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Does God have humour?

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Joined: 12 Jul 2004
Posts: 36
Location: The Netherlands

PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 10:27 am    Post subject: Does God have humour?

Dear BK's, XBK's, PBK's, Non-BK's and other BK's,

Does God have humour?
I would like to hear your experiences and comments on this issue.
It struck me that all over the world in BK centres there tend to be a lack of humour or humeur by souls that take gyan, life, karma and drama so seriously. I saw a lot of angels all dressed up in white with faces as if they had just been drinking pure acid. Should gyan not liberate people and bring enjoyment in life? I always think Baba is a big joker. Also Brahma Baba had a lot of humour. I heared this story about him that he placed a marriage advertisement in the paper for Dadi Janki. I think that it was meant to play a joke on her because she still seemt to be attached to this or that. I hearded it worked.

So what I would like to ask you is to share some jokes Baba told or some humourous enlightment or fun things that happened during your Raj-yogi study. Even stupid things can be fun, as long as it does not give sorrow to any living soul.

Happy laughter

when I listen to him,
when I listen to the silence
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Joined: 15 Jul 2004
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Location: Europe

PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 9:12 pm    Post subject:

Sometimes during the lecture of murlis I thought that maybe Shivbaba makes jokes - not just some humorous remarks but generally. Then I felt like to abuse him/her with the remark: "You can't take me for a ride." I am only a beginner by the bk. But I am middle-aged and have studied various things to see things in relative terms - that is necessary for humour. I think, young teachers in centers who have studied only raja yoga can hardly have humour. (Of course there may be exceptions.) You can understand humour better, if you yourself have humour. Smile
om shanti.

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 2:35 am    Post subject: Humor

NoHumor in the house of SB? YOU MUST BE JOKING.
Frank your topic is great.
Do they still have skits on cultural nights in Madhuban during the AVYAKT season? Laughing
Actually, in the winter of 1980, there was a cultural evening and it did not end until after midnight. A group of foreign brothers were living in Madhuban, including myself. We all over slept. WE MISSED AMRITH VELA AND THE MORNING CLASS! One of the American brothers was not feeling well. Our discussions about what to do about breakfast was interrupted by the calls of Shelu Bhen and her approaching foot steps. I was still in bed and the other brothers were dressed and ready for breakfast. We had only seconds to avoid a face to face confrontation with one of Madhuban's most fearsome dharna polices. In a flash I said to the brothers: "Head for the bath room." Like skulking school boys about two brothers concealed themselves in the bath room. That left me. I was still in bed. I exploited the structure of the bed. The beds tend to form a depression in the middle. If one is covered up well, it is difficult to determine if the bed is occupied. I quickly covered myself under the sheets and blankets to create the impression that it was an unoccupied well made up bed. Shelu bhen entered. Inspected the room visually and departed. I remained hidden for another five minutes and then signalled to the yogis in hiding that all was clear!

This one I will call the kitchen coupe. I was spending the summer in one of the centers in the US. The Pandavs were given strict directives by the sisters in charge on yuktis for preparing dinner. However there were only two Pandavs who were expert cooks, though each Pandav had chef duty on specific days. Most of us had lokik jobs. One day I returned from work and was served a small bowl of microwaved tomato sauce as dinner. The brother on chef duty was always introverted and needed cooking lessons. That day I had spent about 8 hrs standing in an experimental surgery laboratory assisting in two major operations on experimental animals. I ate the suace and was still hungry. Later I prepared a great meal for every one. My self and another brother, the two expert cooks took over the kitchen and had solid cooked dinners available 7 days per week. The in experienced cook contended in a soul conscious manner that microwaved tomato suace was an effecient way of using Baba 's time! Surprised
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
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