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Why I left the Brahma Kumaris
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Joined: 19 Apr 2004
Posts: 66

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 5:48 am    Post subject:

isabel wrote:
Hello everyone!
I just stumbled accross this site, never expecting to run into something like this! By way of introduction and in response to Belina's request I'll share a bit of my story.

I feel a bit as if I'm in some sort of netherworld -unable to give my heart fully to the BKs and yet continuing to follow many of the B.K. edicts including daily meditation.

Why have I distanced myself? I missed being human. I missed feeling sadness, I missed being able to share my deepest thoughts with others. As a BK I always felt very alone. I told myself this was good, I was independent, I had Baba, who else did I need? It didn't feel right though. At some point I could no longer deny that the lifestyle was not nurturing an important part of me.

I treasure my humanity. Shouldn't there be a way to grow spiritually by delving into and accepting that humanity rather than by trying to banish it?

I was also disturbed by what seemed to me to be the elitism of the Brahma Kumaris. As a B.K, we are taught that we are a superior order of being and that the rest of humanity 'doesn't quite get it'. Yet this seems to me to fly in the face of true humility.
I feel I have grown a great deal since I gave up the notion that only b.K.s had accurate insight into God.

I do miss the certainty and the blissfulness of life as a BK. But I feel as if I've arrived at truths that go against B.K. teachings and there's no turning back. I wish one could somehow be part BK, but I think it's a practice you have to do whole hog or not at all.

Any of you in a similar place?

isabel i wrote my first post before i saw this and i think i could have cut and pasted this instead and it would say very similar things. how are you finding things? i still find i fall into habits. i dont think that is bad but Im beginning to feel really good about who I am again and feel like i am experiencing real relationships with people having the benfit of some knowledge as well as my human side too Smile

I hope this post finds you well and happy - Kyra

Joined: 17 Apr 2004
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Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2004 9:40 am    Post subject:

I have not read any murli which said that those who were born Hindus now have a better status in Heaven. However, I know that God had encouraged His children, who were before Him at that time as former Hindus, with facts saying something to the effect that a lot that is basically Indian (now) will exist in Heaven. For example, He has said that Hindi will be spoken in a modified form, the Aryans will have black hair like the Indians (or the Aryans of North India as the world understands them to be), etc. Those who are in Indian corporeal bodies will be able to see all these and I suppose they might get a trill from it. I don’t know. Maybe even those who were sitting before Baba, when He spoke all this had a trill in thinking that one day something that belongs to their clan will be predominant on earth. Well, one could say that this satisfies body-consciousness because BKs should not identify themselves to any specific clan. But no-one is perfect as yet. One has to remember that knowledge can only be introduced slowly and gently to souls because it is new. Even now, BKs try to introduce knowledge very slowly. BKs have to make sure that they do not hurt anyone by not explaining with tact. Well anyway, I think Paul has to show the murli which says that, “the souls who remained Hindu in this last confluence age birth will have the edge in the new world of paradise” because murlis can be misunderstood and they have to be properly understood. It is my opinion that Paul has misunderstood something.
Anyway, as for the caste system being practiced in the Brahma Kumaris, this was one of the things which made me stop going to the center for amrit vela and murlis. Having been exposed to the caste system since I had my corporeal birth, I recognized it the minute I saw it in the Brahma Kumaris. But the knowledge was very good and we need test-papers and so I was OK until I started looking at it with body-consciousness. Anyway, I still understand that it is a very good test paper though I can understand that one can have tears in one’s eyes in seeing people being treated that way. When I first started practicing this knowledge and I had informed my corporeal family members that I can’t eat anything that they had cooked, it had shocked me to see them accepting it just like that because they belonged to the highest caste within their clan and in their clan, those of lower caste can eat their cooking but they couldn’t eat the food of others. In fact, my corporeal family members didn’t like this practice as they felt that people should not be treated so unkindly. However, they had just asked me to do the cooking thereafter. I had sometimes begun to think that they were greater than BKs for just accepting that with such humility. Now, I do not practice this anymore. I eat the food they cook so long as it is vegetarian. According to the divine laws, only the plants are for human consumption. So I will always follow that. Though I now eat food cooked by my corporeal family (so long as it is vegetarian), my corporeal family members would say, “No, you cook. If not, you may not eat it”. I suppose “attachment” for me has enabled them to accept it and so I still do the cooking. Cooking in remembrance enables us to have food filled with power. So, I still prefer to do the cooking.
As I have understood and stated earlier, we need test-papers. Thus, whatever is happening within the Brahma Kumaris must be seen with a good stage. If not, one may break and leave. If one had a good stage, one would not break and leave. New members do not see it and so they just enjoy the knowledge and the link to God. It is as you get involved with service that one will see all this.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 1:45 am    Post subject: Why I left the BKs?

I can assure you that SB will NEVER LOOK DOWN ON YOU! That's simply not Him. Some BKs will and others who are not advanced.
I would like to address the VIP aspect of BK service. We have to look at that kind of service from SB's heart throne. We also have to look at SB as THE GREAT APPLIED ANTHROPOLOGIST WITH A PROGRAM OF DITECTED CHANGE. The directed change is the transformation of the world into the Golden Age. The world can be regarded as a huge society or culture. SB is implementing one of the major principles of applied anthropology. In order to effectively transform any culture by directed change, for example introducing the use of electrical water pumps in Sri Lanka, there are several agents of change who can be catalysts for the directed change. These are prestigious laden individual, the dissident individual, the socially deviant individual, the unique individual and the leader. Each of these individuals can play key roles in enabling the general masses to be accept the teachings of RY. Among the masses will be souls who will accept the teachings and themselves become great teachers.
Madonna, for example, may or may not become a BK. However, if she is touched by the teachings and communicates it to the public, many in the public will give it a try. No BK should ever try converting an alokik person to gyan. The BK should only give the message. It is then up to the person to accept SB's teachings and self-transform.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
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