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Joined: 13 Mar 2004
Posts: 72

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:36 pm    Post subject: Ramtha

Looks like Shiv Baba has competition. J Z Knight has allegedly been channeling "Ramtha" since February 1977. Knight recently appeared on the Coast to coast show. For those who have "Coast" membership, here is the link:


And here is some info (from the same webpage) about Ramtha:

Teachings of Ramtha
Founder and President of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, JZ Knight, shared her story and experiences connected with the channeling of a 35,000 year old warrior from the lost continent of Lemuria called Ramtha. He first made himself known to her "in my kitchen in Tacoma, WA in 1977," she said. Knight described leaving her body and going into a light filled tunnel, while Ramtha took over her body.

Ramtha declared that he was a descendant of an advanced race of beings from beyond the North Star who came to Earth around 455,000 years ago. During his incarnation, in a period when the planet was wrapped in an atmospheric vapor, the 7-ft. tall warrior claimed that he conquered 2/3 of the planet over a 63 year period with his army of two million soldiers, Knight recounted. Recovering from an injury, he found enlightenment and became an "ascended" master.

Ramtha teaches that consciousness and energy are interwoven and that each person is a god, though they may have lost touch with this knowledge. Our mission, he states, is "to make known the unknown," which is an eternal process. Knight said that during teaching sessions, Ramtha can inhabit her body for up to 12 hours at a time. According to a 1997 study (PDF report), Knight undergoes specific documented changes when she is channeling. Additional information and video clips are available at this page, created especially for Coast listeners.

And here is the link for the Ramtha wepage:


Comments, experiences, opinions....anyone?

Joined: 20 Jan 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Paramdham

PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:08 pm    Post subject: Re: Ramtha

Paul wrote:
Looks like Shiv Baba has competition. J Z Knight has allegedly been channeling "Ramtha" since February 1977.
Comments, experiences, opinions....anyone?

There are certainly numerous such cases in the New Age scene. Another one that springs to mind is Benjamin Creme who claims to be the channel for the supernatural being known as Maitreya.

But for me, BKWSU is not just another New Age group. Firstly there is the Hindu context, which is of course quite different to New Age beliefs. I was wondering in another thread http://www.xbkchat.com/xbkforum/viewtopic.php?t=24&start=15 whether channelling is otherwise unheard of in Indian religion - if so then BKWSU would be unique. It is interesting then that Indians would take to this idea - one might think that the newness and unheard of-ness might be an obstacle. I mean avatars are of course a big feature of Indian religion, but channelling is really something else.

The other way that BKWSU is different is that it has some kind of spiritual power which personally I haven't experienced elsewhere. If anyone has experienced this elsewhere, please say where. Shocked

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 187
Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:17 pm    Post subject:

The other way that BKWSU is different is that it has some kind of spiritual power which personally I haven't experienced elsewhere.

Me too Uddhava, I have only experienced this with BKWSU. It is real and as mentioned before, the murli is where I find that power the most concentrated. I have come to the conclusion that the author of the murli is who He says He is. Can't get away from it, no matter how I try.

Joined: 26 Feb 2004
Posts: 98

PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:42 pm    Post subject: Re: Ramtha

Uddhava wrote:
I was wondering in another thread http://www.xbkchat.com/xbkforum/viewtopic.php?t=24&start=15 whether channelling is otherwise unheard of in Indian religion - if so then BKWSU would be unique.


I addressed this question in a post I made today, under the topic: "The Brahma Kumaris as a reflexive tradition". Here is the link:


Joined: 17 Jan 2005
Posts: 21

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:00 pm    Post subject:

It is possible to experience the power that you are saying that only the bk's have, in other places or with other people. The thing is are you going to become dependent of that power or are you going to become that power yourself?
I don't know who Shiv Baba is or where he is from, but I know he is not the only one...

I have experienced power with Trigueirinho, with other low-profile Iniciates that I met as well, and I know others that have other means to experience some sort of divine power if they want to and don't belong any organization, the thing is that they don't say you need their power or put themselves on a higher level than you so that you become dependent but what I hear them say is how many people are becoming that powerful themselves and that anyone can be. Anyway I wont fall into much detail here, believe if you want. But do your own research and get your evidence. I have mine already.

I don't know we humans tend to have such lust for power over anything else. I see that there can be power in many things, how do you think Hitler hipnotysed so many germans? Just a human being??? pleaase!! The question is if there is love, truth, inner freedom and the spiritual development with personal responsability, respect, and it's unlimetedness of Spirit, cause in the bk's to be a bk or a deity is your maximum achievment of spirituality, for me that is just another ilusion to keep you trapped, crystalized in a repetitive cicle that you can't get out, while you believe in it. Oh well, each one's free will anyway.

But my advice is, if you think your baba is the only one keep it, but if you really what interests you is the truth more than a reward in some perfect heaven of a dreamy matrix where all are sleeping then "seek and you shall find", otherwise keep cristalized on that philosophie if it makes you feel more safer.
Each of us is different, some people accept anything in exchange for what they want, and some people are even willing to quit a promised hapiness to find what is really lying under and above things.

The real power is You when you know who You really is. But knowing is not cristalizing...

And like Gy said totally read David Icke...
Maybe you get to see what Shiva and some of his fellows may possibly really be.

But now with total respect for bk's whatever you do never give in to any sort of fear, it's worse than anything else, stay with your baba if you really want to but never with fear especially of the threats of what it may happen to you if you not the perfect one, that is the best way to control anyone.

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 187
Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:13 am    Post subject:

Kikas said
I don't know we humans tend to have such lust for power over anything else. I see that there can be power in many things, how do you think Hitler hipnotysed so many germans? Just a human being??? pleaase!!

Kevin said ("source of love", Any and Everything)
where there is power, there is bound to be manipulation I can't see why you don't know what I mean. Certainly not as an x-bk since bk's find it a normal thing to do - i.e. manipulating people through their o so phantastic drishti/vibrations/whatever
But instead of talking about manipulation, they talk about 'positive vibrations'

It appears that Kikas and Kevin have very similar views.
You both hear the word 'power' and identify it with manipulation.
The power of manipulation is a reality.
The power of Love is also a reality.
One 'power' energises and the other 'power' depletes.
Where should we focus our thoughts then, there is a choice............do you want to keep re-experiencing the anger that has developed in you when you think of the BKs and Hitler as manipulators?. If you do that, you are acknowledging that negative power, which is fine, but don't keep on feeding it with your thoughts. Let it go, otherwise it owns you.

Alternatively...............the power of Love........what does that feel like?



Joined: 17 Jan 2005
Posts: 21

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:00 am    Post subject:

Wahl, I may have similar views to Kevin and many other people, but it seems to me that you still haven't gone out from the bk way of thinking, cause they only see things from a tuneled view. I'm talking other colors here and only percieve the colors that the bk's say to only exist. When you talk about soul consciusness you still talk from the much bk view, not really wanting to check out if there is only one way to be soul councious. So it's not my fault that if Chinese and China is the only country and language you know when I talk of Jupiter you only see from a Chinese that thinks that China is all there is.

I don't think power is only manipulation, but I think people want power, before love and when it happens like that then honey, yes you can be sure that there is manipulation... yeah but now you can say that your Baba gives a lot of love. The question is not receiving love or power, is you becoming it, from inside, without anyone controling you or manipulating you, and this bk people do control and do manipulate.

I didn't talk of power of love here, cause in this context they are not the exact same thing. Power of love is one thing, love is another thing and power is another thing. Power of love you don't control it, it owns you without you even think about it, but for you to really know what it is you have to go beyond of what you think you know, knowingly. If I try to explain it you won't get it, cause your views haven't expand much than the small little bk world. It's like explaining to you of somethinhg that only exits in Jupiter and you can't think of anything that doesn't exists in China.

Sorry i really don't have the patience it would be exausting to explain advanced maths to someone that only thinks like a three year old.

Kevin tried...

Oh and btw i'm much better with my anger now, thank you very much, but now you take a piece of advice, you better acknowledge some of the things you don't like to see, otherwise they will own you before you know.
Rolling Eyes

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 187
Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:17 am    Post subject:

Sorry i really don't have the patience it would be exausting to explain advanced maths to someone that only thinks like a three year old.

This really hurt my feelings. If you need to be patronising I would
prefer not to converse.


Joined: 17 Jan 2005
Posts: 21

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:49 pm    Post subject:

I started that sentence with sorry, but I say it again Wahl "i'm sorry "now for hurting your feelings. See i'm not such a bad person after all.

But anyway i don't wish you wrong though I feel there are barriers of comunication around here, I can't open peoples heads to make them understand what I mean.

Hope your mind can become more broader and mature, maybe then we can talk.
Anyway i'll be doing that work myself as I have been.

Love for you.
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