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Vegetarian Cats - The Lion and the Lamb

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Joined: 05 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:33 pm    Post subject: Vegetarian Cats - The Lion and the Lamb

It says in the Bible that the Lion will lie down with the Lamb. Similar things are predicted for the Golden age - that animals will all become vegetarians and peaceful.

I find this hard to swallow! How can a Lion (or a cat) who wull die unless they get meat. For instance

'The nutrients cats in nature can get only from animal sources are taurine (an amino acid), vitamins A and D, and a certain fatty acid; these are essential for the cat's nutrition. All animals need those, but while some other carnivors can synthesize some of these themselves, cats cannot, and thus depend on their food.'

On Vegetables for a cat
'However, it is essential to remember that vegetables alone are absolutely insufficient, and must only be given in addition to other foods that provide the cat with all the necessary nutrients.A feline lacking taurine can lose eyesight and could develop cardiomyopathy'

How can cats evolve over such a short time to become vegetarian?

Another mystery which points to the fact that there cannot be a Golden age at all. Nice though.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:51 pm    Post subject:

yes good argument

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:37 pm    Post subject: Re: Vegetarian Cats - The Lion and the Lamb

celticgyan wrote:
How can cats evolve over such a short time to become vegetarian?

Actually, one of the recent 20th Century famous Indian Gurus, I cant remember his name right now but it will come back, had a vegetarian lioness as a pet. It used to make quite an impression on his followers. And I dont doubt he had no distractors at all with company like that! It drank milk for its essential nutrients.

But do you not think for one minute that,

a) it might just be borrowed from the scriptures for effect
b) it might just have a metaphorical meaning ?

It is not a strong argument either way to take it literally. But one of the consistent theme themes in B.K. Raja Yoga is that one it is established that you can believe one unbeleivable " fact ", then they pile on the rest.

By comparison, veggie kitties are not that far fetched!


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:43 pm    Post subject:

I think most of the vegan cats use supplements - don't know about the veggie ones though I expect they would need supplements too.

The Golden age would have to have animals that do not eat humans so either they would have to transform and evolve or die off altogether. This is the nature of a Golden aged world after all. Lions or other carnivores if reared from young woudl be tame of course but we all know that the Dieties don't have pets as such - they only visit the animals who stay in their own families.They may have pets but they would not live with Dieties. (so I was told!)

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 9:18 pm    Post subject:

celticgyan wrote:
I think most of the vegan cats use supplements - don't know about the veggie ones though I expect they would need supplements too.

The Golden age would have to have animals that do not eat humans ... but we all know that the Dieties don't have pets as such - they only visit the animals who stay in their own families.They may have pets but they would not live with Dieties. (so I was told!)

Don't get sucked into the fairy story. What is the point?

Look at it symbolically ;

the lion as kind of human being - an aggressive leader and or a king
the lamb as a kind of human being - a gentle follower.

In this age the lions eat the lambs [ e.g. the corporate " kings ", politicians, the generals exploit the working, consumer and peasant classes ].

In the promised Paradise, the rulers do not " kill " and " eat " or exploit their followers they " lie down beside them ", e.g. they live in harmony.

That is certainly somewhere in the right direction for the Biblical symbology and I would suggest it applies here too.

Nothing to do with kitty food.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 10:23 pm    Post subject:

That's all well and good but we are still left with the problem that if there is a Golden age (and for the knowledge to be true there would have to be one) then all the vicious animals,snakes and insects would have to die off and then somehow re-emerge in the copper-age! How coudl they be magic'd back into life?
Of course it's a fairy story, I am just trying to show exactly why. Metaphorically it could be anything - but then we depart from what Baba calls knowledge (ie fact) into religion and faith.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 4:48 pm    Post subject:

celticgyan wrote:
Of course it's a fairy story, I am just trying to show exactly why. Metaphorically it could be anything - but then we depart from what Baba calls knowledge (ie fact) into religion and faith ... and then somehow re-emerge in the copper-age!

That's a fair point ... and how far do we take it?

do plants and animals die and the trees drop their leaves - or it is one long 2,500 year Spring-Summer - because otherwise you are going to need all the bugs and slugs and maggots to break them down. How do plants pollinate without other bugs? You might even go as far to ask about the mitochondria and other endosymbiotic bugs that inside us?

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 5:05 pm    Post subject:

celticgyan wrote:
all the vicious animals,snakes and insects would have to die off

What do you mean with vicious animals? Why are they vicious? Nature ecossystems are perfect in their balance and all organisms play their roll and their own function. In what basis can we say that this or that animal are vicious? Because it bother us, because it can atack us or something like that? This is a very egocentric perspective, and in my opinion one more amongst all the contradictions in the BK.

And the most amazing of that all is that they tell the fairy tail and many buy it without questioning...

Same thing when BK say that children nowdays are vicious, like snakes... Something like that was in the murli I remember. Well, anyone that have had close contact with small children would know how eager they are to learn, how much empaty they can show for both other children and even adults. Non judgemental BK place everything and everyone in categories, and even animals and children are not exception when it comes to that.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 1:24 pm    Post subject:

Ok so the terminology 'vicious' was not a good one. What I meant was poisonous or carniverous. How can a poisonour snake become non-poisonous in the Golden age? It would have to die off and then start again in the copper age.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:09 pm    Post subject:

I think if the golden and silver ages are completely non violent, then that would have to include the animals. If an animal attacked and killed another animal that would cause pain.
Maybe the power of soul consciousness and complete purity is beyond what we can fully understand at the moment and that power could bring about the change. Maybe we are a lot more powerfull than we realise yet Wink
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