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possession/influence by other souls.....voices in the head.

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Joined: 09 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 1:12 am    Post subject: possession/influence by other souls.....voices in the head.

Perhaps each of us is in reality a conglomerate of many souls/entities who use the physical body to carry out their respective karmic accounts.There are many movies which such as 'the exorcist' , 'the omen' which demonstrate the idea of 'external' forces taking over the host. Many different cultures have rituals where gods or spirits take over the host and perform acts of self mutilation for the benefit of the local community. Even in BK/PBK world there is an acknowledgement of possession by external souls taking over a host and communicating. However, the point I wish to stress is the question 'who am I?' How do I really know whether there is a single personality that is my self, my own mind? Which thoughts are truly my own? To what extent is the physical body a barrier that seperates one individual from another if at all? The escalation of suicide bombers, serial killers, addiction to wierd sex, drugs, violence, all perhaps due to the influence of negative souls using the host. Of course its not all bad as some positve souls do try to help, miracles as well as murders happen daily.
I have had experiences in dreams where I felt a heavy, crushing force trying to 'get in' and dominate my mind through fear. Since my intro to Raj Yoga 14-15 yrs ago I allways call upon Shiv Baba when things get unpleasant in my dreams, it has an amazing effect of banishing the entity and removing the spooky feelings. Last year I spoke to Virendra Dev Dixit (leader of the advance party) on the subject. He simply stated that souls of a positive nature will be co-operative and negative minded souls will be destructive. Anyway, anybody else have any thoughts/experiences on this facinating area?

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 2:51 am    Post subject: possession/influence by other souls.....voices in the head.

Hi Assandhari

However, the point I wish to stress is the question 'who am I?' How do I really know whether there is a single personality that is my self, my own mind

I think that there is a a very clear difference between the soul and the mind. The soul is not the same as the mind. The mind is the expression, ie the thoughts that surface through the mind as a reflection of where I am at.
The word 'self', for me, is always a bit confusing because if we are talking about the mind then the 'self' is constantly changing. If we are talking about the soul, then that is a different matter. The soul is the essence of a being and cannot be changed.

However, the point I wish to stress is the question 'who am I?' How do I really know whether there is a single personality that is my self, my own mind?

It sounds like you have answered the question yourself in your last paragraph because you are aware that there are thoughts that are not of your own creation.
The closest that I have come to your experience was many years ago in meditation at the Oxford Retreat. I had been in gyan for about two years and trying very hard to be the purest soul that Baba could ever encounter. The only trouble was, that I was very naive and that all my 'spiritual work' had been done on the surface and I was allowing myself to be influenced by other people instead of following my own heart and head. This is a very grave and common mistake which I feel, looking back can lead to insanity!
Everything seemed to come to boiling point that day.
I literally felt as though my mind was taking control of 'me' instead of the other way round. My mood switched from one extreme to another within minutes, without a thought process of my own being involved. I literally felt that I was 'losing' my mind, at least I was losing the control of my thought process.
It was quite a frightening experience but it was like a turning point for me. I just realised that I had to walk away from the situation. I left the retreat centre, that afternoon, went home and 'closed the door' on all of my spiritual endeavours (not for long).
I had a few similar experiences over the next few days but I was absolutely sure that the reason it was happening was because I was completely out of balance with myself. My heart and my head had been bombarded.
The experience was actually very positive in the end because it made me question the process of meditation and I came to the realisation that I didn't know how to meditate, in fact I had had no real instruction or guidance at all, at that time.

The soul is not the same as the mind. .....this is the very important lesson that I learned from that experience.


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:13 am    Post subject:

From Assandhari
Anyway, anybody else have any thoughts/experiences on this facinating area?

Yes I have had similar experiences. It is usually when I am half asleep half awake. I become paralysed and then it feels like some thing/being is trying to enter my body. I get a strong buzzing sensation in my head and unless I mentally control it, it just gets stronger. The only thing I am able to move is my big toe(for some reason people I've told find this funny) and by wiggling it and much mental effort to jerk my body out of it I eventually wake up proper. Sometimes I try and relax and let things take there course, but it is just too unpleasant

Joined: 18 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:27 am    Post subject: Re: possession/influence by other souls.....voices in the he

assandhari wrote:

I have had experiences in dreams where I felt a heavy, crushing force trying to 'get in' and dominate my mind through fear... I always call upon Shiv Baba when things get unpleasant in my dreams, it has an amazing effect of banishing the entity and removing the spooky feelings.

Yes I have had very similar experiences to this, and the experience described by John.

Three times I have direct experience of grappling with unembodied entities who were trying to possess me. It felt like they were trying to suffocate me around the neck. On each occasion they were deflected by me (each time after a panicky struggle until I pulled myself together) calling on Shiv Baba and connecting directly and becoming filled with golden light. You have to go beyond the fear before it works.

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:48 pm    Post subject: Re: possession/influence by other souls.....voices in the he

assandhari wrote:

I have had experiences in dreams where I felt a heavy, crushing force trying to 'get in' and dominate my mind through fear... I always call upon Shiv Baba when things get unpleasant in my dreams, it has an amazing effect of banishing the entity and removing the spooky feelings.

Yup, I'd say that I have had very similar experiences to this as well. before B.K. Raja Yoga.

Do a Google for " incubus " or " succubus " experiences, I think these stories will resonate with you [ but be prepared to do some wading through the mire ].

visions of demons in the night who visited one's bed chamber were unquestionably the work of the incubus (male) and succubus (female). The incubus/succubus was a demon who attacked a human during sleep. (Could this be an early manifestation of the modern-day belief in "alien abduction" as well?) The night creature paralyzed the victim (read this as sleep paralysis) and engaged in sexual relations with the victim, against the human's will, of course.

Hmmn, yes, " against their will " of course. Interesting, in another article I pulled off it stated that , " On March 18, 1997 a female Evangelist wrote to us and said, 'I know there are countless women that this (demons sexually abusing them) is happening to, because every Christian woman I have spoken to about it (sex demons), 9 out of 10 it has happened to." NINE out of TEN!!' "

Woo-hoo! It seems thost earnest Christian white folk you live next door to are have a whole lot more fun that one might have at first imagined. Of course, biologists and psychologist may have their own take on it.

My own experience is similar - well, except I cant remember the kinky bit - I woke up to find my body parilysed, it was as if I had no way back into it and no control over it at all though I was entirely conscious and trying to. There was a heavy weight on it.

I panicked and started to think of all the holy names I could think of ... this was pre-Raja Yoga and no time to be proud or partisan! As " it " left me there was this distinct noise of an outbreath much longer than I could have made myself.

I remember talking to some Hindi Bhakti Yogi / Vedantic teachers bout it at that time and they said that , yes, this was in their knowledge/fath and that during the hours of 4 to 5 am some God went about putting disincarnate spirits into human bodies and a soul just becoming involved in spirituality is a prime target due to their openness. It is a kind of test. I have had other similar minor experiences.

Again, usual disclaimer as to what it really was but I believe that spooks and spookery exist.

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:47 pm    Post subject: Sleep Paralysis


Again, usual disclaimer as to what it really was but I believe that spooks and spookery exist.

http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum//xbkchat/index.html"90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center">
For anyone who has ever suffered from Sleep Paralysis ~


‘The lilting tones of the Scottish narrator informs us that “there is a nightmare more terrifying than any other….a nightmare that has haunted people all over the world. A presence comes into the room, paralyses it’s victim, then it leaps onto their body and assaults them.
“Sometimes it’s a shadowy figure. Sometimes an old hag. Sometimes a Demon. But whatever shape it takes, the Entity as it is often called, has concrete effects, leaving its victim battered and exhausted, their life in ruins. Sufferers are sure that when they see it they are awake and it is real. Science, psychology and religion have all grappled with this phenomena.

Case study:




Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 86

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:42 pm    Post subject:

assandhari wrote:
The escalation of suicide bombers, serial killers, addiction to wierd sex, drugs, violence, all perhaps due to the influence of negative souls using the host.

You could choose to see that as a reason. Equally, you might also see these things as resulting from unresolved harmful psychological processes of individuals; various attempts to self-medicate/distractions/or else find meaning and fill whatever inner emptiness or void is experienced. Even more likely in a western culture that deifies never-ending consumerism as the only way to contentment
Mr Green

Joined: 08 Sep 2005
Posts: 41

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:10 pm    Post subject:

I've many bks claim that people with schizophrenia (excuse the spelling) are actually possessed by other souls of entities, I think they are full of it. My two brothers are both schizophrenic to differing degrees and after being there for them through the worst (hopefully) of their illnesses, I can say such believe is poppycock, there are wonders in medication these days..............we have to remember that in indian culture mental illness is still a taboo subject, which families although loving, will pretend everythings all right, and like so many things it is then explained away with generic terms such as karma or curse. Very Happy
Mr Green

Joined: 08 Sep 2005
Posts: 41

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:15 pm    Post subject: Re: possession/influence by other souls.....voices in the he

assandhari wrote:
The escalation of suicide bombers, serial killers, addiction to wierd sex, drugs, violence, all perhaps due to the influence of negative souls using the host.

I don't know if you have looked into this or are still working on the bk idea that humanity is in a state of moral decline...........i have researched such matters and it is utterly conclusive to state that crime and violence as a whole is at a much lower level now than it has ever been, we have far more detailed coverage these days that's all, in the past people were just in the dark about what happened even in the next town!!!!!!!!!!!

look into statistics if you don't believe me Very Happy

Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 86

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:50 pm    Post subject:

Mr Green wrote:
I've many bks claim that people with schizophrenia (excuse the spelling) are actually possessed by other souls of entities, I think they are full of it. My two brothers are both schizophrenic to differing degrees and after being there for them through the worst (hopefully) of their illnesses, I can say such believe is poppycock, there are wonders in medication these days..............we have to remember that in indian culture mental illness is still a taboo subject, which families although loving, will pretend everythings all right, and like so many things it is then explained away with generic terms such as karma or curse. Very Happy

Yeah, downright whacky, isn't it. I was told in no uncertain terms by a BK who had never even met anyone with a schizo-affective illness that they categorically had "two souls" Rolling Eyes This was about as insanely ridiculous as the BK belief that I was 'paying' for my previous life as a rapist by being molested as a child.

However, I was sufficiently removed from them by the time the "twin souls" remark was made that I was able to recognise the influence of a deeply superstitious and anti-science Indian culture, all being propagated by this brainwashed "double-foreigner" Laughing

families although loving, will pretend everythings all right, and like so many things it is then explained away with generic terms such as karma or curse.

Its this "head-in-the-sand" BK attitude that I find the most potentially psychologically damaging...

I am sorry to hear of your brothers' suffering...its an appalling illness Sad
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