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Zen talk

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 9:40 am    Post subject: Zen talk

Here is a Zen passage that I like:

"Too much Zen"

There was once a master in Zen, who responded in a laconical manner to one of his pupils who had been talking about the zen theory for a while:

"You've got too much Zen."

"But isn't it normal for a zenstudent to talk about Zen", responded the pupil surprised as he was. "Why do you dislike talking about zen?"

"Because", the master responded without moving a muscle, "it makes my stomach turn."

Joined: 12 Jul 2004
Posts: 36
Location: The Netherlands

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:05 am    Post subject: Silence

Four brahmins decided to meditate silently without speaking for two weeks. By nightfall on the first day, the candle began to flicker and then went out. The first brahmin said, "Oh, no! The candle is out." The second brahmin said, "Aren't we not suppose to talk?" The third brahmin said, "Why must you two break the silence?" The fourth brahmin laughed and said, "Ha! I'm the only one who didn't speak."
when I listen to him,
when I listen to the silence
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