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Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 86

PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 1:29 am    Post subject:

Yes, "wounded" both physically and mentally here, if I can call it that. I guess it was desperation of this sort that led me to the Bks, not out of any sort of inner spiritual quest or yearning. But I really couldn't get rid of the feeling that I was "brainwashing" myself by force. The doubting thoughts just more evidence of how much "karma" I was carrying and I would feel I had to re-double my efforts at ignoring what I was unsure about, and keeping blindly churning, over and over and over all day whenever i felt "resistant". I realised I couldn't keep doing that when the churning of the knowledge became so ever-present in each 24-hr period that the words had lost all their meaning anyway thru sheer repetition..... Confused

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 1:46 am    Post subject: Anova's SOS

Dear Anova,

The God of the Christians and the other faith-based groups is also the same God who founded the BK organization. I was banished from gyan in 1990. I did feel some form of guilt. The guilt did not last long. Why it did not last long? Because I understood that in the unlimited world Drama each soul plays a special role in each incarnation.
God the Father/Mother of all humankind is also the Ocean of Mercy. He forgives. Many BKs who struggle on the path lack the power to forgive. As xBKs our greatest strength and when we are pre-occupied with guilt our weakness is the power to [b]forgive the self[/b]. When as xBKs we can forgive our selves at a deep spiritual level, the spiritual and physical life flies. One mistake many xBKs can make is to forget our spirituality. We still need to live a balanced life. We are still responsible for taking care of our karmic accounts. We still live in the Confluence Age. God understands that not every one would wear a white sari or pajama and be a BK. Others have their roles to play which may be the life of a family person. Many BKs, including administrators with limited vision, play the role of God and harshly judge xBks, increasing the level of guilt. That is a serious dis-service. "He who is without sin cast the first stone.'' Unfortunately, many of my brothers and sisters at centers want to play God and cast stones on xBKs as negative thoughts or words of condemnation.
A few years ago, I attended a public function held by the BKs at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. Some of the BKs who knew me greeted me with great spiritual charm. One brother from Australia who had advanced in the ranks of the BKs was walking down one of the halls. He made it his duty treat me with scorn. I simply responded with the New York attitude of being transparent. I do not want to be the judge of that brother. I must say that a senior sister who was one of my best teachers greeted me and had a conversation with me. My former teacher has for decades been a Queen of Swans and her special virtue has enabled her to perform service to the lowest of the low and highest of the high. I wished my brother well. He had missed his chance to elevating himself by speaking to an xBK.
God forgives. However, we should not hold on to guilt, because some BKs play God and judge us. We must forgive ourselves and live joyful and balanced lives.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 03 May 2004
Posts: 9

PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 1:05 pm    Post subject:

I am not so different to you Guys. Although I was born into a christian family and indoctrinated from birth, it wasn't until I began to grow into an adult that I was seriously challenged by some of my own beliefs. The first thing I stopped saying at mass was the creed 'The Catholic Church is the One Church with the One True God blahdy blah' The second thing I stopped doing was believing that by some massive turn of luck I was one of the few chosen ones...discounting all the devout people from other religions. Yes, I believe that there is only one God and we have fashioned him into what we want to believe he is from echos of our own social contructs. The mass then also faded into just words and I began to look outside of my own arrogant faith and see human beings, most living good lives, loving in good healthy ways: black to black, white to white, black to white, gay (is that every way?). One Question Hanuman...why platonic? What is it about sex and women that people seem scared of?

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:05 am    Post subject: Help!

Dear Anova,

Women for a significant part of history played significant roles. They were rulers, healers and most important the ones who cared for children. I feel that it is imprinted into the collective consciousness of humankind that women played a signal role in the transformation of the world to a peaceable kingdom.
Many males have followed the dogma of disrespecting women and blaming them for their weaknesses.
The interaction of males with females can be harmonious. A Platonic approach provides psychological safety for the parties involved. There is more to a sexual encounter than the physical aspects. The encounter is an altered state of consciousness. However, when the parties bring baggage of negative thinking to the connections, souls feel cheated.
I FEEL THAT THE DEVIS AND DEOTAS WILL HAVE INTERCOURSE IN THE GOLDEN AND SILVER AGES. Will it be different than the current era? Yes! No guilt. No selfishness. Just love on a physical and spiritual level. Humans have programmed themselves to regard sex and women as degrading. There is always a time and place for it and the parties should be in the right mind frame and spiritual stage.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 03 May 2004
Posts: 9

PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 7:40 am    Post subject:

I agree with everything you said...up to the last two words! However, I am making an assumption. The assumtion is that you are referring to spiritual stage in bk terms and I am not an advocat of the bk teachings. I believe that [i]any[/i] two people can experience that higher state of conciousness during sex if they truely care for each other. I would agree that without that sex can be a little two dimentional. If what I believe were not the case then why does sex feature in everything around us...socialising, the media, films, novels, billboards?! Seems to me like everyone knows it is ultimately a fine and wonderful thing to take part in!

If I am right in my assumptions then the elitism of the bks spreads even to sex, just like the catholic church who state that sex is only for conception (in it's strictest interpretation, which most choose to ignore) and the wearing of condoms is a sin, even if your husband/wife/lover has HIV, which translated means abstain or else.

These organisations who, in my opinion, set themselves up to dictate to us and to turn loving relationships into seedy blasphamy are power driven. They have targeted the most basic of human rights (to express love to each other) in order to control us, and boy haven't they done a job of it.

By the way I like your slant on the Dan Brown book but you conveniently forgot to mention the strong pagan influence in christianity...much more relevant than Eyptology.

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 1:51 am    Post subject: Help


When I speak of the spiritual stage, the term is not confined the BK language. There is also the aspect of tantric yoga which is not studied by the BKs. Several months ago Dr. Gary Null interviewed a tantra yoga expert who had written a book on the joys of sex. I cannot remember her name. She did mention the factor of guilt many adults bring to their love making.
According to Ahmed Osman, it was Tutankhamun/Jesus who went to the Sinai to persuade his father, Akhenaten/Moses to return to Egypt with the condition that Moses and his followers cloud practice monotheism and respect the gods worshipped by the other Egyptians. Though King Tut was a monothesist, he had changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun. He accepted the other gods as angels.
The pagan aspects of the Christian religion was masked by the early church patriachs because Mary Magdaline, the Royal Wife of Jesus played a significant role in sustaining the teachings of her husband.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger
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