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Joined: 13 Mar 2004
Posts: 72

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 12:42 pm    Post subject: POWER

Remember Lord Acton’s dictum? “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. That maxim is the springboard for this brief ‘meditation’ on power as it relates to the BKs.

There are many aspects to this, viz:

* Power that springs from that ‘holier than thou’ feeling. As in “we are pure, sacred swans, and all others are impure, vicious storks. We are the chosen few, they are the damned”.

* Power in the sense of world dominion – for half a cycle – while all else are in an unconscious stupor in the orange world.

* Power to lord it over the gathering – from that perch on the gaddi. Take a young sister, still wet behind the ears, uneducated and inexperienced, and tell her that she is God’s representative, she acts and speaks for him, whatever she does is sanctioned and “adjusted” by him. Well, for many, the temptation is just too much and they get carried away. Pretty soon, they see themselves as Queens, and the gathering as their subjects...and they act accordingly.

* Once, while listening to the murli, I was startled to hear these words: “Yours is a religio-political clan”. Well, there you have it. “Political” denotes the power aspect. At the personal level, you are either lording it over others or being lorded over.

* Nope, no chance of a gender change or a Japanese virginity restoration operation (yes, I heard that the Japs are specialists in the latter). So all you brothers and 'experienced' sisters are out of luck Sad “The soul has no gender” eh? Then why the bodily distinctions – gender and “seal” – to determine who sits on the gaddi? Reminds me of a quip by a black comedian. He was commenting on Michael Jackson’s song (…it don’t matter if you’re) “Black or white”. The jokster said, “Hey Michael, if it don’t matter, how come you white?” He he Laughing

* People are told: “Do service, make your subjects”. So what comes over as benign “godly service” is actually narcissistic and power driven….as is the craving for recognition and “status” - both now and in the hereafter. I wander how many BKs (and even PBKs) recognize this underlying “power” motivation, this power trip?

Do things and human nature ever really change? Power - however sublime and ‘elevated’ it may be construed or portrayed - is power. And many are seduced by it.

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:34 pm    Post subject: Re: POWER

Paul wrote:

* Nope, no chance of a gender change or a Japanese virginity restoration operation (yes, I heard that the Japs are specialists in the latter).


I have no problem with the rest of your post - I am with you all the way with the questioning of the corruption of power - but I feel that I have to point out that the use of the word " Japs " is kind of on a par with the use of the word " Niggers ".

The only difference being that " Niggers " - if you were to call a black person that - are much more likely to take offense and say or do something back.

It is plainly racist and was born out of a period of deliberate racist government sanctioned and financed political propaganda. The racial stereotyping is dangerous if not plainly wrong.

Whereas I am pretty sure that you would not call black folk niggers because you would be scared of the social or physical reprecussions; to beat on the Japanese, a nation that has too much humility, dignity and reserve to argue back, is to display your own weakness.


[ Yup, and while we are at it, pretty much all you have learned about Anglo-American-Sino-Japanese relationships is wrong! This is Kali Yuga you know ... ]

Joined: 13 Mar 2004
Posts: 72

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:37 pm    Post subject:

Thanks for the weighty, insightful and illuminating comments. You can't stop the Brits !
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