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A new religion?

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Joined: 05 Sep 2004
Posts: 43
Location: New Zealand

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:36 pm    Post subject: A new religion?

When I used to attend morning class and BK classes in general I got the feeling that what was happening was the blossoming of a new relgion.
Now I realise the BKs see this as knowledge and not blind faith but many of the things therein are left unanswered.For example the cycle,fossil records,the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe and so on.

I was thinking that the Murlis will become like a Bible eventually. Of course the BKS will claim that they will become the Gita in the next cycle.

Already I could see the makings of ritual creeping in. I think it is a thin dividing line - the BKs if not already a religion surely must become one eventually. What happens when all the seniors die and the end of the world does not come? Yes many will leave but many will stay for the sake of lifestyle and alternative living (which is the reason a good many are there already I expect).

Om Shanti

Joined: 22 Feb 2004
Posts: 167

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 9:30 am    Post subject:

celticgyan wrote:
the BKs if not already a religion surely must become one eventually. What happens when all the seniors die and the end of the world does not come? Yes many will leave but many will stay for the sake of lifestyle and alternative living (which is the reason a good many are there already I expect).

Hi cg, you've answered your question well. We've discussed this a bit under Atma's topic "Can there be any Faith after leaving RY." The thing is, whenever a senior or anyone dies they're automatically 'filed' in the 'advance party' dip which is accessible only through your faith. 'The end of the world' can come to each or any of us if we suffer any of the cataclysmic changes the earth is undergoing (perhaps largely as a result of our collective mismanagement) but how we interpret that end is a matter of our personal faith. To some, the tsunami was the "end of the world"; to others, it might have been the floods in New Orleans or the earthquake in Pakistan; to the dwellers of Atlantis it might have been the absolute end brought on by their own mismanagement of the environment - as it is with us. The point is: the pattern of change is similar but our interpretation is different. Some might choose the RY construct to rationalize it; others, the Christian prophesies of Revelations etc. We tend to cling to whatever gives a sense of ontological security - even if some of it seems implausible. Faith is the key to survival. That is why when it is broken it is difficult to survive ....


PS: By the way, whatever happened to your curiosity about "ascended masters"? Smile
"Those were the days my friend ...."
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