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What people say

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Joined: 11 Oct 2005
Posts: 8
Location: the Netherlands

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 11:24 am    Post subject: What people say

Do you believe everything people tell you? It doesn't matter whether they are BK's or scientists. When I was a BK (for almost 4 years, now some 18 years ago), I believed everything they told me. Most of the things made sense. And because I experienced an atmosphere of peace, I thought it was truth. Above all, I needed a feeling of acceptance and importance in this short life. BK offered all of this. They also said many things about the Bible, and because I didn't know anything about this book, I believed it was true. Many years after I left BK, I visited a christian worship service in America. I recognised the bright white light! and felt 'home' again. The things they said there were almost similar to BK. I got curious and when I got back in the Netherlands I found a bible-study-group. I was really amazed; all I heared at BK about christianity seemed to be different.
Finally I started reading the Bible myself and found out that what is said about God in this book makes even more sense, is easier to believe, and last but not least: it doesn't depend on you!! There's no need to meditate and live a strictly life. God just loves all people, and Jezus loves the sinners the most. Sex is not a dirty thing, (lust is!) but to become one flesh is one of the most mysterious gifts God gave to man and woman!
The fact that God is calling his creatures to contact Him, seems to be the message of the Bible.
How do you know that BK is the way to God? Can you make the difference between the spirits in the skies? The Bible warns us for all these things in the heavenly regions; be aware of who/what you're contacting!! Jesus says: I will set you free. He does! He gives you no pressure at all, but is there when you need Him. God knew you, He loved you even before your birth. You can come to Him, just as you are, even when you have sinned, there are no restricitions. Just come to Him and find peace and rest. He'll accept you as you are and as you go on, He'll show you the way and give you the strenght you need to change. You will be free of all bondages, bad thoughts, evil spirits and you will also be able to love all other people (not only the ones who are to enter the golden age). Some other pleasant thing: you will be free again to spend your money and time as you like!
Luke 6:27-38

Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 86

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:34 pm    Post subject:

sister wrote:
How do you know that BK is the way to God?

Exactly the same way Christians, Jews, Muslims etc or the follower any religion does....

You have A BELIEF that it is so Rolling Eyes End of story.

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:17 pm    Post subject: What people say


My mother being one of the most religious people I had the honor to know would always say: "Feed them, clothe them, shelter them, and nurture them. Then and only then, if they should ask proselytize to them."

Keep in mind that most of the people here have been on a journey to get closer to GOD. If you look in PSALM 119:97-104 you will find the overlooked discipline of meditation.

My family reads The Journey from Success to Significance, Leadership Promises For Every Day and Grace For The Moment, before having dinner. I don't judge my husband and find his participation as an interfaith experience. I will note that the first book quotes people of all religions, acknowledging the value of all wisdom in its true form.

I will say that I am happy for you in that you found something to sustain you and I am not judging that. I would be interested in learning more of what drew you to the BKs and what began to unravel the belief in it for you.


Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 4:49 am    Post subject: Re: What people say

sister wrote:
How do you know that BK is the way to God?

the BK knowledge teaches that every human soul has a way to God that is the right one for them - for a Christian soul, this will be via Jesus Christ, for a muslim, via Mohamed, etc... for a BK soul it is via Brahma Baba...

. Of course most 'teachers' of BK knowledge have an incomplete grasp of the knowledge themselves, and many people are misled on small or even large matters... no human being on this planet is perfect!

sister wrote:
God knew you, He loved you even before your birth. You can come to Him, just as you are, even when you have sinned, there are no restricitions. Just come to Him and find peace and rest. He'll accept you as you are and as you go on, He'll show you the way and give you the strenght you need to change. You will be free of all bondages, bad thoughts, evil spirits and you will also be able to love all other people (not only the ones who are to enter the golden age).

yes... God is good! .. totally benevolent and forgiving Smile
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