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Animals and Nature

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 12:12 pm    Post subject: Animals and Nature

Om shanti Bhais!

Take Care,

Thailand Elephants Save Lives

From the unbelievable chaos of the Tsunami disaster comes an incredible tale

from Jim France of the Pavilion Hotel Group in Bangkok.

At a resort on Phuket, one of the most popular attractions is (was) elephant

rides. As many as eight people on one elephant, first into the surrounding

forest, then down to the beach, to lunch at a fresh water lagoon, then back

to the hotel.

The elephants (nine) were kept chained to in-ground posts, not because they

needed to be, but because it made the mothers feel better because their

children seemed safe from a tromping when feeding the beasts.

About twenty minutes before the first wave hit, the elephants became

extremely agitated and unruly. Four had just returned from a trip and their

handlers had not yet chained them. They helped the other five tear free from

their chains. They all then climbed a hill and started bellowing.

Many people followed them up the hill. Then the waves hit. After the waves

subsided, the elephants charged down from the hill, and started picking up

children with their trunks and running them back up the hill; when all the

children were taken care of, they started helping the adults.

They rescued forty-two people. Then they returned to the beach and carried

up four dead bodies, one of a child. Not until the task was done would they

allow their handlers to mount them. Then with handlers atop, they began

moving wreckage.

Many Super-Sentient capacities were being exhibited throughout this

devastating tragedy by these Wonderful Elephant Beings, including Divine

Love for one another and their fellow humans.

Joined: 01 Feb 2005
Posts: 26
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:34 pm    Post subject: Animals and nature

That is a beautiful story. I had heard that there were fewer animal deaths, especially in relation to human deaths, and thought it was simply due to human stupidity. I recall that people walked out onto the exposed sea bed out of curiosity between waves, and many were taken.

In another setting,several years ago I have had cats who had been through so many earthquakes that they simply would open an eye, look around and go back to sleep. (Of course, that wasn't the case with the two 7's they had experienced, but only with smaller earthquakes later.)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:08 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti!

Yes, a famiily members cat in California went thru something similar.

We have most definatly gone away from Nature.

Take Care,
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