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Thinking of joining XBKchat?

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Joined: 15 Nov 2003
Posts: 48

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:12 am    Post subject: Thinking of joining XBKchat?

XBKchat welcomes new members. We are happy when our membership grows. However, we do not encourage dormant memberships. If you decide to apply for membership, we take it that it is because you have something to say and you intend to contribute to the discussions.

We have a clear rule: new members are given up to one month (from the time their memberships are approved) to contribute an opinion (ie make a post) on XBKchat.
They may do so in any of the forums, except the "Visitors Comments" and "XBKs issues...for XBK's ONLY" forums. In other words, a new member can make his or her first post in the main forum "XBK discussions", the "Any and everything" forum, the "BK forum" or the "PBK forum".

Permission to post in the exclusive "XBK issues...for XBKs ONLY" forum is by invitation of the Administrator only. You cannot apply for permission to post in the "XBK issues...for XBKs ONLY" forum. If at some stage the Administrator considers it appropriate, you will be invited to post in that exclusive forum also. Unless and until you have been so invited, please refrain from posting in that forum.

We have taken pains to point out that new members are expected to make their first post within a month from the time their memberships are approved....failing which their memberships will be deleted. We state this in every membership approval email we send out to new members. We make it clear that, after this initial post, there is no obligation to post regularly, or to post at all. In spite of that, people continue to join and then don't post. Today we have deleted 11 members because they have not made a single post, even though they joined more than a month ago.

How much clearer can we make this? It's simple. If you do not intend to make a contribution to the site (by way of posting an opinion) then do not waste your time to apply for membership. Please also do not waste our time in reviewing your application, approving your membership and notifying you, both by way of a post and by email. Let's put it another way: if you feel that you have something to say, and can make a post soon after your membership is approved, then and only then should you join XBKchat. If not, please refrain from joining until such time as you are prepared to contribute to the site.

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