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Gods ID - Why does God need a spaceship?

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Joined: 05 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:41 pm    Post subject: Gods ID - Why does God need a spaceship?

One of my favourite lines in a film was by Captain Kirk (or was he admiral by then?). They get taken to a planet where 'God' resides (according to the high-jacker).

There they meet 'God' who is quite nice to begin with but says he needs the Enterprise. 'Why does God need a spaceship'? says Kirk? The others are shocked of course.

Another good line is where Kirk doubts God and asks for proof.
Bones replies 'Jim,you don't ask God for his ID'!!

Well I do too!! What is Gods ID? A point of light in the Soul world simply won't do!

Om Shanti.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:44 pm    Post subject:

Well I do too!! What is Gods ID? A point of light in the Soul world simply won't do!

Without wanting to sound like a BK cliche, I think it's all in the words(murlis)

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:56 pm    Post subject:

Its not really in the murlis. Qualities etc is but there is little or no Science in the murlis. No explanation as to what a Soul is - how can we detect that there is a soul - proof that there we have Souls rather than just biological 'computers' in our head. (the current understanding).

What is a Soul made of? What elements - particles etc. God would surely know all and be able to explain in much detail rather than vague sentences.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:08 pm    Post subject:

Yes good points.

maybe the soul needs to be experienced to be understood properly.

For myself I'm not too big on scientists, it's a developing errrm science.
Personally I don't need scientists proof before I believe.
Are scientists that solid..really?

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:28 pm    Post subject:

Absolutely solid in the explantion - for Science to accept the idea of a Soul.
Up to now the paranormal is ion the fringe of Science. Good luck to those who reserach this area as it is hard to prove and gain acceptance.

You need repeatable experiments under controlled conditions. Even less controverial topics such as Water Divining is a long way off being proved.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:40 pm    Post subject:

If scientists can prove the soul then I'll tip my hat too them.

But what instuments can be used for proof?
If the soul isn't physical or part of the five elements how can something made of the 5 elements discover it?

As I said before I'm not big on science matters and the latest developements, so maybe someone can explain this too me.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:47 pm    Post subject:

A sister once told me that Scientists would photgraph (or provide proof) of the Soul near 'the end'! I am still waiting. If it's real it should be measurable somehow. We cannot see radio waves but we can detect their presence. So in this respect we don't even know what a radio wave looks like - but it does exist. Likewise if the Soul exists we should be able to detect its presence.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:54 pm    Post subject:

Is Love real?

I think most people believe in it mainly because of experience in various degrees

Can it really be measured in science terms? The symptoms can maybe be measured.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 8:06 pm    Post subject:

Anyway your questions are good. I don't disagree with you wanting answers.
I'm just putting forward my own angle Smile

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:23 am    Post subject:

I see the universe as consisting of 2 essential ingredients: matter and spirit. EVERYTHING is a mixture of the two. Spirit is the life force that science never explains. It is a form of energy, related to magnetism, electricity, and other phenomena that science still doesn't really understand...

You can't expect material instruments to measure pure spirit...

Religions say that 'matter doesn't matter'. Scientists say 'spirit' doesn't exist because we can't see or measure it. I see the reality as a mixture, a union, of the two polar views.


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 1:33 am    Post subject:

morning celticgyan

If everything action has a cause, and I don't think that the world of science has a problem with that, then what do you consider is the cause of a thought (action) arising?

If you can't accept the existence something without proof, ie we can use our five senses to 'sense' it, or in the absence of that, have some seal of approval in the form of a scientific equation..............how would you 'prove' the existence of a thought?

A scientist can measure the electricity that the thought produces. The thought isn't the electricity itself, it is just a measurement of the energy produced. So, at the end of the day, YOU are the only one that really knows that the thought exists because it is in YOUR 'head'. How would you go about proving your thought exists? Better stiill, how could you prove the quality of that thought? Could you measure the quality of a thought, and if not, then perhaps there is no such thing as quality of thought and all thoughts are the same?.......................

The knowledge of the soul is not 'out there' in that great big material world, it is in the opposite direction, it is you, you are it. You, the soul, are the instigator of your thoughts. You, the soul, are the instigator of the desire to know truth and you will keep asking until you are satisfied! Wink

with love
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