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Dream Discussions (see also Dream Experiences)

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Joined: 09 Nov 2004
Posts: 102

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:42 pm    Post subject: Dream Discussions (see also Dream Experiences)

While many of us have taken advantage of this forum to discuss our beliefs and life experienes in thought-words, I think it might add another dimension to share about our lives in the form of our dreams.

Dreams can signify many things and can be interpreted many ways. For those of us seeking harmony between our conscious lives and our inner being, dreams offer to help us by expressing our inner lives in a rich language of images, sensations and events that is uncensored by the filters and blinders of our waking consciousness. We might say they provide a window on our inner self, but if so, it not a passive window. Dreams can have a powerful emotional content, as tho the inner self opens this window, reaches out, grabs us by the collar and gives us a good shake: This is IMPORTANT to me! Attend to THIS!

I envision two topics here: one for the dreams themselves a second for any discussion related to them. That way someone curious about the dreams themselves could find them all in one place.

As some of us might feel sensitive about the rest of the world viewing such dreams, I am starting this topic within the XBK issues section. If others feel it is important to share dreams with the the public at large, we could start a topic in one of the public forums on xbkchat. I think it's also important to note that even tho XBK issues is ostensibly private, someone might want to choose a more select audience, or perhaps a therapist, for hearing dreams concerning those issues about which we are most vulnerable.

One of my gentlest experiences of shared dream explorations was with a group in which each dream was taken for the self. So that in commenting a person would use the following formula:

If this were MY dream, the swimming pool would relate to XXXX in MY life.

I offer it as a vehicle for those who might otherwise be prone to discuss others' lives to the point of neglecting to include their own experiences. I find this formula helps me communicate my truths while respecting the dreamer's integrity.

This concludes my introduction to this topic. In the topic Dream Experiences, I will post a recent dream of my own that seems tailor-made for this discussion.
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