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Experience and treatment of black BKs
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 9:53 am    Post subject:

Dear Errol bhai,

Omshanti. I wish to congratulate you for your noble and liberal views with regard to the treatment of blacks in the BK world. Baba has said in murlis that the kingdom of the world is not won through Baahubal (physical power) but only through yogbal (the power of yog or remembrance of God and practice of soul consciousness). So it does not matter if any BK(white/black/ beautiful/inteligent/serviceable/rich/senior/experienced etc.) is in the limelight or not. The only thing that matters is his dharna and power of yog/yaad (remembrance).

Baba says that the one who is a great effort-maker(purusharthi) cannot remain hidden in the world of Brahmins, just as a diamond cannot remain hidden even if it is lying in dust. So continue making sincere efforts and spread love and affection to all the souls irrespective of their colour/race/country/language/religion etc. and you will automatically be noticed and respected by everyone. I believe that respect is automatically earned by giving respect. And there is a difference between being respected from one's heart and being respected just to please someone for limited gains. I am sure you would continue your selfless attitude.



Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 3:40 am    Post subject: The treatment of black Bks


Thank you for your great comments. Most of my service time has been spent in the US. Since my banishment in the fall of 1990, I have not visited any centers. In many ways it is not spiritually healthy. Many centers in the US have during my years as a BK, given me the chance to get on the stage. I am most greatful to Baap-Dada and those souls who have allowed me to use my limited talents for Godly service.

When I first visited Baap-Dada in Madhuban about 30 years ago, they told me that I would be an MP in the Pandav Government, however, one day I will form my own government and be the Prime Minister of that government. The Madhubannewasis used to call me Prime Minister. I still live by many of the BK codes of conduct, one of which does not allow me to brag about service.

For me the banishment is no banishment at all. It is only an opportunity for me to carryout the wishes of my FATHER. My relationship with Baap-Dada has been a great friendship. I have had a history of some of my brothers and sisters complaining to Baba about me. I can see them doing that even now. Many who are not advanced have been hoping that Baba would listen to them and grant them their wish of limiting me. It has been the opposite.

Baap-Dada had once informed me, during one of my meetings 25 years ago that the sisiters were talking about my life of being lonely. Very Happy
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 2:46 am    Post subject: Experienc and Treatment of Black BKs

There are many instances in which blacks, especially the current generation of youths play into the hands of eugeneticists and like minded individuals; the Charles Murrys. Shockleys or Hans Eysynk.
I currently live in a black working class section of Brooklyn. I have also lived in the Southern US, Alabama and Louisisna. Who is motivating the black youths to walk the "shackle foot walk". speak Ebonics and dress like thugs with do rags? It's the advertising executives of MTV and BET. There is then a re-enforcing of stereotypes and society on a global scale accepts as a truth that blacks in general are inferior. I tell my students that the powers that be are not scared of the gangster type black with cap turned backwards, pants dragging on the floor with a gun and dread locks. The powers that be make millions as a result of such black youths in the US. The prison industrial complex benefits from black youths behaving in the way MTV suggests they behave. The powers that be are afraid of the black youth without the gun who goes to school each day and becomes an independent thinker.
It is sad that souls who should be at the top of the spiritual strata have bought into the idea of black/white racism. In reality, it is not the color of skin issue. That has been used effectively by the powers that be to divide and rule. Economic discrimination is a much more serious problem which needs to be addressed. In rural America, for example, there are whites who are poorer that the poorest inner city person. They have no tap water, no indoor bathrooms. They also suffer great discrimination. One reason why Malcom X and Professor Walter Rodney were eliminated, was because they were able to unit people of different colors. There are many businesses which reap profits from black/white discrimination.
On a more personal note. I used to spend my summers at one of the centers in the US doing service. The state in which the center is located is noted for its extreme racism. The folks living next to the center, were not comfortable with a black person or persons visiting the center. One student of the center was the judge of the city who was black! The folks once sued the center, contending that the closing of car doors by students attending the morning class was disturbing them. I found that situation amusing. Another amusing situation of racism on a spiritual level took place in the West Indies. I was visiting one of the islands to assist in the establishment of service at the center. I was staying in the home of a Sindhi family in an area with exclusive Sindhi homes. The family was pressured by other folks in the community to refuse me accomodation because I WAS BLACK. I spent my two weeks on the island living in the office of the store of the instrumental family. I was still able to accomplish the objectives of Baba's service.
My policy on interaction with centers after these experiences and my banishment has been as follows: If instrument souls think that because I'm black I should stay back, TOO BAD. To stay back and please you is manmath and God does not see the color of the body, He sees the aura of the soul. I have advanced to the extent that I have incarnated into a black body to awaken even those who feel that their economic advantages give them the right to discriminate against the disadvantaged. Also I'll go elsewhere and be of service if a center has individuals who discriminate based on body consciousness. Laughing
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 17 Jan 2005
Posts: 21

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:03 am    Post subject:

Did some one here said the jews were special?....

By Alan Breet on multiply.com

The Shadows of Auwitch Posted on Jan 27,

The news was full of mention that today is the 60th anniversay of the liberation of the horriffic Nazi death camp, Auswitch. The Nazis, under Hitler's orders, murdered millions, among these were prominently Jews, but also Gypsies, homosexuals and others that the "Master Race" deemed unfit.

I do not belittle or diminish the absolute evil that the holocaust carried out by the Nazis was. However, I have to wonder if the Israeli's and othres of Jewish descent take it seriously at all.

On this day of rememberance of Auswitch we are treated to film and audio of the camps. The details of how the Jews were rounded up and herded into the camps to be used, abused, starved, beaten and murdered, even to including the elderly, children and women. That humans could perpetrate such vile things upon another boggles the mind. The insane arrogance of a people such as were the Nazis, that only "they" were "chosen" to be the "master race". How could any people who suffered as the Jews suffered in Nazi control ever forget?

That is a question I wish we had the intestinal fortitude to ask people of Israel. How dare you allow your government to do to the Palestinians exactly what Adolph and the gang did to your grandfather, grandmothers, fathers, brothres and sisters?! Look at the camps in and around Palestine. Camps of men, women and children who according to the Jewish Torah, the Christian Bible and the Muslim Koran you share a father with. Abrahim, father of two sons, one by Sarah, and one by Hagar. Abrahim, father of two peoples, Jews and Palestinians.

The word "gentile" used to refer to non-Jews translates into "cattle" . The Jews have made it know through out history that "they" alone are God's "chosen" people. The nation of Isreal marches of men, women and children they regard as "unfit" to camps where they are starve, used , abused and murdered.

Remember Auswitch? Yes, but will those who need to remember the lesson most? The Shadow nature of the Jewish people, the country of Isreal is on display for all to see. The government of Isreal are mirror images of the Nazis. The Jewish people have everry reason to be sad today. Unfortunately, they don't realize that "Never Again", is a hypocracy they represent.


Rolling Eyes
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