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Cult of the Brahma Bhagats

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Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 9:39 am    Post subject: Cult of the Brahma Bhagats

Towards the end of my last stay at GRC in Oxford (April 2002), when i had been having a very uplifting time working in the secret garden, with some powerful yoga experiences in the meditation rooms, i decided to try the new meditation room which you enter off the main entrance hall, under the staircase (this was formerly the residents lounge, but had been revamped as a meditationa nd class room). This was for amrit vela. I was surprised to see two sisters sitting in the armchairs outside meditating. When I went in, i noticed that every seat on the sisters side of the room was occupied (explaining the two sitting outside). Meanwhile the seats on the brothers side of the room were all empty. (clearly the two sisters outside did not want to dirty themselves on the brothers seats...). A bit disconcerted, i nevertheless sat down and tried to meditate. I noticed that the red light was not on, instead there was white light. Worse, the picture of Shiv Baba had been covered up with a very large picture of Brahma Baba. So, for the purposes of amrit vela they had dispensed with the representation of God, and with the red light that is normally there to aid with yoga intensity.

I sat for a few minutes, but the atmosphere was cold (spiritually), and i was disconcerted by the scene i had found. So i left and went to "Baba's room" where the red light was on, and the picture of Shiv Baba in place, and experienced an atmosphere of intense yoga. I did note that the more senior sisters were there, and not in the 'white room'.

Ever after, that white room scene has disturbed me. What was going on - there appeared to be a cult of Brahma worshippers within the Brahma Kumaris... Back at my home centre, i started asking questions, whcih i continued for the remaining two years of my BK involvement. I discovered that the great of majority of people i questioned (most of the sisters, and some brothers) admitted to having no 'feel' for Shiva, other than via Brahma Baba. They did not relate to God or the point of light, but to the physical form of Brahma Baba. They felt lost, and were unable to 'sit at peace' without a picture of Brahma Baba to look at... I say 'sit at peace' because that is what they claimed to be doing in meditation. For most of them there was no yoga (ie linking) and not even meditation, just sitting at peace, and even that only if they could stay awake and avoid fidgeting... I started calling them Brahma Bhagats, and most were happy to be desribed as such - they seemed proud to be worshippers of Brahma Baba, it was like a relief to them to be recognised as such, and to not have to continue with the pretence of being yogis or gyani. Without exception they were all primarily oriented to service, not yoga, or gyan.

I mention all this, not because there is anything inherently wrong with being a devotee of a human guru, and there is certainly nothing wrong with devoting your life to virtue and the service of humanity, but because they are in clear and extensive violation of their own teachings.

There is clearly a cult of Brahma devotees (and now Dadi devotees too) within and throughout the Brahma Kumaris, who practice bhakti (path of devotion) while preaching a path of knowledge. If you visit Madhuban now you will find the BK 'literature' stalls awash with Dadi and Brahma memorabilia, and picture of Brahma and the Dadis everywhere. The situation in the UK is a lot worse than in India, as increasingly Shiv Baba is erased from the scene altogether, and red lights are phased out. Yoga is increasingly sidelined to make way for chat and physical busy-ness.

The influence of the Brahma-Dadi Bhagats appears to be spreading within the organisation, and having chased away most of us who have any interest in gyan and yoga, they are now pretty much running the show. I predict that in due course Shiva will be completely sidelined and all redness will be replaced by pristine clean whiteness. Avyakt murlis will be banned, as will anything that cannot be physically counted and cleaned. Any remaining yogis will be shown the door, except for Dadis Janki and Gulzar, who will be deified. Watch out Sister Sudesh....

Sitting outside, at a safe distance from the asylum, it is all very entertaining. I am sure that Brahma is sitting in the subtle regions chuckling away at the antics of his children... luckily for him he has a very good sense of humour...

The situation seems to me pretty much identical to what happened to Christianity. Jesus points to God and says "follow the father", but rather than listen to him, they all sideline God and worship Jesus (and/or his mother).....

its a funny old drama Exclamation Laughing

Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 84

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 11:06 am    Post subject:

Shiv Baba is erased from the scene

Very true.

I've heard that some centres, Baba's room have been removed to make way for Dadis/seniors accomodation during their stopover travels. I had thought ALL centres had a Baba's room however small it is. Surely for any BK one of the first places to meditate is Baba's room even if there is a photo of BB beside/below SB as a reminder of the subtle region.

Space is a premium...there is also the cost of running a centre........at the expense of SB.

Joined: 26 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 11:12 am    Post subject:

Very Bizarre.

I was definately taught to remember ShivaBaba as a point of light in Paramdham.
Is this still the general practise?

I have read that before Brahma left the body rememberance was of ShivaBaba through the body of Brahma. Which I'm interpreting as Shiva a point of light in Brahmas forehead
the prisoner

Joined: 18 Aug 2004
Posts: 23

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:58 pm    Post subject:

That is quite strange. In Gyan Sarovar there is a meditation room with no Brahma Baba representation at all - just the Shiva point of light and red ambient light - it is between the museum and the Global Office. The other main meditation rooms in GS ("Baba's room" and the Dome) also present the image of Brahma in a non-intrusive way and the image of the point of light and the red background light predominate.

Maybe this is only in the UK?
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect" - Mark Twain

Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 7:07 pm    Post subject:

the prisoner wrote:
In Gyan Sarovar there is a meditation room with no Brahma Baba representation at all - just the Shiva point of light and red ambient light

yes this is my favourite meditation room in Madhuban. I did say the situation seems much worse in the UK than in India, but the idolatry is certainly much in evidence in Madhuban. Just watch the pictures of the dadis proliferate....
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