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BK and XBK dialogue

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Joined: 17 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:03 am    Post subject: BK and XBK dialogue

BK and XBK dialogue

I have opened this topic to facilitate dialogue between BKs and XBKs, as it may be helpful for BKs and XBKs to have a channel of communication open - to discuss questions, issues and concerns of XBKs. PBKs should NOT post anything here, as this thread is for BKs and XBKs ONLY. I will find other ways to help the PBKs.

Hopefully, members involved in the administration of the Brahma Kumaris, or their BK agents, would consider this thread as an opportunity :

1. to see what some of the feedback on the Brahma Kumaris is

2. to give their views

3. to provide appropriate services to XBKs

4. to discuss any other relevant matters

It is my view that it would be better if BKs referred souls to this XBK website, instead of telling them to "shut up" or to "leave". Brahma Baba had always advised the BKs not to run away from test papers. BKs should not try to protect themselves from test papers in the name of keeping the environment peaceful. The Brahma Kumaris have opened their doors to the ways of non BKs through programmes such as "The Living Values Programme" etc. It is my view that they should open their doors to XBKs as well, because BKs are supposed to be instruments of God.

Baba has said in the Sakar Murlis that after programmes etc, forms should be given out to get feedback. The Brahma Kumaris should see this topic as a way of giving them feedback. Many of the questions asked during the BK programmes are not answered or people are prevented from asking certain questions because the BK are trying their best to keep the atmosphere peaceful. Instead of ending the program quickly, because heated arguments are taking place, or instead of ignoring those who wish to speak or who wish to ask questions, the BKs should sweetly and politely inform those present of this XBK website, where they can voice their opinions and questions.

Generally, I will only make a post under this topic in response to XBK posts / queries etc. Of course, if there is some information, development or activity pertaining specifically to XBKs, I might also announce it here. I would be interacting as a BK while participating in this thread. XBKs could address their questions and concerns to me here, and I would answer those from a BK perspective, to the best of my ability. I am broad-minded and so what I say might be influenced by this, but I will do my best to reply from the BK perspective or based on the gyan taught in the Brahma Kumaris.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:00 pm    Post subject: from satish

I welcome this thought..

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
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Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:19 pm    Post subject:

I did mean a separate forum but, on reflection this works doesn't it.
Can't help being stupid.....Doh!
om shanti

Joined: 17 Apr 2004
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Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 12:53 am    Post subject:

Dear Admin,

For many years, even before I was introduced to this XBK web-site, I have been trying to get the Brahma Kumaris to open their doors to others (including to XBKs) through one way or another. I can see potentials in geting this web-site associated to the Brahma Kumaris. It is my opinion that through this, much can be estalished. It is my opinion that BKs would be more favourable to refer their members here if there is a BK only section here so that BKs can participate here with other BKs and not be disturbed by what the PBKs are doing. So long as the PBKs can partipate in this BK section of this XBK web-site in an attempt to convert the BKs, BKs of the Brahma Kumaris might never consider it a good opinion to refer their members here. It is my opinion that only BK knowledge should be discussed in this BK section. It is my view that the PBKs are abusing this section because of their desires to convert souls to accept their (PBK) views.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 2:30 pm    Post subject: XBKS and BKS

As this is forum to bks and xbks, I would like to pose a question to XBKS, why do they have become far from BKS..Well if I see in XBK forum, many did like BKS initally for a while but later they have differences. Is that they expected much from BKs? or Did they see aim and objective of BKs was getting more burden on their path of normal living? Whatsoever it is, each would be having their own opinion. This forum can be used to put those opinions.

Anyways what difficulties I see around being BK, I would like to put it forward. I see the knowledge and GOD all are ultimate things we find in BK organization. However, if one, who is living in normal social life, open about this knowledge to all of his friends around then his survival would be difficult esp. for youngsters. The priest image which he trying to create among his friends does give feeling of embarassment. The natural phenomenon of life seems to be lacking. So I look this is more nice to me if I am not BK to outside world rather than BK. And after knowing who is GOD and what is his knowledge in inside it always points me actual aim and objectives I need to strive for. Probably I am more conscious about my young body Embarassed ...
When shivababa says that live for purity in this life then I only can take it as try to live pure life in what ever kind of life I am living like, but not living in purity as a BK.
with love

Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 8:21 pm    Post subject: Re: XBKS and BKS

satish wrote:
As this is forum to bks and xbks, I would like to pose a question to XBKS, why do they have become far from BKS..Well if I see in XBK forum, many did like BKS initally for a while but later they have differences. Is that they expected much from BKs? or Did they see aim and objective of BKs was getting more burden on their path of normal living? Whatsoever it is, each would be having their own opinion. This forum can be used to put those opinions.

Anyways what difficulties I see around being BK, I would like to put it forward. I see the knowledge and GOD all are ultimate things we find in BK organization. However, if one, who is living in normal social life, open about this knowledge to all of his friends around then his survival would be difficult esp. for youngsters. The priest image which he trying to create among his friends does give feeling of embarassment. The natural phenomenon of life seems to be lacking. So I look this is more nice to me if I am not BK to outside world rather than BK. And after knowing who is GOD and what is his knowledge in inside it always points me actual aim and objectives I need to strive for. Probably I am more conscious about my young body Embarassed ...
When shivababa says that live for purity in this life then I only can take it as try to live pure life in what ever kind of life I am living like, but not living in purity as a BK.
with love

If all BKs, in the Brahma Kumaris, were very powerful souls, constantly enjoying a powerful stage, then no one would get hurt by anything the BKs said or did. The kind of people served by, and serving in, the Brahma Kumaris are varied in personality traits etc. The gathering has become so huge and so there are difficultites in taking decisions. Further, when souls have spent all or most of their money into the centers etc which they are running, co-ordinating in etc, it would be inhumane to remove them from their posts because of complains from a few.
Many new BKs are advised to not look around at what is happening around in the centers, i.e. at those who come there to gossip, or at the fights etc. I was also given this advise. Thus, I just concentrated on the knowledge and on what it was teaching. The knowledge is good but because of the way BKs have used gyan so as to control a situation etc, gyan has been made to look "bad". When gyan is important to a soul and that soul is not listening to reason etc, then it is quite easy to make the soul have more control over himself through using gyan and God as the sword.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 3:11 am    Post subject: BK XBK Dialogue

BKs and some xBKs should understand that the karmic accounts among us a very deep and based on interacting with each other for thousands of years. The spiritual interaction is one of the most unique cases in Global History of soul mates in groups.

I had a rather profound insights during a recent amrit vela meditation.
Even though this is Kaliyug, it is also Purushotam Sangam Yug and compared to all the great incarnations we have had in the past, this one is the most significant.

How many of us walk the walk and talk the talk and think the thoughts that this birth is one of the most important of the 21s in which we have a kingdom? Smile
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 12 Jul 2004
Posts: 36
Location: The Netherlands

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:37 am    Post subject:

Om Shanti !

I welcome the idea to start an XBK - BK or/and BK - BK section on this forum. You could think that the BK website of Australia/New Zealand facilitates in this, but unfortunately this forum there is vertually braindead although it has been reopened recently.
when I listen to him,
when I listen to the silence
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Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 9:18 am    Post subject: BK XBK Dialogue

Positive thoughts for those affected by Katrina in the Gulf Coast of the USA are in order.For those remaining in New Orleans, the situation gets worse by the minute. 80 % of New Orleans is submerged under water. Even those in the Super Dome do not have enough food and water.
The water level is expected to rise to 9-15 feet within the next 12 hours Exclamation

I have done service in these areas and also worked and studied at Tulane University in New Orleans.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 10:02 pm    Post subject:

Actually, this is an XBK forum and so I don't think that the BKs or the PBKs should be upset that they are not allowed to participate as per their heart's content.

Even though I never considered myself as an XBK, I had gained a lot of benefit through participating in this website. In my opinion, the BK gyan is fantastic, however, sometimes because of misguidance, the knowledge and the BK system have been abused and BKs can sometimes feel disoriented when they do not follow the BK system. If this has happened to one, then, there is something wrong with how BKs have been taught to practice gyan. Actually, I had also felt disoriented and participating in this web-site has helped me get over that disorientation while I continue to practice gyan. I hope this web-site will continue to help BKs / XBKs in this way. A soul should be able to practice gyan no matter what kind of situation he/she is placed in. If a BK says, "I feel so guilty because I did not have amrit vela today" or "I am not able to attain a hign stage today because I did not attend today's murli class in the morning", then, something has gone wrong. A soul should never feel this way. A soul should be able to attain a high stage no matter what has happened. God is always there for us and we should be able to establish our link to Him, no matter what kind of circumstances we are put in. Beginners can find it easier to get experiences if they follow a similar system daily. Beginners can also find it easier to get experiences if they sit within a gathering of BKs during amrit vela and during the murli class. However, there should not be any addiction to any particular kind of system so as to establish one's link to God and to continue maintaining a high stage through that link. But then, one has to be carefull because there are people who easily get influenced to drift away from the spiritual path. I never drifted away because of experiences. So a beginner has to be careful. But it is my view that it is better to stay glued to God based on experiences than through addiction to a system. However, I understand that not all people are the same, some want/prefer following a specific kind of strict system because they are used to that kind of life-style whereas others, like me, prefer not being rigidly/strictly subjected to any kind of system.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger
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