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Cattle mutilations

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Joined: 13 Mar 2004
Posts: 72

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 7:33 pm    Post subject: Cattle mutilations

Since the 1960's - mainly but not exclusively in the USA - there has been a very strange and disturbing phenomenon occurring. In short, thousands of cattle have been found dead in fields. The manner of death is very puzzling. Here are the main features:

* Often the reproductive or rectal areas have been "surgically" cored out....as if by a laser or high heat instrument.

* The area around the jaw is also completely stripped of flesh.

* There is no flow of blood from the carcass nor is there blood on the ground.

* There is no trace of footprints or other disturbances of the environment around the carcass.

* The carcass has been completely exanguanated - ie drained of blood.

* Before the discovery of the body, strange lights have often been seen and animals act as if terrified.

* No animals approach or interfere with the carcass.

* There are indications on the carcass that it may have been dropped from a height.

This is no laughing matter. It is deadly serious and has been going on for years. No one, repeat no one, has ever been caught or prosecuted for these killings.

What is going on? I invite responses from all and, in particular, from our resident vet hanuman.

Assuming that there is something weird behind these happenings, how could it possibly relate to or be explained by BK "knowledge"?

By the way, there are thousands of websites dealing with this issue. I can only give the addresses of these few here:






Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 2:46 am    Post subject: Cattle Mutilations

Thank you very much for inviting me to respond Paul
I have had post graduate training in veterinary pathology and have done work in wild life forensic pathology.
The gross lesions on the cattle strongly suggest that an instrument is used for incision which seals off the blood vessels as it cuts. A laser scalpel or electrocautery unit can cut flesh with minimal of hemorrhage. It seems that a high tech version of a laser scalpel or an electrosurgical scalpel has been used. There is a strong connection between the Military Industrial Complex, of which major US corporations are a part and the UFO phenomena.
There is no doubt that UFOs and aliens are currently on the Earth. The US military has been masking all information on UFO. It does not mean that they have not been conducting experiments.
More than likely, the extracted organs are being used in secret experiments. They can be used for example in attempts to implant organs into others animals or to create cyborg animals, i.e. an animal with parts of humans and sub-human animals. The animal cyborgs can then be used as soldiers in wars or other military operations.
The Yadavs are preparing for WW III. The sightings of black choppers and UFO indicates that there is a joint operation between regular units of the US military and the units dealing with UFOs. There is much that the Yadavs in the US have been doing and have put on blinders on the public. AIDS for example is not caused by the virus many authorities contend as the pathogenic organism. Check up Dr. Peter Dusberg's and Dr. Gary Null's websites.
AIDS, Lyme's Disease, CJD and SARS are by-products of genetically engineered organisms introduced into populations. There is an agenda of Yadavs to globally reduce the population by means of wars, starvation and emerging microbes.
Kuru , a form of CJD among the Fore people in Pupua New Guiene, was a disease introduced into that population by the Japanese as an experiment in biological warfare. A highly pathogenic strain of the piroplasma organism, developed by the US military has been detected in AIDS patients. The piroplasma organism at a specific high dose will induce AID like symptoms.
Since the areas of the animal bodies do not have any signs of aseptic preparation, there is no conccern for surgical sterility or there are means of washing the extracted organs once they reach their destination.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 5:57 am    Post subject:

hanuman, I thought Duesberg said something different about AIDS (i.e. caused by recreational drugs)

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:50 am    Post subject: Cattle Mutilations


You are correct.
Dr. Gary Null has unearthed evidence that the piroplasma organism which has been manupilated by the US military has been implicated as a pathogenic organism for AIDS. We must remember that AIDS is multifactorial and recreational drugs and the piroplasma organism are two of the many factors contributing to the syndrome.
However, none of the orthrodox AIDS scientists, including Dr. Gallo has been able to demonstrate microscopically, an organism or germ responsible for the many lesions attributed to AIDS.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 2:19 am    Post subject: Cattle Mutilations


I have a suggestion and I'll be part of it.
The suggestion is having a team of jurists and forensic scientists investigate the phemenon of cattle mutilation. Here is a great opportunity for the XBKS to participate in community action in the global village. The investigation is essential, because of the following questions: Will humans be next?
Are the mutilations part of resaerch intended to harm the humanity?
We can team up with those currently conducting investigations.
The necropsy reports of the killed animals will be one of the key pieces of evidence. A necropsy is a clinical procedure for the post mortem examination of an animal by systematic dissection and pathological evaluation of organ, tissue and cellular specimens. The necropsy would have been done by a veterinarian and in some cases a board certified veterinary pathologist. It will indicate the cause of death or factors contributing to the cause of death. Lesions visible to the naked eyes, gross and those detected by means of a microscope, microscopic or histologic will be part of the necropsy report.
Lesions, whether gross or microscopic tell many true stories about the patient prior to, during and after their deaths.
The necropsy report and other bits of evidence will validate hypotheses on those responsible for the crimes and their motives.
It will be a very interesting CSI PROJECT.
Though the Military Insutrial Complex is innocent until the hypotheses are validated by the investigation, they will try to block the investigation.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger
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