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True behaviour

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:36 pm    Post subject: True behaviour

We all know the visions of bk's and pbk's on values and human behaviour, which are linked with the concept of the soul which is according to their beliefs inherently good and peaceful. It is by remembering your 'true' state that you can achieve right behaviour. Of course, I am no longer in agreement with this belief system. I believe an abundance of proof against it is constantly provided by the members themselves. Human behaviour is without doubt much more complex than this.

Furthermore, the failure of all those believers at applying this in real life makes quite clear that it offers no real solutions to personal problems and situtations now, and hope and confidence is constantly being renenewed on the basis of the future (the promise, cf. Joel's post http://www.xbkchat.com/xbkforum/viewtopic.php?p=2529#2529). Failures are always viewed as a failure of a particular member, not of the belief system. Of course, it goes without a saying that a lot of these "failures" are not known in public. And probably the biggest failures are to be situated in the minds of all those people.

As I said in another thread, the indoctrinations of the murli are the straight path in becoming a robot-like creature. Those who are succesful in following these rules, show remarkable behaviour that reminds one very indeed of a robot or androïd-like thing. This state of mind is achieved by extreme isolation (only god is your true companion), ultimate egoïsm (you don't want to be influenced by any external factors that could give you sorrow-except god because he will never do that) and hyperrationalisation (the real reality lies above this reality and requires no worldly logic). The keyword here seems to be sorrow - a state of mind which is to be avoided at all cost, even being a human at all.

One last thing I would like to mention is that - like so many things - the path dictated in murli's is a path that requires the luxury of having a surpluss in basic human needs. The societies in which we all live today surpress some human traits (such as instinct for survival) in favour of others due to this. I don't say this is bad, but can we truly understand human behaviour by just looking at ourselves living like this? I think it is not difficult to understand that when there is enough food and water supply, humans can live in relative peace with each other - even without being soul conscious. But imagine that even in your little brahmin world, there is a great shortage in those basic needs ... and at the same time, there is no world destruction approaching. How far will those brahmin values bring you in such a period? Where will your thoughts go when you haven't eaten for 3 days? Or more importantly: will your theory of values still have any meaning in such a situtation? Will you worry about bad karma, eating meat, hear murli every day and have remembrance in such a time? The deal is this: you will have to steel, fight for food or you (and perhaps your family if you have one) will die.
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