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Does BapDada talk like this now ?

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Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 84

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 3:39 pm    Post subject: Does BapDada talk like this now ?

I like this classic post in this section, very well written http://xbkchat.com/xbkforum/viewtopic.php?t=241 A Tribute to A Great Brother
After greeting the gathering, BapDada would then deliver his discourse - the murli. During my short stay in Abu, in his murli of January 2, 1980, BapDada described what the Golden Age would be like. In terms of its explicitness of detail, it was an unusual murli. These were some of the astonishing revelations:

* The movement of the leaves of the trees will make natural music, as will the songs of the birds. On signal, the birds will entertain with their voices and games they will play.

* Green leafed vegetables will not be used. Dishes will be made out of flowers and fruits.

* The streams will flow over medicinal herbs and the water will acquire natural fragrance.

* Drawing will be an important pastime. Everyone will have artistic and musical talent.

* All work will be performed on the basis of atomic energy.

* There will not be cinemas, but entertainment will take the form of plays and comedy.

* There will be a variety of aircraft - both for individual and family transport. These craft will be incredibly fast - great distances will be traversed in the time it takes to make a phone call. (These are the "viman" of ancient lore - a reality in Sat yug, not a myth)

Does BapDada says such things now in murlis ? Would you believe it back then, would you believe it now ? Shocked

Joined: 26 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 3:26 am    Post subject:

I wonder if this was said in the Murlis or just the Avyakt Vanis?
Does anyone know if things like this were spoken in the sakar murlis?

Joined: 18 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:27 am    Post subject:

John are you implying that the sakar murlis are more authoritative than the avyakt murlis? Confused - i know this is a widespread attitude within the BKs, but from my perspective the avyakt murlis are far more authoritative, as they come from the unlimited rather than the limited... intutively they seem far more divine to me - i am still not saying i accept everything in them - i don't see even avyakt BB as being infallible, but he is closer to it now than when sakar. I have a copy of the particular avyakt murli referenced here, and a few others which describe the golden age - they are very beautiful and inspiring descriptions, my favourites of all the murlis i have read/heard.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:41 am    Post subject:


No i'm not implying they have less authority as such.
Avyakt Vanis are seen as authoritive by both BKs and PBKs
But it's generally accepted across the BK/PBK board that saker murlis are of Shiva, where as with Avyakt Vanis there is no real agreement on who actually is speaking them, some say Shiva, some say Brahma, some say both.
I'm trying to peice the whole picture together and am very keen to learn what comes from where and when. Having said that I do like to reference things back to the original sakar murlis.

Joined: 26 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:44 am    Post subject:


If the descriptions of Golden age were from Brahma were they based on the Divine Visions he had at the start of the Yagya in 1936/7

Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:48 am    Post subject: Re: Does BapDada talk like this now ?

bansy wrote:
Does BapDada says such things now in murlis?

I have not read/heard avyakt murlis from last season, but i can state that for several seasons before that there were no such things mentioned. The more recent avyakt murlis seem very bland, like they are 'dumbed down' for the masses that are now involved... It is the older avyakt murlis that describe the Golden Age - the most recent i have seen was 30/1/1985, which says in essence

- the sun will prepare your food
- the air will move like a natural fan for you
- music will be created by air moving through the branches and twigs of the trees.
- the sky will be a royal path for your flying vehicles, a path with no accidents at all
- the water will work like a perfume spray, because of the herbs and plants within it: it will have a natural fragrance.
- the water will be full of power, completely pure and clean - and this is why they have said it is as though there will be rivers of milk flowing
- whatever kind of taste you are looking for, a fruit of the particular taste will be in front of you
- there won't be any salt of sugar there - you will use the juice of fruit
- there will be natural scenes, wonders of nature, for instance mountains, in a variety of forms, some in the form of birds, others of flowers, created naturally in that form
- you will only need to touch things superficially to get things done, because the five elements will have become your servers.


Would you believe it back then, would you believe it now ?

i believe most of it - it rings true to me - not sure about the vemens... or the bird shaped mountains.... but essentially it ties in closely with the Genesis descriptions of the Garden of Eden, and descriptions from other traditions of the ancient spiritual paradise, and, personally, it fits in with my own meditation and lucid dream experiences of the golden age, which came before I read these murlis...

Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 84

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 11:45 am    Post subject:

Yes, these are nice dreams to have now and for the future. Would be nice to have them more in recent murlis (daily sakar, Sunday avyakt, or new season avyakt murlis).

I work with young children and they will come up with fascinating drawings. Take a simple picture of a cat....they'd draw something that would, from an adult point of view, appear as something ghastly if it came to life...but for these children, they are wonderful peices and an exact replica of THEIR dreamy vision of a cat, even though they have limited drawing skills. And their drawings of humans...mums, dads, teachers, etc look like worse than characters from...err.. say, Addams family. But for them, the world is perfect from where they stand....at least for their first few years in this so-called Iron/Confluence age.

So maybe you have to be really pure, like kids, to see the real beauty of everything....gulp.... are the BKs therefore right in that purity is the key to success ?!
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