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do you still meditate?

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Joined: 23 Mar 2004
Posts: 9

PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 5:30 am    Post subject: do you still meditate?

Dear XBKs - I am interested to know if you are able to continue the simple practise of meditation? That is, on the Point of Light or even just upon yourself as an eternal spirit soul? As a new Raja Yoga meditator I have already come up against the difficulty of accepting all BK dogma. However, then I just remember how effective the meditation is and stick with that and not get hung up with all the fine print. OR, do you find it too painful or difficult to continue a practise which has led you into confusion or disappointment? Rolling Eyes
don't get grumpy - get grateful!

Joined: 19 Apr 2004
Posts: 66

PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 5:01 am    Post subject:

i still meditate and continue to have an extreemely close relationship with God, i also think though that rememberance IS meditation (for me) and i am always remembering him so well I am always meditating i suppose. i still feel as energised and happy as I did when i did all the bk rituals, most i still continue to do because i enjoy it and that includes meditation. its very good for your soul Smile

Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 86

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:40 am    Post subject:

When I was what I would call an 'active' BK, although I never got to the point of accepting any kind of 'god', I would constantly try to inculcate all the knowledge of the soul as a point of light, concentrating on the innate virtues etc etc

But the frequency with which I needed to do this in order to stop my horribly negative thoughts (I have suffered from depression as long as I can remember) led me to virtually have this continous 'loop' of created positive thoughts which I would attempt to keep on top of my other not-so-positive ones....which became increasingly exhausting over time.

Also, I noticed that the more I would repeat and 'churn' over these 'facts' the more the words eventually became utterly meaningless - as it does with any word you choose and repeat so often it turns to the point of incomprehension.

So I realised I needed to take a break from attempting this type of 'meditation', and found that a method called brain-wave entrainment (produced through listening to a binaural beat with stereo headphones) is able to produce the kinds of brainwave patterns found in meditators' brains, but without the intense effort needed to harness my conscious negative thoughts deliberately....

In other words, yes, I still haven't lost the basic view of myself as some form of immortal energy that is basically positive...although I could never really accept the more in-depth points of BK knowledge ie 5000 year cycles etc.....I haven't given up that initial insight I gained with the help of the BKs Smile which is a great improvement on how nastily I used to consider myself in the delusion of being an evil worthless person...as you tend to do with depression....

But I cannot simply rely on the 'churning' technique to help everything in my case...I think I needed something extra to assist Wink

Joined: 27 Jun 2004
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 4:15 am    Post subject: meditation

i still meditate but to whom to concentrate is the great question for me i remember only shiv i remember om namh shivay!!

i faith in shiv who is God
but still i confuse whether He is still on the earth or not

i have taken the bk course and visited many time to Mt. Abu
i have taken the basic knowledge and i have red the advance
Godly knowledge i am still cofused
what can i do?
how to get the actual knowledge?
i was from 1982 to 1988
i was hearing Murlies and i was becoming happy joy at that time
further i have some interest to take deep in GOD and take some knowledge.
can anybody help me?
g n patel

PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:53 pm    Post subject: Bahai


What are you confused about?

Take Care,

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 11:31 pm    Post subject: Do you still meditate?


I still do meditate. It has become as natural to me as thinking. I have found that Raj yog and Baap-Dada have not left me. I am constantly asking Baap-Dada and myself the question: "Why am I so special in the eyes of God to have such special attention from Baap-Dada?"
I sometimes ask the question in another form: "What type of bhakti did I perform in previous incarnations to have God's attention?"
The questions have been Socratic. I know the answers and day after day, as I knowmyself better and understand God and Nature better, the answers become more precise and accurate.
I do experience the Seed Form Stage, because my desires are decreasing. There is less and less wishful thinking and more and more action to bring to success, plans dreams and aspirations.
Many of these are selfless and originate from a clean heart.
Meditation at the base level elicits the relaxation response, the psychophysiologic antagonist to the fight-or-flight response.
All humans need to meditate. Indeed, animals have demonstrated to elicit the relaxation response.

Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:28 am    Post subject:

The big question for me was.

What is meditation?

There are so many different ways of meditating, so many different aims.

When I took the advanced knowledge I changed the word from meditate to remembrance.

To churn on the exciting points of knowledge is to enter a deep state of concentration, to be detached from the physical world, to be lost in elevated thought. It gives peace and great happiness.

To remember a conversation with Shivbaba is joy.

It is easy Raj Yoga. so easy and so enjoyable.

My experience of trying to remember a point of light was difficult, I had to create so much in my imagination. I could do it, it was reasonable successful, but it was hard work very often.

In advanced knowledge the key unlocks the intellect. Then remembrance is just so natural.

Natural is an important word for me. It was not natural for me to meditate on a point of light. I wanted more, much more, now I know why.

Raj Yoga is easy Raja Yoga once the deeper knowledge gives the key to unlock the secrets.

The PBK's try so hard to give this message, yet so few really want to know truth.

In less than a year I have learnt so much, yet knowing there is so very much more to learn.

But the journey is fun.

Good Wishes


PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 4:48 am    Post subject:


"What is meditation?

There are so many different ways of meditating, so many different aims.

When I took the advanced knowledge I changed the word from meditate to remembrance."

But how do they get to that stage of remembrance? Only when one knows what he needs to remember then only it is possible. That he can do only when he recongnise the practical role of Paramatma.

What you have said above is applicable in the lovkik life. But not in this alovkik life because even though everbody have different aim to achieve different positions their concetration should be only on one i.e. Shivbaba.

For me meditate means to concentrate on one thing i.e. concetrate on one Baba no one else, concentrate on the knowledge coming from only one but not from many different human guru's.

For the beginners I would rather recommend to focus their mind on the point of light(red light that is available in Bk centers) and slowly through the knowledge one will be able to understand where God is playing the practical role and after recognizing the corporeal form of Paramatma, then they can easily remember the God, can experience his company, and can live each and every minute with him.

Baba says in the murali, if you cann't able to remember nirakar in sakar then alteast try to remember the big form(the corporeal form of Ram).

I would like to say every one has to find out themselves how they can reach God easily using their own intellect with the help of God's knowledge.

In day today life also, if one gets concentration by reading books and reading the books makes him to forget the surroundings completely then he/she has to realize that is where his/her concentration is and use that method to improve his concentration. By applying this simple method in God's knowledge also they can easily meditate on one 'God'. They have to figure out what method they can apply is it by listening the murali from the tape or reading murali that is printed on paper or listening form others. Everyone has to figure out which way is easy for them to concentrate. From my personal experience I am telling this.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:55 am    Post subject:

Om Shanti Dharani,

I agree with you, my post was not very clear.

Good Wishes


Joined: 12 Jul 2004
Posts: 36
Location: The Netherlands

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:06 am    Post subject:

Om shanti sweeties,

Meditation is the key to transformation and revelation. I still meditate every day at 5:15 h.
Even if fatigue or sleepyness do not allow me to merge in silence. Rememberance and meditation is not the same. Meditation is essencial for keeping the wheel of selfrealisation turning. Dicipline helps to maintain the level of conciousness.
when I listen to him,
when I listen to the silence
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