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New Pope

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 2:01 pm    Post subject: New Pope

Om shanti Bhai's

I was working on the computer when I came across information that the new pope has been chosen.

It was interesting to see many souls reactions of this chosen actor.

On one hand you have those who wish for the Church to change ther attitude towards womans role in the church, marriage in priests, etc.

They call this becoming more modern.

The other hand are the souls who wish for no changes.

The church has an interesting dilema ahead on one hand if they do not listen to there paying customers they may lose them to many other forms of religion.

Take Care,

PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 5:50 am    Post subject:

An interesting feature common among all the major religions is that they do not allow any major role for the women in their places of worship.

These religions allow the ladies only to pray in the places of worship alongside men. But I wonder why the Muslims do not even allow women to pray alongside men in their mosques.

I wonder why women are considered so impure?

It is man who has been raping women since centuries and forcing women to become prostitutes, but claims to be more pure than women.

May be this is why Shivbaba gives more importance to women and says Vandey Mataram, ie. I bow to you O mother!

With regards,
On Godly service,

Joined: 20 Jan 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Paramdham

PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 10:34 am    Post subject:

N. S. Rajaram On the New Pope

BANGALORE, INDIA, October 1, 2000: Navaratna S. Rajaram wrote this essay
five years ago dealing in large part with the work of Cardinal
Ratzinger, the newly elected Pope:

The Pope and the Vatican have shown their true face. In a just released
document titled "Declaration of Lord Jesus" (written by Ratzinger) the
Vatican proclaims non-Christians to be in a "gravely deficient
situation" and even non-Catholic churches have "defects" because they
do not acknowledge the primacy of the Pope. This of course means the
Vatican refuses to acknowledge the spiritual right of the Hindus to
their beliefs and practices and asserts also the right of its agents in
India and other countries to engage in conversion. During his visit to
India Pope John-Paul II went further: he demanded conversion as a
"fundamental right" though the Vatican does not recognize any right
beyond the Pope's authority.

All this claim is based not only on the doctrinal authority supposedly
deriving from the word of Christ, but also the supreme authority of the
Pope as the spiritual head of the world to which followers of all other
"gravely deficient" religions--like Hinduism--must submit. Without this
there is no salvation. Who issued this statement proclaiming the
supremacy of the Catholic religion and the supreme spiritual authority
of the Pope? It was one Cardinal Josef Ratzinger, head of a Vatican
office known as the congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This is
probably the most powerful and influential office in the Vatican. And
of all the Cardinals, Ratzinger is closest to Pope John Paul II. The
public knows very little about this shadowy office, known since 1965 as
the congregation for the Docrtine of the Faith. Prior to that date it
was known as the Holy Office. And until 1542 it was known as the Holy
Inquisition--a name synonymous with terror and torture in the name of
God and Christ. Cardinal Ratzinger is called its secretary; in the old
days he would be known as the Grand Inquisitor. It was this office that
persecuted Galileo and burnt scientist Giordano Bruno at the stake. It
was this office again that sanctioned the Goa Inquisition as demanded
by "Saint" Francis Xavier, at which were thousands of innocent Indians
perished. It is the same office now that is denouncing Hindus as
"gravely deficient" who need to be converted to save them.

For the rest of the article, click "source" above.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:31 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti Bhai!

Yes, the male costumes seem to feel so superior yet they cause so much problems.

So many countries treat woman as not evan 2nd class but as slaves wether it be for sex or simply duties.

Take Care

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:39 am    Post subject:


There is an article titled "Papal power: A thin rigid line" in today's "Times of India" newspaper, with the following paragraph:

"Already many don't understand why the Pope should be the best authority on things which aren't in the realm of divinity. "Perhaps someone can explain how can a 78 year old celibate man make informed judgements on matters such as contraception, condoms, sexuality and birth control," asked Roger Marsh in a letter to a British daily."

The above case appears similar to the young, celibate Brahmakumaris teaching the householder couples about how to lead a pure household life, when they themselves have not experienced the household life. Until Mamma and Baba were alive the situation was ok. Mamma and Baba being the spiritual mother and father of the brahmin family, they could teach knowledge to anyone on any topic including matters related to purity in household life. But after their demise, it is only celibate Dadis or teachers who are running the administration. How can they guide the householders in their day to day problems related to purity in personal life? I remember many a times, the young BK teachers used to skip the portions of murlis which referred to inculcation of purity in private life.

But in the advance party, since Shivbaba is practically present in corporeal form along with Mamma, the children can approach him for guidance on any matter including inculcation of purity in private life, submission of chart/ potamail etc.

With regards,
On Godly service,

Joined: 20 Jan 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Paramdham

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:56 am    Post subject:

arjuna wrote:

But in the advance party, since Shivbaba is practically present in corporeal form along with Mamma

Dear Arjuna,

Om shanti. I didn't know that Mamma was also here - is this VDD's wife?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:18 am    Post subject:

Dear Uddhava,
Omshanti. There is a lady in the advance party, who is the spiritual mother of all the pbks based on the murlis and avyakta vanis. She is not exactly VDD's wife in worldly sense, but both of them are considered spiritual mother and spiritual father by the PBKs. Her role is explained in detail during the advance course. Just like the Mamma Saraswati of the BKs, the Mamma of PBKs has also been selected to play the role of spiritual mother based on her qualities & knowledge.
Here is a murli point related to Jagdamba (world mother), who should be practically present to open the the Gateway to heaven:
Actually the gateway to heaven is opened by this Jagdamba. Then, first she herself becomes the mistress of the world. So surely along with mother, you children are also there. They (Jagatpita & Jagdamba) are praised, “You are my mother, father….” (Revised murli dated 20.12.88, pg.126, register no.14, narrated through Brahma Baba).

With regards,
On Godly service,

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:59 am    Post subject:

arjuna wrote:
....... I wonder why women are considered so impure?
It is man who ......[/b]

Among human beings one who perceives sth and says that this is impure, says this according to one's capability. One does not see things as they realy are but as one is. One can see in detailes all vices in another but within slef very often can see nothing.

But, Smile there are always two partners in tango like there are two clapping hands.
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