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The warm oblivion of the BK world

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Joined: 23 Dec 2005
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Location: UK

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 5:53 pm    Post subject: The warm oblivion of the BK world

Om almost shanti.

It was quite by chance. My newage friend popped round for a spliff after finding some leaflets in the library. "Meditation classes" it said on the photocopied page. Free too. It was in the same town as us ... and in fact quite local. We called and decided to pop along.

Now, I'm not trying to say 'oh i'm so massively spiritual', but everything the brother said I already believed. I had had the vision of each person as a soul, as a tiny speck of light. And yes I believed in a detached but loving supreme being... it was all very straightforward in my mind. I was hooked.

I ended up staying for some three to four years. Regularly visiting GRC, GCH and other events throughout the UK. I was instrumental in ickstarting some of the thinking on the websites and worked on both UK and US developments. I stopped smoking, drinking, drugs, even wearing. I was in love with God. I used to fall asleep in His arms.

A few things never really gelled I admit. I wasn't 100% convinced by avyakt murlis or the heavy sister attitude. I didn't buy the 5000 year destruction loop [at least not as literally as some]. I didn't think much of the 'select few' because I'm suspicious of 'exclusive clubs'. But I had many wonderful experiences, some which will never leave and some I find hard to explain to my 'more mortal' friends.

However, after my relationship fell apart, and my business started to apply some very high stress levels, I dropped out. Sadly so. That New Years Eve I cried because I was so alone. I raised my head to the skies and said 'Bab, you have to tell me this is how its meant tobe... I so alone...'

Fifteen minutes later a sister from the centre called. She was so excited. "Brother!" she said "Brahma Baba came to me in meditation... He appeared and spoke to me. He said 'You have to contact him and tell him that everything is OK... He is loved and will always be part of the family." I was quite taken aback. Though many of my 'more mortal' friends cast many doubts over this.

After that however I never truly recovered my BK path. Its not like I've totally detached. Only recently I visited GRC on a course. The brother there thought I was 'very at home' not knowing that I'd been a regular in the past. I still read the books by Anthea Church. I still listen to Sister Jayanti's meditations. I still consider myself to be 'BKish'

Years on I fell into a deep depression. I've been ripped off whilst living in a strange town. I became suicidal at times, but my faith and beliefs kept me from physical harm. I almost wish there was a centre here. I almost wish I could surrender and become a 'child of god' and not have to bother with the trappings of the material world.

I never went to madhuban... I could never muster the money. Now I have the money. I'm sorely tempted to 'end this world' and drift lovingly into the warm oblivion of the BK world.

But I've started something here. A business which could make me a million. A highly passionate and almost 'unconditional' relatinship. Friends to drink whisky with deep into the night. Too much to leave behind.

But I'll never forget that somewhere up there, a force watches over me. I'll never truly become earthbound I fear... Always a toe waggling helplessly for baba as I writhe in the mud.

As I say, Om almost shanti.

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Joined: 03 May 2005
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Location: england

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 7:07 pm    Post subject:

Oh really, somehow Ive become suspicious of this site!

Whilst looking at ways to increase my modest income, in an ethical way, I came across , RelaxKids.com, and low and behold its a company started by a BK, I enquired as to how much the training is, where the training is held, and is Relax Kids affiliated to any religeous group? I had telephoned a local teacher who advertises inthe local press.
well guess what, costs over £500, courses held at Oxford global retreat, em and their stating its not affiiated to any religeon, come clean, why don't you.

Joined: 09 Nov 2004
Posts: 102

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:59 pm    Post subject: Re: The warm oblivion of the BK world

tween wrote:
....But I've started something here. A business which could make me a million. A highly passionate and almost 'unconditional' relatinship. Friends to drink whisky with deep into the night. Too much to leave behind.

But I'll never forget that somewhere up there, a force watches over me. I'll never truly become earthbound I fear... Always a toe waggling helplessly for baba as I writhe in the mud.

As I say, Om almost shanti.


Sounds nice to me: the things that matter to you in life, and the feeling of openness to a relationship with God, too. Is there any particular reason you need to conclude it is either/or??

It is mostly the fiery preachers who say stuff like, you can't have your feet in two boats. Which may be true, but the roots of a person's life and strength may be many. And like roots of a tree, they are hidden. Who can dictate what your strengths may or may not be?

Or maybe you carry some guilt... is guilt necessarily an indicator of wrong, or could it be a conditioned reaction? Is it possible that one could feel guilt about something like the functioning of a healthy human or some other act that may not be intrinsically wrong?

I believe there can be peace living in a person's heart without any particular incantation of words in their minds, or associated with many possible such incantations as link our tribes to their earliest history.

Who says either/or? Probably someone who wants you to do something, or wants you not to do something. What's important to note is their dictate is called doctrine, because it applied equally to anyone, and hence is completely disconnected from the particulars of your situation.

Good luck with your business. Feel free to post a link here. Many of us would like to make a million, too, I'm sure.

Enjoy the holiday season, you liquor-drinking hedonist cum spiritual holy person.

Joined: 26 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:52 pm    Post subject:


If what you're saying is right, and I have no reason to doubt your word.

I'm truly Shocked!

Joined: 26 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:59 pm    Post subject:

tween said
Fifteen minutes later a sister from the centre called. She was so excited. "Brother!" she said "Brahma Baba came to me in meditation... He appeared and spoke to me. He said 'You have to contact him and tell him that everything is OK... He is loved and will always be part of the family." I was quite taken aback. Though many of my 'more mortal' friends cast many doubts over this.

That's quite touching and I do believe the 'pure' intentioned souls of BK really do care Very Happy

Joined: 23 Dec 2005
Posts: 9
Location: UK

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 2:43 am    Post subject:

flipper wrote:
Oh really, somehow Ive become suspicious of this site!

I'm sorry if I've said something to offend you. I did say 'COULD'. There are a lot of what ifs between now and that possible future, but we keep working for it. Who wouldn't? If you and a business partner had created banking systems which 'COULD' bring security to your aging parents, fiancee and possible children... would you be suspicious of me trying? Maybe I've taken your reaction to heart, maybe that says more about me than you... guilt... hehe Rolling Eyes

flipper wrote:
Whilst looking at ways to increase my modest income, in an ethical way, I came across , RelaxKids.com, and low and behold its a company started by a BK, I enquired as to how much the training is, where the training is held, and is Relax Kids affiliated to any religeous group? I had telephoned a local teacher who advertises inthe local press.
well guess what, costs over £500, courses held at Oxford global retreat, em and their stating its not affiiated to any religeon, come clean, why don't you.

Hmm. Much as I have a love for the BK, I suppose I'd agree that if this is a direct recruitment technique its a wee bit cynical. It reminds me of the rise of Bliss - http://www.blissfulmusic.com - who I saw advertising their music on one of those shopping channels. I remember thinking it was a little 'gross' for something so beautiful. Oh anyway, back to the relaxkids. Yeah, I think they do credit BK for their support on the site, but given the 'intensity' of the BK ways, maybe a small health warning if its not merely use of premises. Laughing

Happy holidays by the way Smile
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Joined: 23 Dec 2005
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Location: UK

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 2:58 am    Post subject:

John wrote:
That's quite touching and I do believe the 'pure' intentioned souls of BK really do care Very Happy

I know. I always look back on my BK days with love.

I know a lot of people here have had bad experiences, been told ridiculous things.

I always managed to ignore the things I didn't care about. I was only in it for the experience of a powerful connection between the self and the divine... if thats what it was.

I still yearn, as I said, to be in the fold... but the experiences and perspectives of people here are maybe making me review that... Wink
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Joined: 23 Dec 2005
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Location: UK

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 3:11 am    Post subject: Re: The warm oblivion of the BK world

Joel wrote:
Sounds nice to me: the things that matter to you in life, and the feeling of openness to a relationship with God, too. Is there any particular reason you need to conclude it is either/or??

True. I maybe worry overly about the either/or aspect. I think I got to thinking "If any of this is true, surely God loves me or I wouldn't have had the path I've had... maybe I have something to do here in the 'real world' before I finally rejoin Him". And so, I've managed to justify my existence with God whether I'm having sex, eating meat or doing 'gross' intoxications. LOL! Eat that sisters!

I believe there can be peace living in a person's heart without any particular incantation of words in their minds, or associated with many possible such incantations as link our tribes to their earliest history.


Who says either/or? Probably someone who wants you to do something, or wants you not to do something. What's important to note is their dictate is called doctrine, because it applied equally to anyone, and hence is completely disconnected from the particulars of your situation.

Unlike many here, I was always told "Go as far as you want... God will love you. Believing everything the BK say or do is not for everyone" - so I don't view anything I'm doing as wrong necessarily. But, and I'm using bold now...now that I'm back in the real world, I wish, as I did before my BK experience, that I could exist (read: cease to exist) in a world which was just divine. And I think thats where my struggle was before the BK.

Good luck with your business. Feel free to post a link here. Many of us would like to make a million, too, I'm sure.

Its banking software its not really interesting Smile

Enjoy the holiday season, you liquor-drinking hedonist cum spiritual holy person.

And you Smile
  MSN Messenger

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 12:15 pm    Post subject: Another Brahma Kumari spin off

flipper wrote:
Oh really, somehow I've become suspicious of this site!
Whilst looking at ways to increase my modest income, in an ethical way, I came across , RelaxKids.com, and low and behold its a company started by a BK, I enquired as to how much the training is, where the training is held, and is Relax Kids affiliated to any religeous group? I had telephoned a local teacher who advertises inthe local press.
well guess what, costs over £500, courses held at Oxford global retreat, em and their stating its not affiiated to any religeon, come clean, why don't you.

That is interesting, I say that site once and wondered if it was a B.K. Lite affair. I never realised there was money involved.

In the old days it was such a big taboo to mention money. In fact, it was a published Principle [ Maryada ] NOT to discuss business when in the community or to exploit your Knowledge [tm] or contacts made through the centre. Although I can name names of those that did despite holding themselves up as example B.K.s

I always thought it one of the great hypocrisies that if you came into Raja Yoga as a " nothing ", e.g young, you were to stay as a " nothing " and stick to menial service.

But if you were a " something ", e.g. a " Dr " like Heide Fittkau-Garthe, then you were on the Guddi, they were all over you AND it seemed quite acceptable for the individual to use what they were taking for their own professional and financial benefit.

Does anyone know what is " founder " Mike George up to with this thing ;


Is it is business or is it covert B.K. programme?

Mike George used to be some sort of " management consultant " or something but then got into the conscious industry. One of the individuals very much responsible for re-marketing and de-Hinduising Raja Yoga in the West.

He has taken off his badges but he might still be hiding his ring under that hidden hand.

And, of course, if he is not teaching a B.K. sponsored Raja Yoga Lite, then is he not by their definition teaching bhakti?


Quote from Room 7, see below. Does this seem a little familiar to anyone?


Affirm your true self-identity as a point source of radiant light...
Create a point of consciousness...
Gather all your attention and awareness into a point...
Focus that point on the centre of your forehead, just above and behind the eyes...
Think of yourself as a point of light, as a radiant star...
You are emitting and radiating light into the world around you...

Joined: 09 Nov 2004
Posts: 102

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 12:36 pm    Post subject: Re: Another Brahma Kumari spin off

ex-london wrote:
Does anyone know what is " founder " Mike George up to with this thing ;


Is it is business or is it covert B.K. programme?

To quote from his site: "Freedom from all suffering and sorrow is the aim."

This is obviously not directed to promoting mature independent adulthood, which--as I understand it--involves accepting that a life that includes suffering and sorrow may yet be rich and deep and satisfying.

I think it is immaturity that says, "I cannot enjoy my life or participate fully in the world if there will be any shadow of suffering or sorrow."

If sorrow and suffering is removed, will there be any of the person's heart remaining after the knife has done its work?
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