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Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 187
Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:23 am    Post subject:

Dear Gy,
One thing I am now sure about is that we all need to understand the Truth (God) in our own personal way. We have all arrived right here, at this moment in time, on different paths and we will all take different paths forward (back even). It's the learning along the way that matters, and total honesty with the self is crucial. Otherwise we can kid ourselves into believing what is convenient and comfortable. This is a very powerful deception, and all of our very own creation! Surprised
You have helped me come to terms with this fact. Thanks.

Good luck with the soul searching Gy Cool

om shanti
om shanti

Joined: 22 Feb 2004
Posts: 167

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:22 pm    Post subject:

Thanks Whal, I'll take your sincerity with me.

Satish: thanks for the concern but you seem to be programmed or "wired" still. However, if you're still interested you can start with my first two posts or maybe read Paul's post on "the bottom line" in the xbk only forum. You needn't respond there - since Admin is very strict on that rule - but can express your views in this forum. If you don't care to take up those issues it's okay, I can understand.

Best regards,
"Those were the days my friend ...."

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:37 pm    Post subject:

Dear gyanwasi,

I just asked you questions to know what are they? Your opinions look bit interesting. Still need to look into them more.
Anyways I dont want to talk anything about it now in context to Brahmakumaris about this.

Yes gyanwasi I came across the information that in some places in India where guru, after his death come into the body of one and preach for the welfare of his people. I heard this from one person.There are many strange things that are not yet scientifically revealed I too am aware of. Like there is type of astrology in India where they just take thumb print tells the name, parents name, DOB, and his past exactly how it is without having any information of us.This is strange too. Some say they can take us to our past and make know what are we in previous birth.. looks strange again. If I look all these definitely if I get time I would do the research.

But I never find time though. Probably I will find it in future.

However I say best of luck for your (re)searching..I hope you post in forum if you find any new thing. Smile

with love

Joined: 20 Jan 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Paramdham

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 8:47 am    Post subject:

satish wrote:
Omshanthi Brothers

Truth about BK organisation is something that becomes firm into us when we go to murali every morning, follow shrimath(Like celibacy, churning spiritual points, and mainly remembering shivbaba, a supreme point of light) by keeping faith on shivababa for atleast 6- 8 months initially. Then... one will have faith in supreme soul, shivbaba. This I have experience myself.. Once when one have faith in shivababa, then believing in BK knowledge is automatic...
KNOWLEDGE can be created but true experience one who felt from supreme soul cannot be fake... Remember the four pillars --> celibacy, Satsang, pure food, knowledge are main things in shrimath...

Dear Satish,

I am not sure if you are addressing Gyaniwasi but your advice here seems to be for a beginner BK, and as such it is not suitable for someone like Gyaniwasi because he has been there, done that and bought the T-shirt Laughing In other words the problem is not a case of not knowing the things that you mention above. I agree that 'faith in shivbaba' and 'beleiving in BK knowledge' go together. This is circular - if the speaker is God, then the knowledge must be God-like. So I guess that doubts concerning the knowledge can cause someone to reassess their belief that the speaker is God. So the two sides split apart and the whole thing collapses. This does not mean that their spiritual experience is fake - what is questioned is the interpretation of their experience. What is the relationship / connection / route / bridge / chain of causation between a trans (beyond)-intellect spiritual experience and the statement of belief that God speaks the murli? It is quite a mysterious thing. Anyway it can of course be difficullt for a BK and an XBK to understand each other.

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 4:35 pm    Post subject:



I know what you are saying. My connection to shivbaba says that he is GOD. So I believe the knowledge he says. And I know everything is integrated. And if we feel doubt in the area of knowledge then there is definitely we feel doubt in shivababa being supreme soul and this can be other way if we have doubt in shivababa then there is no question of taking knowledge.
However for me the feeling with shivababa is so strong that I think he is definitely a supreme soul. We can analyse this if we want, that if he is just some holy soul or any other entity we never feel the way we experienced with him. And on seeing brahmababa we can understand there can be still relationship with supreme soul after we left the body. I know there are few of popular swamijis in India who are been prayed by both Indians and foreigners and they have experience of peace from the preaches of swamijis. Here the main thing we can observe is people who pray to them with much interest feel relief from their personal problems and their faith goes stronger on them. And it again goes like bakthi..But in case of shivababa we feel his existence and this feeling would be in higher intensity when we control our vices more and meditating daily. You are right that begining one feels high intensity of love from him. But slowly it comes down. But it again grows up when we follow what he saying. This is all the spiritual area I am discussing at. Usually when we make ourselves comfortable in spiritual area we will have experience that he is GOD. And it is not just beginning period in Knowledge I believe.

In case of Gyanwasi he got lot of questions in knowledge and he believes the knowledge part very much connected to spiritual part. Thus he stopped BK Gyan. And definitely I too like to know and have the questions which are genuine. I will find the answers to them just being as BK..It is like we are doing education here in BK world. If we dont find answers from teachers or Muralis, then we have a way of studying, churning and asking seniors at suitable time and I dont know we might know complete knowledge depending on progress in your spirituality. So questions are common while we doing study but to get to answers we have to work on them. This is same like school and college education. Shivababa said this many times in murali. Similar like school and college here too needs research attitude which is possible only being BK. As in our school we find different teachers here too, some can give complete answer and some may not. And some teachers follow shrimath accurately and some might miss that. This things we know when we are in school. While in school when we study any subject day and night we definitely used to get good score in that.

And I never doubt the shivababa not being supreme soul. And there is abundance of spiritual happiness here. No one can deny it.
Lastly being a BK we can learn much about BK world but not being out of it. Well if any one think they losing much of material happiness then BK world is not suitable however.
with love
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