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Misuse of the murli

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Joined: 26 Feb 2004
Posts: 98

PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 10:17 am    Post subject: Misuse of the murli

This topic was inspired by ifegenia's comments about BK "cruelty". Those comments were made in the topic "5000 years repetitive drama--(deja-vu feeling)". Instead of posting this under that topic, I have decided to discuss murli abuse as a separate topic; not for the sake of opening a new topic, but because I think this is an important issue, which needs a clear and separate topic heading.

Have any of you you ever experienced this?:

The murli is being read. At certain places in the murli, instead of just reading what Bapdada has said, the sister stops and interjects her own comments. In the begining, it seems natural, innocent and harmless. But after a while you begin to realize what is going on. She is using the murli as a peg to hang her own thoughts and messages on. And, frequently, the comments are subtly directed at certain members present, to whom she wishes to send a message. In effect, the sister is mixing and blending Bapdada's message with her own "political agenda"....to settle scores, "cut down" members, and for control of the gathering etc. I have personally experienced this at more than one center and, I can tell you, its a most disgusting practice. I see it as an adulteration of the murli. To my mind, murlis were never intended to be used in that way. Further, when the sister is clothing her biased remarks with the apparent backing and sanction of the almighty, it can be very disturbing for those who are being targeted. This is one of the things that turned me off of the movement.

They need to think about what they are doing. Shiv Baba himself has said: "Some Brahma Kumaris do harm".

Feedback anyone?

Joined: 19 Apr 2004
Posts: 66

PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 8:55 pm    Post subject:

YES. I have experienced this.

I also question the things I read in the murli, sometimes it stands out to me like a lighthouse beacon that this may not really be from God because the things said contradict or rebel against what God is to me in the first place.

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 2:05 pm    Post subject: Yes!


Yes, I experienced this as well. This is one of the challenges I am sure many BK's have had and I did to.

The key is to get a hold of the murlis yourself and realize that who and where the message is coming from?

Reading the murlies will help you understand things more.

Do not allow those experiences with particular souls to hinder your relationship with Shiva. These souls are doing this simply because it is part of the drama and sanskars.

Take Care,

pbk George

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2004 6:09 am    Post subject:

Omshanti. I fully agree with PBK George's comments about the misuse of Murli by BK teachers. Although this experience is made more humiliating in case of BKs who become PBKs, but those who really understand the worth of Murli and the narrator of the Murli, i.e. the Murlidhar or BABA, then those humiliating experiences are forgotten then and there itself. Actually these experiences are only part of Karmic debts that are being cleared. The soul that is being humiliated must have humiliated the soul who is misusing the murli in its past births. To those who are atheists this may sound absurd but for those who believe in Drama or Karma theory, it is a way of remaining peaceful and tension free in life.

Joined: 12 Apr 2004
Posts: 17

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2004 7:10 am    Post subject:

The soul that is being humiliated must have humiliated the soul who is misusing the murli in its past births.

So if you follow your theory through--if the soul that is being humiliated in the present had humiliated the murli reader in a past life --- doesn't it follow through that the murli reader in an even more previous past life had humiliated the other soul? And on and on and on and on and on?

So --- isn't it at all possible that this karmic retribution (revenge trip) between the 2 souls had to start somewhere? Maybe the first one to do the humiliating is the murli reader in the present! And in a future life the presently humiliated soul will go on and humiliate the murli reader.

These justifications for BKs bad behavior seems like "excuse making." It also fits in with the known fact that in a cult --- problems are always "your fault" and never the orgnaizations or teacher's fault. It's always your fault.

If your going to promote an organization as morally superior -- as the BKs do --- then they might try to behave well --- or they lose their credibility. There just isn't any excuse for abusing and humiliating people. No one should sit by and make excuses for the abuser. The humiliated person should get up and walk out.

The best way to judge a tree is to taste the fruit. The best way to judge an organization is to look at the behavior of the senior students. If they are cruel and abusive, it is probably not such a great place to learn. Unless, you want to become cruel and abusive.

The qualities that I value in a teacher are kindness, compassion, and humility.

Joined: 17 Apr 2004
Posts: 113
Location: Malaysia

PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2004 7:40 pm    Post subject:

An enemy is one's greatest friend because they give us test-papers. If we pass these test-papers by not gong into a weak state (as a result of being faced by a bad situation), then we become stronger. More spiritual energy is gained when we pass test papers. If one, who is reading the murli, is under the influence of Ravan and thus attacks people as "enemies" do/would, then we should consider this to be a very good test paper. We should pass it by continuing to maintain a high spiritual stage. Then, we will become stronger.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 1:09 am    Post subject: Abuse of murli

I have just read the points on this topic and agree totally with the writer. What is even more insidious is that when the murli is being translated it is extremely difficult to distinguish between what is murli and what is opionion. this is particularly the case when a student is new to hearing the murli.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:57 am    Post subject:

To my mind, murlis were never intended to be used in that way.

Then, what are they for?

No matter how you turn it, they are the ultimate manipulation tool, filled with sweets with poison in the core. Even after 'leaving' you can clearly see the poison doing its job in the minds of those who left.

I see most xbk's still have 'respect' for shiva ... let me say that this respect = fear. Fear of karma, fear for the future, fear because there might be the possibility of having screwed your future status till eternity!

All these fears are the result of following murli. They never bring knowledge, wisdom or anything useful. They turn you into a sheep which thinks it has super-human powers, whilst in fact you are weak and dependant.

I'd say, who cares that the little sisters abuse murli's, look at the real abuse of it which is still taking place in your mind.
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