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Who is Shiv Baba? A question of Faith.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:40 am    Post subject: Who Is Shiv Baba


I feel and know that They are One and the Same. During my first meeting with SB, He made it very clear that our relationship was unique or exceptional. He understood that my path as a Raj Yogi would be exceptionally diferent from the regular path of thousands of his other students.
He intimated to me that understanding during our initial meetings in Madhuban. My thinking is not based on ego or an inflated idea of my identity. It is rooted in the reality of my down to earth practical experiences.
I recalled more than two decades ago doing service at a center in the US. A very unfortunate incident took place. I was spraying painting the RY center car, a delapidated ancient vehicle and botched the job. I was immediately reported to Madhuban and London and given scotching lectures by the sisters in charge, in public and private. The sisters intention for reporting me to Madhuban was to destroy my career as a gyani. Their objective was not attained.
There is SB and SB's helpers. I have always had the support of both. Many BK may call me a spoilt brat! Cool Laughing That's cool with me. I know my mission and I wil accomplish it with or without their support. My mission is very specific and clear cut. It is part of my birth right and the role cannot be played by another yogi. It is not a situation where the BKs can say, "we'll let some one else play his role becuase he is following mayamath."
Inspite of my differences with BKSU, I have always been grateful for their spiritual and material support during my unique training as a veterinarian.
I remembered more than a decade ago asking a BK sister of me be playing a role analagous Noah in Sangam[/b]. She said it was possible, provided I behaved myself! I cannot elaborate of the missions I am currently working on which are consistent with my initial meetings with SB. Many BKs may wish for those missions to fail. However, they have been progressing with out their blessings! Smile
I can see with my mind's eye some BKs asking SB to take away my birth right. GOD is not maya!
As a BK I was marginalized and underrated. As an xBK many hope, that I would simply go away. I will simply work towards the completion of the mission given to me by Almighty God!
The BKs may claim a monopoly on SB. However, that monopoly has been ultrashort and seems to have ended.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 22 Feb 2004
Posts: 167

PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 7:54 am    Post subject:

Thanks for the prompt and detailed response Errol! I'm not convinced that the God of your heart's faith and that of the Bks are one and the same. Has to do with the relationship between "the seed, the trunk and a branch of the tree" in BK terms - and that is the paradigm that informs your faith. Will elaborate on this later my brother. Gotta go now.

"Those were the days my friend ...."

Joined: 17 Jan 2005
Posts: 21

PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:31 pm    Post subject:

This question of who is Shiv Baba also made me quest for answers, i'm not going to be clear of my conclusions has i have no certainties only speculations. I say it's a program...

More clues in:

Stuart Wilde's book- God's Gladiators

And to those who also want to understand the constant not fitting in in anyplace:

Good quest.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 5:33 am    Post subject:

I will simply work towards the completion of the mission given to me by Almighty God!

I think the reality is simple as always: you're waiting for a mission that will never come. All your past experiences are viewed from this one and single perspective without realising that there are other possibilities. Fact is that today and every day, you are just a human being like all others, but like all religious enthusiastics, you're waiting for something which is not 'today'. I think this is a terrible way of leading your life. [/quote]
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