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Site Admin

Joined: 15 Nov 2003
Posts: 48

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:19 pm    Post subject: NEW AVATAR IMAGES NOW AVAILABLE !!!

Dear XBKchat members,

This is just to let you know that we now have lots of new avatar images available for you to use. An "avatar" is a small picture that is displayed under your name whenever you post. For example, the picture of the computer - which you see to the left - is for the Adminstrator's use only.

To select an avatar image, simply log in to the site by keying in your user name and password. Then, at the top middle of any forum page, click on the small blue word "profile". At the bottom of your profile page, click on the "show gallery" button to select an avatar from the avatar gallery.

Once in the gallery, the cool new avatar images are under "veggie tales" in the drop down menu. You will see tons of new avatar images.

Click in one of the small circles below the image of your choice, and then click on the "select avatar" button. Then click on the "submit" button at the bottom of your profile page to update your profile. The avatar you selected should show up next to all your past and future posts.

It's totally voluntary of course, but it would be nice if most of our members select an avatar, which will show up when they post. That would add more colour - and a fun look - to our site Smile

We would also like you to be able to upload avatars of your choice, and we are working to resolve that issue. In the meanwhile, have a look at the new images. There are a lot to choose from Smile

Atma "spoke" and we acted. Atma said our selection of avatars was limited and uninspired. We agree. Guess what? Lots of really nice avatars have now been added to our selection.

We urge our members to grab the new avatars now!!! Those of you who already use an avatar now have a chance to change it to something more to your liking.

When you get to the avatar gallery the "Newavatars" tab will show you the new avatars. They are really cool. Take your pick! Enjoy!
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