up your house for anyone to come and eat and pop in daily, would you not put up some house rules, however nice and generous person you are.

its Gods house, they say, and God is exceptionally "nice and generous" Smile
and God makes the rules, not the housekeepers...
there has to be a start to everything and the first souls who ever came on this planet (whatever religion or theory you wish) must have been chosen.

often the star of the play doesn't appear until the second or third act - being around at the start doesn't make you more special... Confused

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:53 am    Post subject:

You know the first batch of BKs were all Bharathwasis. Actually, it would seem like as if there is nothing extraordinary if Bharathwasis wanted to turn their own land into Heaven. But if double foreigners had the desire to turn Bharath into Heaven, this would look very different from normal and it would attract the attention of many Bharathwasis and others. If double foreigners were just coming to India to meet God and for their own benefit, then, where the public is concerned, there is nothing great about this. There are a lot of westerners and others who have established a name for themselves as yogis. Thus, the public in India would just take it that these double foreign BKs are also only coming for their own benefit or status. However, when there is an established fact that double foreign BKs are striving to turn Bharath into Heaven, then it would be a different matter.

God has said that, at the end, the double foreigners would awaken the Kumbhakarna of the Bharathwasis and God has also said in the murlis that at the end there would be a lot of BKs gathered in Delhi.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger
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