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Good books
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Joined: 13 Mar 2004
Posts: 72

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 11:04 pm    Post subject:

am......um......hmmm....Berijoy....am.....um.....this is the Any and Everything forum and....am.....um.....the name of this topic is "Good books".....am......um......just thought I'd mention that Embarassed

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
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Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:51 am    Post subject:

am......um......hmmm....Berijoy....am.....um.....this is the Any and Everything forum and....am.....um.....the name of this topic is "Good books".....am......um......just thought I'd mention that

Not sure what the purpose of the above is Paul?
Berijoy, thanks for your list of books and 'welcome' to the forum. Smile

with love

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:25 am    Post subject:

Autobiography of a yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda is quite amazing

I'm a friend of an XBK.

So do you know anything about BKs apart from what your friend says?

Joined: 13 Mar 2004
Posts: 72

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:37 pm    Post subject: Re: attn: Tete

berijoy wrote:
I'm a friend of an XBK.

Wahl, duh? OK, I'll break it down. Let's take this step by step. See if you can follow me here. If not, just interrupt me by putting your hand up.

The quote above was berijoy's virginal post on the site. I suppose I was trying to intimate, as gently as I could, that the brief and bald statement "I'm a friend of an XBK" is somewhat out of place in a thread devoted to "Good books".

Get it Wahl?

Joined: 02 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 9:31 pm    Post subject:

wahl wrote:
am......um......hmmm....Berijoy....am.....um.....this is the Any and Everything forum and....am.....um.....the name of this topic is "Good books".....am......um......just thought I'd mention that

Not sure what the purpose of the above is Paul?
Berijoy, thanks for your list of books and 'welcome' to the forum. Smile

with love

Because I was responding to a question from Tete about whether or not I was a BK or an XBK.
"...all you need is love, love, love is all you need." ~The Beatles
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:31 am    Post subject: A Gathering of Men

Bill Moyers/Robert Bly video A Gathering of Men.

Amazon.com Review,

This is for every MAN, May 13, 2002
Reviewer: tim carey (Melbourne, Australia) - See all my reviews
I really loved this video. I first got it out at my local libary and watched it many times before I grudgingly had to return it. Robert Bly is a very wise and initiated Man, with the ability to point his finger right at the wounds that men carry secretly. His call for a new understanding of what it means to be a son, father, brother or partner, gives the "everyman" a real chance to reclaim masculinity as a vibrant, necessary and creative force in the world. This is a video about healing and not blaming others for thier mistakes. Every male(boy or man) should watch and discuss this video.

This was a very good video along with the reading of Iron John: A Book About Men by Robert Bly.

These two were most helpful post SS....I accidentally threw out the video .Embarassed A friend gave it to us as a gift so we could have it to review from time to time. I would say that these two are of great value for men and that if you are a significant other of a post BK man that it would be worth your while to check them out at your local library (The video can be a bit pricey but Amazon will often have some for sale for under fifty dollars). Oh, men like to watch this with other (often alone) men to chat about it...so if you are a gal....go out and allow for the men bond thing. Wink



Joined: 09 Nov 2004
Posts: 102

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:23 am    Post subject: Re: A Gathering of Men

Tete wrote:
Bill Moyers/Robert Bly video A Gathering of Men.

Yes, I got a lot out of reading Iron John at the time. All I remember now is something about a wild man with wild hair.

Somewhere he touches on our power as men... something I wasn't much in touch with during my BK years; even now it is an area I'm working on--seeing the ways I give away my power to others, imagining how I might experience myself, and how i might be afraid to experience myself recognizing and using the powers i already have.

Among the senior BK men, Nirwair stands out as one in particular in whom you can feel he has a sense of his own power. Actually there are quite a number....

Emulating another is certainly an ineffective way to get in touch with one's own power. Funny how as BKs we say we should not "remember" anyone else's name and form, yet I found myself so often in a fearful prison of following some image of the "right' thing. In this state i was denying myself (afraid it would be an eruption of vice) with the effect of emasculating and eviscerating myself. Hence many dreams with images of loss of body parts... teeth falling out, powerless legs, incapacitated by fish hooks or the teeth or claws of animals. It is frightening to feel a cat's claws sunk deep into your arm, and that you can't remove them, the cat itself panicked so it is afraid to let go.

I notice we haven't talked much on the board of the kinds of dreams we have had, related to our life with the BKs. Dreams certainly provide an incredibly vivid view of our deeper experiences of ourselves.
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