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BK Marriage Band/Ring and total commitment to Baba

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Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:46 pm    Post subject: BK Marriage Band/Ring and total commitment to Baba


My BK experience was much more recent than yours - I left in 2004 after 4 years - it amazes me how people are still powerfully affected by their BK experiences, and feel the need to let off steam, 20 or more years on... its a bit alarming actually... but I already feel far more relaxed and stable and in tune with my real self than while I was playing their game

I am curious did you also take a vow/a marriage band as Gyaniwasi wrote about below?


4. Dadi Kumarka and Dadi Prakashmani are one and the same person. She is the Administrative Head of the BKs and has always been based in Madhuban. In earlier times (the ‘70’s and early ‘80’s) there were two heads: one was called Didi and the other, Dadi (Prakashmani). Didi ‘left the body’ in 1982. I remember her as a very sweet person who placed a silver ring on my wedding finger as a marriage band to signify my total commitment to Baba. [I had become ‘fully surrendered’ you see] Back then, it was felt that those westerners who visited Madhuban earlier (like in 1975) or who were considered extra-special (perhaps ‘Golden Aged’ material) were given golden rings. These rings had a red egg-shaped stone or glass material embedded in them with a gold or silver dot in the middle. As I said, we used to speculate that the type of ring signified your future status. All part of the psychological baggage we carried with us …

I am most curious to know if Gyaniwasi after having had the marriage band that signified total commitment to Baba ever committed to a love in any way? I am learning the true bond/surrender and the meaning of this total commitment to Baba that Gyaniwasi wrote about in such a spiritual/beautiful way. It has helped me in releasing some of the hurt I have had over the years, that was there due to a lack of understanding and hearing of this commitment from a very deep spiritual/personal perspective.

Gyaniwasi your thoughts or that of others would be most welcomed.

Freedom is Knowledge………..



P.S. Perhaps Admin may allow Gyaniwasi to post his two posts (A true classic post for me) here as well for full clarity on the subject especially those of us married to XBKs or contemplating such a union.

Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:38 pm    Post subject: Re: BK Marriage Band/Ring and total commitment to Baba

Tete wrote:
I am curious did you also take a vow/a marriage band as Gyaniwasi wrote about..

Yes i did - it was a silver ring, with a red 'Shiv Baba' representation of the supreme soul (which is like any other soul) on it. I received it on my first visit to Madhuban - every one gets given one these days on their first visit as an accepted BK, and they give out a different design of ring every year. It was given out by an old Dadi - i don't remember who - I didn't know one from the other at that time - the ceremony was nothing special, though done with usual BK drishti, a queue of us waiting in line to receive our ring, but i did feel it was a very significant ceremony for me symbolically - the concept of being married to God was a new one to me and i really liked it - after a few months i started wearing my ring constantly until more than a year after i stopped attending the centre. The ring reminded me whenever i looked at of my focus on spirituality, and of the fact that i was not 'available' for any other relationship. I had already been through two marriages before that, both to women who had not honoured their wedding vows, but i had always regarded my wedding (and engagement) rings as being very important symbols - after each marriage i threw away the ring, to make a clean break in my mind, and (as already documented in another post) last summer i realised the time had come to throw away the BK ring - in depth conversations with a close friend had led me to realise that the the ring symbolised to me a bondage between me and the BKs and not my relationship with God - i had been with God long before i encountered the BKs and i still am with God, but God has a very great number of lovers, and is not in the least bit jealous, so the 'marriage' concept no longer seems appropriate. So the silver ring went (with considerable forethought) flying through the air, sparkling in the sunshine, into the Atlantic Ocean, from a ferryboat off the coast of Mull, and i took a big step towards breaking my attachments to the BKs. Smile
Site Admin

Joined: 15 Nov 2003
Posts: 48

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 6:40 pm    Post subject:

We have had to delete another post made by a member who has not been invited / given permission by post in this forum. It's simple. We made a post / topic which clearly lists the names of those who can post in this forum. If your name appears in that list, feel free to post in this "XBK issues" forum. If your name does NOT appear in the list, please do NOT post here. You have to be INVITED to post here.


Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 9:15 pm    Post subject: BK Marriage Band/Ring and total commitment to Baba


Thank you for sharing you personal story. Your release from bondage is inspiring and the gesture of permanency equally so by sending the ring into the ocean where it can’t be retrieved. Idea I know that some have not had the ring but feel as though they are still carrying around an ex-wife (the after affects of the spiritual intoxication). Perhaps these souls can one day jump in the ocean and feel that they have left the astral band in the ocean when they come out (free of bondage). It is inspiring that you are still able to have a connection with God and that you are in the process of moving forward as your journey continues.


Can you expand on the right hand for the ring? Confused Is this primarily an Indian thing? In the west as Howiemac wrote males do were them on their left hand on their wedding finger. Curious as usual…


Thank you for telling me the fine details, meaning of the rings, the meaning of their respective colors (gold or silver) and the spiritual nuances that come with the marriage (via the ring). Coming out of the fog is such an odd experience. The knowledge is better than thinking he was obtuse. In recent days my learning has hit a curve (high).

I look forward to others posts in hopes that they may expand on this marriage and the commitment it means to them.


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