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Dream Experiences (dreams only; discuss in Dream Discussion)

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Joined: 09 Nov 2004
Posts: 102

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:46 pm    Post subject: Dream Experiences (dreams only; discuss in Dream Discussion)

This topic is for presenting dreams. The nature of this forum tends to bias it toward text, but if you have drawn a picture or composed a piece of music based on a dream, a link to that would be welcome, too.

For discussing dreams, I recommend posting in the companion topic Dream Discussions.

Joined: 09 Nov 2004
Posts: 102

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:01 pm    Post subject: The Badge

3/14/06 The badge

I am with my mother. Then on the phone with a lady at the elementary school about an art project that I have agreed to do as part of my education. And what month will we schedule this, she asks I say a month and a day, something like July 15. But that is the current month. No the next month, then. She laughs sympathetically about the mistake.

With my mother nearby, I make a drawing on a huge piece of paper on the ground with cylindrical pieces of soft chalk or pastels. The paper is long, and my picture is shaped by a figure 8, but with more lobes. I fill in around this shape with colors and inside with colors. I am satisfied with the drawing, yet when i look from a distance, I notice that the colors are not as brilliant as I would like. Because the concrete under the paper is rough, the colors are not filled in.

I rub the paper with my finger to spread the colors so they appear more richly. Then I am asking my mother if she has the fixative spray. This spray is needed for the colors to stay in place when the picture is handled.

In the next scene I am in Madhuban. I decided to wear a Laxmi-Narayan badge. I encounter Rajni, an Indian sister who wore her sari at high-school graduation and ran the center in Kobe for many years.

She sees the badge, gives me a look of disgust, and walks on. I look at the badge. Instead of the two figures standing side-by-side in colored robes, the small picture has one figure colored dark who is standing and another, kneeling height in a pinkish fleshy color. Only those colors: black and pink.

Did the picture metamorphose by itself, in response to the changes in my life? (As in the Portrait of Dorian Gray??) Or did Rajni do some sleight-of-hand to change it?

I take apart the badge. Inside is a piece of paper, not square, but like a folded map with some of the rectangular sections removed from the edges. Each section has a picture allowing the paper to be folded to put that picture forward in the badge. There are pictures on the other side as well.

I am looking at all the pictures now, seeing the one I might want to fold to be forward. There is a L.N. couple that is only black and white, there are single individuals. I look through all the twenty or so images, there is a ladder and perhaps a tree in color, but none of the images of figures are fully colored.

I put the unfolded paper down on the concrete, and there are many other sheets around, also full of pictures. I could take one of them and fold it inside my badge. I patiently inspect the pictures, but none is the L.N. that I want to put forward. Tho I can see other people walking around, I continue to be engaged in this.

At the edge of the group of pictures, I see a brochure of Satya Sai Baba that has been placed there by guy in a colored robe with a beard, clearly a Sai Baba follower. I give him a look, perhaps say a word, and he picks up his brochure. I am telling him it doesn't belong there.

Then I see a little courtyard with grass. At the end is a tiny horse, a little pony, right against a fence of thick dark iron bars. The horse is almost the same color, and is not moving much so initially I think it might be made of iron, too, a sculpture. On looking closer, I see it is not moving because it's nose is chained to the fence, with no play at all, hardly a few inches.

I hear some voice saying that Dadi Kumarka always wanted a horse. "And this is what it came to," I am thinking. It is obviously cruel. Probably unconscious ignorance of the needs of animals. I am concerned for the horse, look around for someone to ask about giving the horse a longer lead.

I walk into one of the small rooms adjoinging the grass courtyard. Inside seated are Karuna (a senior BK with a gift for public relations) and a couple of other men. "Karuna, my friend who I know for many years!" I greet him. He is quiet. On the table are a couple of electric drills and metal shavings. The table is dirty and oily as in a metal shop. He says something and I hear the word murder.

Joined: 18 Feb 2006
Posts: 47

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 11:06 am    Post subject: left alone

Last night my whole night was taken up by dreams that my spouse had left me to go and live in a BK center. I was looking and looking. Also looking for a place to live by myself. It was very scary and upsetting. I hope it don't come true and I don't get left alone.
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