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Mind over Matter.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 12:28 pm    Post subject: Mind over Matter.

Mind over Matter.

It is always said ''Mind over Matter ''— never ''matter over mind''. The following explanation will prove that in the near future(golden age) it will be possible to control Nature.

The Mind is the –ve(destructive) energy of the soul which is always attached to the sensual and materialistic pleasures of the world. Birth after birth it has overpowered the intellect which is the +ve energy of the soul. This –ve energy(mind) of the soul (Atma) directly affects the –ve electron of Atom (Matter), which in turn vibrates in a irregular and erratic fashion around the nucleus—disturbing its equilibrium and resulting in natural Calamities from time to time. Thus the vagaries and fickleness of the mind are directly reflected in the vagaries of nature. When the –ve mind and the +ve intellect balance each other and the equilibrium is restored—then the soul becomes Divine and in turn Nature also becomes Divine. This equilibrium is known as soul-consciousness which exists in Golden and silver age where human beings and nature both are divine and exist in perfect harmony and Natural Calamities & death are non-existent. (" The Mind in itself is the greatest power on this earth, for it can make a Hell out of Heaven & Heaven out of Hell").

The above simple equation of Mind over Matter can answer most of the complex questions which have baffled mankind for centuries (regarding Man and his relationship with Nature).

In golden and silver age--for 2500 years----mind over matter = perfect harmony between man and nature.

In copper and iron age--for 2500 years--- matter over mind = no harmony between man and nature---man is at the mercy of mother nature--man can neither predict nor prevent natural calamities.

Behind every Complexity is Simplicity .

om shanti

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:37 am    Post subject:

om shanti---shivshakti-pandavsena

you have written "When the –ve mind and the +ve intellect balance each other and the equilibrium is restored—then the soul becomes Divine and in turn Nature also becomes Divine."

My views differ to your views to the above phrase that you have implied.

I feel that when the downfall of the intellect commences, then the intellect begins to lose its concentration power. Due to the declining power of the intellect, the mind begins to emerge and interferes with the intellect. Then body-consciouness pervades.

Only in confluence age, we are recharging the battery of the intellect by maintaining relationships with Shivbaba. By doing so, the intellect regains the lost power and manages to suppress the mind. As a result, we become the conquerors of the mind. When the mind is being suppressed to a certain degree, then it is said that one has attained perfection or soul-consciouness.

When there is more of one aspect ( the intellect ), then there is less of the other ( the mind ) and vice-versa. When the intellect is in the ascending stage, then the actions are elevated and when the mind is in the ascending stage, then the actions are degraded. When the intellect is powerful, then the mind will be weaker and vice-versa. So we behave naturally and accordingly to these two cyclic movements.

om shanti----peeu

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 7:21 am    Post subject: equation of science and spirituality

Equation of science and spirituality.

Atma(soul) has 3 faculties.
---mind (-ve force)
---intellect(+ve force)
---sanskars (neutral)

So also atom consists of 3 forces.
---electron (-ve force)
---proton (+ve force)
---neutron (neutral)

The modern day scientists do not have any explanation as to why the -ve force of electron is more than the +ve force of the proton and why does it revolve round the nucleus in an erratic orbit compared to the proton----they have no reason to believe that for the first half(2500 years) of the world cycle the +ve and the -ve forces of the atom balanced each other and nature and humans were divine----and in the second half(2500 years) of the world cycle the -ve electron becomes more powerful than the +ve proton----this -ve force is directly related to the -ve force of the soul (mind) which overpowers the intellect(+ve) in copper and iron age.

In sangamyug, thru' godly knowledge and rajyoga meditation (connection with shivbaba), the intellect(+ve force) learns to overpower the mind (-ve force) ----without the help of the supreme father, no soul can over power the mind (such is the power of the mind)--------------Now in satyug since the powerhouse shivbaba is not pesent and the deities are soul conscious( which means that mind and intellect have merged to become a point)---then there is no point in saying that the intellect rules the mind (the question of ruling something occurs when something is going out of hand)---in satyug the intellect and the mind are indistinguishable from each other as they do not have any tussle between them and exist in perfect harmony with each other---and so in turn the nature is also in perfect harmony with divine beings----the mind and intellect seperate out only in copper and iron age when the mind runs after the sensual pleasures and the intellect(conscience) tries to stop it but fails.

So to summarise.

---- intellect > than mind (in sangamyug only--with the help of shivbaba)

---- intellect = mind (in golden and silver ages--divine beings are soul conscious---no question of overpowering any force)

----- mind > than intellect (in copper and iron age--human beings are body conscious as mind is attached to sensual pleasures)

Co-relation of science and spirituality can explain all the complexities of Nature.

ok--- om shanti.
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