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Raven is the creator of the scriptures

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:55 pm    Post subject: Raven is the creator of the scriptures

Scripture is the sacred writings of a religion.

The religious father dies and then the scriptures begin.

In 1969 Brahma Baba left the body having narrated the Geeta.

But Brahma Baba, the Krishna Soul was not the God of the Geeta. He was the very elevated messenger who delivered the message.

So following the departure of Brahma Baba the BK's now listen to to the scriptures.

I have heard so many BK's saying the murli says the same thing day after day.

It is not live teaching.

It becomes like a scripture that is read and not listened to.

It is not heard.

There used to be so many souls asleep in the centre I attended.

To be honest the ones who were awake often just repeated sections of the text.

Is it not any wonder that BK's leave, disallusioned with the repetitive reading without explanation.

The feeling at the centre I attended was very much one of ritual, the importance of being present physically was far more important that understanding what was being said.

So my question is...

Is the ritual reading of the scripture at BK centres any diffent from a religious text read in other religious meeting places.

This is not a criticism of the BK centres, they are playing their part. But for those with an enquiring intellect, is it enough?

Joined: 20 Jan 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Paramdham

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 3:46 am    Post subject:

Another aspect of this is that many murlis have been lost. Does anyone know how many murlis were given by Brahma Baba in his lifetime, how many are now preserved and how many lost? Is there someone in BK who is responsible for the preservation and supervision of murlis? Also there are problems of translations into other languages and suggestions (by PBKs) of improper editing. All these things sound like BK criticisms of 'degenerate' religions. At the end of the day, the departure of the founder is bound to cause problems in one way or another.

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:04 am    Post subject: Ravan Is The Creator of The Scriptures

It fits the BK language to state that Ravan created the scriptures.
Though I am an xBK I beg to differ with respect to the Murlis. There is still magic in each sentence of a murli. There is metaphysical power in each murli. The murlis are not scriptures. They can become scriptures when those who study them do not practice dharna. If there is no dharna, the power of Jadhunath, the Great Magician cannot be transmitted to the apprentices.
Why is it when a murli is read multiple times there are different meanings and benefits which can be gained each time the murli is read?
A Bk who experiences the magic of the murli from day 1 on the journey will always usually experience the magic, even as an xBK. Smile
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 07 Jul 2005
Posts: 23
Location: portuguese living in Sweden

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:10 am    Post subject:

Why is it when a murli is read multiple times there are different meanings and benefits which can be gained each time the murli is read?
A Bk who experiences the magic of the murli from day 1 on the journey will always usually experience the magic, even as an xBK.

Are you sure about that? I experienced the magic of the murli aswell, from day 1... But after some point there was not the experience of magic any longer... I experienced guilt feelings that made me go into a very deep depression. I even got suicidal... And I've talked with other BK's and XBK's enough to know that I'm not alone on that...

XBK, happy with the present moment
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Joined: 07 Jul 2005
Posts: 23
Location: portuguese living in Sweden

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:13 am    Post subject:

I'm not that experienced on this forum.... Confused

In the post above the first paragraph is a quote, the second one are my words... Sorry...
XBK, happy with the present moment
   Yahoo Messenger MSN Messenger

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:59 pm    Post subject: Ravan created the scriptures

Double Light,

Your experience is not unusual. The murli can be a double edge sword.
The medicine can be strong. Some information from the Gospel According To Mary Magdaline is helpful. Mary of Magdala was Jesus' wife.
She wrote an account of her husband's teachings. She was also his top associate. She played a major role in the movement after her husband arranged for her and several other followers, including, Mary Jesus' mother, to immigrate to France. In her book, Mary of Magdala states that there is no sin. She indicated that due to laws created by humans that sin is induced.
There was a time when I also felt bad if I had any feelings of love towards a lady. However, even as a gyani, I accepted the fact that to love and be loved, is not a sin; even when the murli states that there should not be any attachment to a person's body.
I'll relate to you one of my experiences as a young gyani.
I was doing tapasya for several months. However, though my meditation was intense, there were images of nude attractive women on the screen of my mind! Smile Surprised In my chart, I indicated my experience to the sister in charge of the center. I was scolded by that sister for entertaining thoughts of nude women Cool . One day a murli devoted to lust was read in the class and directed at me Rolling Eyes . Instead of hating my self and disliking God Smile , I loved myself, the humanity and God even more. I accepted the fact that there must have been a time in my past when I had deep and passionate relationships with several ladies.
I think that a true love of self and the humanity can be shields to protect a seeker from the negative forces which can arise from the past.
We must never forget that PRACTICE OF RAJ YOGA AWAKENS THE KUNDALI IN A VERY COOL WAY. However, there can still be many mind storms, even when the [b]Kundali Shakti is awakened in a cool manner. Kundali Yoga , authored by Pandit Gopi Krishna is an interesting book to read. In fact, Professor Gopi Krishna had a meeting with Jagdish bhai.[/b]
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger
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