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Do you get asthma?

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Joined: 16 Aug 2004
Posts: 9
Location: UK

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 12:37 am    Post subject: Do you get asthma?

I remember being told as a BK that it is often a hallmark of 2nd birth brahmins that they get asthma - on which basis over 20% of the UK population may be 2nd birth brahmins (which makes about 15M brahmins - Satyug can start at last!)

I 've had asthma for 35 yrs and recently came across the Buteyko Method. There are many (not very good) sites on this including http://www.buteyko.com/.

I essence Dr Butekyo in the 1950s came up with this idea that overbreathing and resultant carbon dioxide level reduction in the blood causes the lungs to "phlegm up" as a protection against further CO2 loss.

Hence breath less - keep hold of your CO2 - body chemistry works better - body doesn't produce phlegm - no asthma.

I've tried it and it definitely works. The only problem I found is that it's hard to hold my breath when asthma strikes - very counter intuitive. But when I do, it does cause dilation of the bronchioles and relief from asthma.

It's worth looking at if you get asthma (or runny nose / cold like symptoms alot).

It seems the method isn't well known as there is no profit for the drug companies in it.


Joined: 29 May 2005
Posts: 15
Location: Amsterdam

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:20 am    Post subject:

Hello Jim,

Two friends, one with asthma and the other one with severe headaches told me that they have great results with this method.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 12:44 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti Bhais,

Get rid of the dairy (all dairy products) and you will see very interesting results.

My health improved dramtically when I did this well over a decade ago.

Take Care,
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