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Re: Topic reply notifications

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Site Admin

Joined: 15 Nov 2003
Posts: 48

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 1:05 pm    Post subject: Re: Topic reply notifications

A few members have indicated that they have not been receiving the "Topic reply notifications" sent out automatically by XBKchat. We would like to get an idea as to how many members are experiencing this, so feel free to give us some feedback under this topic.

Whenver you start a new topic or post, by default there is a check mark next to "Notify me when a reply is posted". This is what makes the system email a topic reply notification to you. If that check mark is not there, or is removed, then you will not receive the notification. The system sends the notification to the email address in your profile. If that email address is not valid, then you will not receive the notification. You will need to change your email address in your profile, and then click on the "submit" button at the bottom of your profile screen to update the change.

The topic reply notifications are sent from admin@xbkchat.com Many email programs (including Hotmail) have filters and spam blockers. If your email program has those features enabled, then you need to add admin@xbkchat.com to your address diary and / or to your list of approved senders. If not, the topic reply notifications may be totally blocked or may go into your junk mail folder.

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