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Joined: 17 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 10:48 pm    Post subject:

OK lets look at how we can use the hologram theories with gyan. Well, the soul is in a metaphysical dimension though it is in the corporeal body. If it is proven that telepathy concerns no corporeal waves, then it must be the soul that is involved. If this is so, then all that we perceive (paranormal perceptions) can also be said to fall into the metaphysical dimension. By metaphysical dimension, I am not talking about the metaphysical Soul World nor am I talking about the subtle regions created by God for the usage of the BKs. I am talking about the metaphysial dimension used by the whole human race on earth (in the corporeal world). Paranormal perceptions would fall into this metaphysical dimension and this metaphysical dimension is like a hologram in that whatever projections that exist are based on what has been projected by the metaphysical soul. Then, of course there are many other aspects to be considered as well. For example, Drama is based on the Law of Karma. If Drama exists as a repetitive cycle, than this too would be part of the hologram into which the soul makes projections. This might explain why 2 people who are in love can easily communicate with each other telepathically and why they also easily perceive any danger that is about to happen to their loved ones. The souls and Drama must be part of a hologram. Then, off course, te projections can be like another hologram within the main hologram. Even the soul can be associted to a hologram by itself. Thus, the soul is like a hologram within the main hologram too. The soul consists of the mind, intellect and memory bank. All these are actually light energy, each intervening with the other to play their part.

Our uncanny ability to quickly retrieve whatever information we need from the enormous store of our memories becomes more understandable if the brain functions according to holographic principles.

The soul uses the brain to use information stored within the memory bank of the soul. No researcher has proofed that the memories are stored in the brain. The theories of researchers can just get accepted without any proof, if it sounds good and acceptable.

One could say that there can be a phantomlike nature where paranormal perceptions etc are concerned because nature (matter) has spiritual energy in the form of light energy and Humans and animals have souls which also consist of light energy. Since the soul consists of light energy, any projection from this light source must also be in the form of light energy. The Human soul is the master and can be the mastermind of this phantomlike nature. Thus, the soul (which researchers seem to refer to as the mind) can create its own images through projections. The Psychic ability of the soul could also turn it into a materialised form. This might explain why some people see UFOs. Man's desires for "attention" etc may be getting him to do such things. Man's accepted ideas may also influence the soul to project impressions based on their accepted ideas / views. Then, off course, there is also the possibilities that the impression of the UFO may also have been a projection from some future or past event. The human soul is able to perceive what is about to happen in the future and seeing a UFO is no ordinary matter. Thus, it may be easily perceived. Some past experiences might also project the UFO into a form like as if the soul is witnessing it (again) at that moment of time. Well, God has told us that the aircraft in Heaven are fool-proof. Thus, it may be possible that they may still have been fool-proof at the beginning of the Copper Age when Man went into the ordinary state. When earthquakes were taking place, at the beginning of the Copper Age, some souls may have gone around trying to help others who had to move or for investigation purposes etc. Thus, they might have had to go very close down to the earth or even land in places where there are no fields intented for landing. During an intented landing situation, there may be a possibility that the UFOs had spotted the existence of people and had thus moved away (because the aircraft were still accident-proof). One has to note that many had perceived the UFOs as coming very close down but none claimed any injury (at least I have not heard of any). Since this past event had left strong impressions, the impression can easily arise and get projected for the soul to see. The impression may have been a projection from a past event and it can seem as if it was a reality. It has to be noted that others can also see the visions of others. I have experiences of this. It has also got to be noted that the psychic abilities of the soul are such that it can make something materialise. Sai Baba is known for his ability to materialise something or another for his devotees / followers. But the fact that no-one has found a materialised UFO is something which needs to be considered. Then, off course, there may be the possibilities had governments etc might be using or testing out their aircraft. No-one likes their secrets to be revealed before they can take credit for it (when it is officially introduced into the market). Only BKs can be innocent enough to allow this.
God's angel.
BK Pari
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:54 pm    Post subject:

During my communication to the researcher Pim van Lommel, I had realised that I had not considered God's role as part of the hologram theory. Well anyway, I had put the hologram theory as the following :

Drama (including the settling of karmic accounts etc) are like one hologram, i.e. the main hologram. Then, each soul is another hologram within the main hologram. The intermingling of the hologram of the soul and the main hologram or/and with the hologram of other souls will enable paranormal experiences and it can enable the soul to see visions etc. But off, God also gives us visions etc and God is also another Hologram who is bound by the main hologram. So when God gives us visions, it is based on the intermingling of the main hologram with the hologram of God and the hologram of relevant souls because bhakti (worship) enables people to get God's assistance but this assistance is also happening as per the Drama.
God's angel.
BK Pari
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Joined: 12 Jul 2004
Posts: 36
Location: The Netherlands

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 2:25 am    Post subject: UFO and me

As much that I am glad UFO's are real,
so also I am glad ghosts are real,
and hobbits and pixies and flying carpets and on the planet Claire all the trees are red. No-one ever dies there, no-one has a head.

Get real

It is all what we want to believe.
My respect for all those with creative minds.

of what importance are these things for the Self.
For that tiny little Self.
Or as we say in the good old BK, the soul.

I hope there is no physical life on the planet Mars.
My angelic subtile body squatted an old Russian explorer there and lived there for some time in true peace with the big red eye in the sky.

Sweet souls
Explore your own planet.
But first empty your cup
Nothing remains
but eternity
never ending space
when I listen to him,
when I listen to the silence
   Visit poster's website

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:24 am    Post subject:

Ho ho ho, Frank
There you expressed an attitude that I can't appreciate at all. Live and let live. For me it is nonsense to say 'of what importance is this for the self'. It's not up to you to decide what is and what isn't important. Be free? But all you ask for are limits. At this time, there is the magic of understanding all aspects of life. For example, you may want to stick to murli's only, but I believe they are not only limited but they also distort your view because there's no context into which to place the "facts". There are no simple things in murli's, only the children can interpret them like that. At university, things can get complicated. You said you wanted to be free from labels, but now you have shown to have a typical bk attitude.

"Get real"

Get into modern physics, and see another world open before you! That's all I can say.

Joined: 12 Jul 2004
Posts: 36
Location: The Netherlands

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 4:10 am    Post subject: Respect

Namaste Kevin,

I did not want to be disrespectful about science at all.
I do not see UFO's or Holograms as something spiritual.
I like to keep life simple and if others want to go into the depth of science and technologie than that is ok. Maybe I am not the type of guy that is strong on the intellect side. I tend to aproach a lot of issues standing in the core of the self and ask myself the question what this or that information adds to my karma and quality of life.
In this simplicity I find a lot of satisfaction.

Some XBK's throw themselves on all kinds of therapy's and substitute knowledge, thus filling the gap in life the BK left.
I do not say this knowledge is nonsense, but I'd like to fill this gap by sticking to what I have and exploring, developing and strenghtening inner values. I meditate, churn and interact a lot with XBK's, NonBK's and some BK's.


when I listen to him,
when I listen to the silence
   Visit poster's website

Joined: 05 Sep 2004
Posts: 43
Location: New Zealand

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:52 pm    Post subject:

Dear Brother and Sisters,

first let me say how glad I am to find this - we are all orphans as I recollect Baba said in a Murli! Many of his chilrden have become Lawyers too I see! (as he points out in a Murli) I have found that no other religions or other spiritual teachings fill the gap left by the BKs. I did not so much leave as changed countries and in my new country went back to the vices. In any case here I am and I would like to comment on the issue of UFOs. I have a Scientific (engineering) background (Ph.D) and feel I may be able to make a contribution.

I have a good friend who is a well known Biologist (a Richard Dawkins fan in fact!). He keeps telling me that the possibility of life elsewhere in the Universe must be very high. If you are a Biologist you must surely recognise natural selection and how over millions (yes millions!) of years human beings evolved.We share some of our DNA with so-called lower life-forms. That evolution is a fact there can be no doubt - we can see it in insect life for instance - create a new pesticide and a small number of insects always survive (by chance) and their offspring have immunity and so on through the generations. The chances of life of some sort springing up elsewhere in the Universe I would say would be pretty high if you consider how many Galaxies there are and how many stars within these Galaxies. I think it is not so matter of 'if' but 'where' these other lifeforms live.Of course UFOs is and always was a taboo subject at BK centres for several reasons. Here are some reasons

1.This is considered wasteful thoughts - what matters is your one development and relationship with Baba.

2.And this is the biggy...Many sisters have told me outright 'Baba says there are no such things as UFOs' - why? Because there is only one cycle and one drama.In fact this really messes the whole theory up.Suppose there was another (or several) planet with life on it who have Souls. The Souls would have to go through a cycle just as we do and so Baba would have to be their God too.Would the cycles be synchronised or would we have our Golden age when others had their copper age?

I remember a sister telling me about Vehmans (hope I have spelled it right) which are the thought-controlled vehicles that Deities get about in during the Golden age. They fly about the planet and have picnics. I commented that if I had one of these machines I would be flying off to the moon and other planets of the solar system to explore but was told that the Deities would have no such desires and would stay rooted to earth!

I cannot say with 100% certainty that there are such things as Aliens who visit earth but I can say with 100% certainty that there are such things as UFOs as I experienced them myself when I was 13 years old (and for many years later). The story is too long to tell here (I will give you a web address) but I saw them with my sister and so I know they were not hallucinations - also we saw them so often it is hard to believe.
Another sister back in 1978 in London (she now runs the New York center I believe) told me that Baba would send visions to his children and if the vision of a UFO made them closer to him then so be it. I find this rather hard to swallow! (Just like he would give visons of Mary to a Catholic).

None of this conflict in my mind prevented me from being a BK however you will be glad to hear.

Anyway - here is what I saw:


This is an old site - I have not updated it for 4 years or more and the links are probably inactive. I just leave it there as I cannot deny what I and my sister (who was also a BK before me) saw.

What we saw started around 1970 if I remember and I used to get pretty scared (I was 13 at the time). We had nobody to turn to as nobody believed us. I would be so frightened at night you would not believe it. My sister Alison went off to London to work during the University holidays some 4 years later (when I was still seing these things on a nightly basis) and I was still pretty nervous in the evenings. Then my sister turned up back from London and started talking to me about the UFOs. Before she opened her mouth I f elt such a calming effect just by her presence - I could not figure out what had happened to her - she felt so peaceful. She told me she had been with Dadi in London (the original center) and explained a bit about the BKs. I realised that there had to something special about them simply by the effect my sisters presence had made on me. I slept soundly that night and when I became a full time student I of course visited them and the rest as they say is history. I did not stay (though I did the 5 day course in a weekend - Daddi said that I had to do it all in a weekend for some reason - don't ask me why). I use to visit them on r egular occasions and it was not until some 16 years later that I did the course again and became a regular (though not in London).

When I see the writings of Babas children on these forums i nearly jumped for joy. What a good job you are all doing.
I never could accept the cycle of course in a Scientific way - my sister was a geologist so it was even harder for her.The spiritual teachings however are of great benefit to humanity.Once you get hooked there is no going back.

Om Shanti

Joined: 17 Jan 2005
Posts: 21

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:33 am    Post subject:

Nice topic
I'm not going to argue whether the UFO's are real or not, though sightings have happen and are still happening.
Since Atma was the one to raise the question i would like to recomend two authors you could read:
One is Trigueirinho and Stuart Wilde, they talk about those things and may add some information and they both have different views and experiences on the matter. It's nice to go for both sides.



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