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Associations of All Apostles

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Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:40 pm    Post subject: Associations of All Apostles

Hi, I am planning to go back to Malaysia earlier because I am doing my PhD in Human Rights at a Delhi University and because I have unfinished work in Malaysia.

Having come to Abu Road I met an advocate, called Diwanji, who is trying to unite all religions through the Associations of All Apostles. He is trying to create a heavenly world through the unity of all religions. I have agreed to do service with him though I will remain a BK and will continue practicing BK gyan even if I don't speak it out openly. But when I was listening to Diwanji talk I was reminded of how XBKs talk in this web-site and so I thought it might be a good idea to tell XBKs of this work which is going on.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 18 Feb 2006
Posts: 47

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:00 am    Post subject: A of AA

Hi bkry,
How can we find out more about this work? Is there a web site?

Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:02 am    Post subject:

Hi Sam,

Nice to have heard from you. Actually, I have informed Diwanji about this website and he is quite eager to participate here and has been telling me to help him introduce him here and we have been trying to make ourselves free to get to use the internet but we have been very busy with this Association of All Apostles work and so we have been very busy. We have decided to go into the internet together tomorrow so as to introduce him here into this forum. Diwanji does not practice BK Raja Yoga as seriously as I do. He is more like an XBK and he liked this term XBK. So if one wants an interpretation based from the BK view, I will give an explanation and if one wants to have an interpretation which people from other religions would prefer, then Diwanji might give a better explanation.

Anyway, we have a meeting with the President of India but before that I wanted to get this Association registered as a trust. Diwanji has been actively doing things for this AAA (Association of All Apostles) for 25 years now with other influential members but he has not got it registered as yet. So we met his friend the Maharaja of Sirohi and his son (the next Maharaja of Sirohi) and we discussed this proposal seriously and the Maharaja gave me his views and of how it has been predicted that after military rule in India, instructions will go from Sirohi. The Maharaja was the first Maharaja not to rule after the British took over his kingdom and he was keen to get back the kingdom. I told him that it was time to bring the kingdoms back and that I was willing to work with him to do that. The people in Sirohi worship this Maharaja because he and his ancesters have helped them a lot. He has helped them through ways which the government was not able to do so by helping them when they needed help etc. We will be forming a trust to develop the district of Sirohi into a heavenly place through bringing in intensive irrigation programs, school education to teach virtuous living, through getting all religions involved in this creation of the heavenly world, etc. When the people see the work which we do with good intensions and spirituality, others would make a request that this should also be done in their district. We are trying to get the President of India involved in this so that this project will be successful. The Maharaja has money which Diwanji and I do not have and so the Maharaja has taken over the formation of this trust and his palace is going to be used as our office. Diwanji has also suggested that his palace be turned into a place which looks heavenly. The Maharaja, since he was placing more importance on spirituality, good conduct etc has not done much to make his palace look like a very beautiful place though there are a lot of people around to keep it clean. Diwanji gave him a picture of the BK's picture of heaven and suggested that the palace be turn into something like that. But off course, we will be concentrating on helping the people and not on wasting money unneccessarily on beautifying the place. The Maharaja has very good plans on how we can help the people by bringing in irrigation to a very great level so that the desert will be turned into a green area. I had suggested that we should get all the religious leaders, gurus etc to participate in turning the weather into a spring-like place through divine power (yoga power).

BKs place a lot of emphasis on soul consciousness/power, God consciousness/ power and the drama. I will place a lot of emphasis on soul consciousness/power, God consciousness/powers, drama and nature consciosness. By nature consciousness, I mean that we should become aware of nature while we are contemplating on God (we are actually using gyan at that time though we are becoming aware of nature). Through the methods which we develop we will learn to gain a lot of control over nature to the extent that nature will obediently obey our every command.

By the way, I will be bringing Diwanji here tommorrow, you can talk to him directly.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 18 Feb 2006
Posts: 47

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:25 am    Post subject: AAA

Thank you for the information.
I will look for the thread where I can speak directly with Diwanji.
Where will it be posted?
I wonder if you received the private message I sent you some time ago while you were in India?

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:15 am    Post subject:

bkry wrote:
So we met his friend the Maharaja of Sirohi and his son (the next Maharaja of Sirohi) and we discussed this proposal seriously and the Maharaja gave me his views and of how it has been predicted that after military rule in India, instructions will go from Sirohi. The Maharaja was the first Maharaja not to rule after the British took over his kingdom and he was keen to get back the kingdom.

As an interesting footnote ;

Mount Abu, historically, was leased by the British government from the then Maharaja of Sirohi for use as the headquarters for the British ruler of Rajasthan until 1947. This ruler was called the " Resident of Rajputana " and Rajputana was the old name for Rajasthan.

During the British rule in India, Abu was a favored summer destination for the British and served as a sanatorium for its troops. High posts were put up to demarcate the boundaries of the leased area which can still be seen on top of hills. The British built private cottages, bungalows, churches and a polo ground.

Has the Maharaj won back the land of Mount Abu? Is he the B.K.s landlord?


[ Raj, we know means " sovereign ". Putana, in Hindu mythology, was the female demon, daughter of Bali, who tried to kill the infant Krishna by suckling him with her poisonous milk ].

Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:40 am    Post subject:

Dear Sam,
I did not receive your private message which you sent. I also have problems sending out private messages through this forum. Some how I am doing something wrong and so the message gets sent back to me. But others are able to send me messages and when they do I am able to reply and it gets communicated to them.

Diwanji is here with me now and he has just registered as a member in this forum but he is not able to post as yet because he is new. So he has asked me to say that if anyone wants to discuss anything with him, they can post the questions etc in this website and he will reply. But the connection here at Abu Road is bad and I know that he is going to have some problems especially since he is not so familiar with the internet. I will be leaving for Delhi tomorrow and then going back to Malaysia on 2-4-06. I will be returning to Abu Road at the end of April, So if Diwanji finds difficulty in replying here until then, I will be able to help him after I come back to Abu Road in May, 2006.

Diwanji says he is awaiting your questions, suggestions etc.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:28 am    Post subject:

ex-london wrote:

Mount Abu, historically, was leased by the British government from the then Maharaja of Sirohi for use as the headquarters for the British ruler of Rajasthan until 1947. This ruler was called the " Resident of Rajputana " and Rajputana was the old name for Rajasthan.

During the British rule in India, Abu was a favored summer destination for the British and served as a sanatorium for its troops. High posts were put up to demarcate the boundaries of the leased area which can still be seen on top of hills. The British built private cottages, bungalows, churches and a polo ground.

Has the Maharaj won back the land of Mount Abu? Is he the B.K.s landlord?


[ Raj, we know means " sovereign ". Putana, in Hindu mythology, was the female demon, daughter of Bali, who tried to kill the infant Krishna by suckling him with her poisonous milk ].

Actually, Mount Abu is within the Sirohi district and since our project involves the whole district of Sirohi, it should include the Mount Abu area. The Maharaja does have palaces etc in Mount Abu. I was told that he has allowed Vimala Thakar, a non-BK spiritual guide in Mount Abu, one of those buildings to do her spiritual business.

I am not able to have access to the letters which have come to me in this website. I am taken elsewhere when I try to go and read my messages. So I will read the messages later when I am in New Delhi.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 7:18 am    Post subject:

Actually, a lot of those involved with the Association of Apostles, no matter which religion one belongs to, will be walking into Heaven. God has already giiven us the blessing to maintain the divine state involving the walking into heaven process. It is just a matter of learning to attain and maintain this state. Because of God's blessings one can easily attain this divine state. The attainment of this state is different from the attainment of the angelic state and the highest soul-conscious state.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 12 Jul 2004
Posts: 36
Location: The Netherlands

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:22 am    Post subject:

Dear Pari,

Your E-mail can reach me, but I cannot mail you.
Are there other mail adresses you use?


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