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Cool Dip

Joined: 06 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:56 am    Post subject: BK Dictionary

Hi everyone.

I am not a regular member and this will be my only post. I am submitting this in response to a request I received. The "dictionary" below is NOT a BK publication. It was prepared by someone who WAS involved with the BKs at one time. The word entries are in alphabetical order. While it is fairly comprehensive, there will always be words and terms that are not included in it. If any visitors or members wish to know the meanings of BK terms not included here, I suggest they write their questions here, and another member who knows the meaning of the word can respond with the answer.

I hope you find this useful. Good luck !




ACCHA - alright, good, fine, O.K.

AMRIT VELA - nectar time - 4 am - the time recommended by Shiv Baba for the best meditation.

ATMA - the soul. It is an imperishable, incorporeal point of light, in the center of the forehead. There are three aspects of the soul: the mind, the intellect and the sanskars or impressions.

AVYAKT - not manifest or apparent, imperceptible. Hence ‘Avyatk murli’, for the teachings of Shiv Baba given through the medium of Dadi Gulzar, after Brahmas ascent to the angelic world in 1969. Also ‘Avyakt BapDada’ - the combined form of Shiva and Brahma in the angelic world.

BABA - father - used to refer to the Supreme Soul, Shiva - hence ‘Shiv Baba’.

BAHIN - sister - e.g Sudesh Bahan means Sister Sudesh. Spoken quickly, it sounds like “Ben”.

BAPDADA - the combination of Shiva and Brahma, in the subtle world, after Brahma’s ascension in 1969. Raja Yogis go to Mount Abu to meet BapDada through medium.

BAP SAMAN - the stage of being the same as the Father - this is one of the aims of Raja Yogis - to inculcate Godly qualities and virtues to the point where they become a reflection of God.

BHAI - brother - e.g. – Ramesh Bhai means “Brother Ramesh”. Spoken quickly, it sounds like “Bye”.

BHARAT - India...the eternal land. Heaven, the deity kingdom, was, and will be, in India.

BHATTI - intense and prolonged meditation session, for special purposes - e.g. purification.

BRAHMA - the creator. The name given by Shiv Baba to Dada Lekhraj, his first medium.

BRAHMA BHOJAN - Pure vegetarian food which is cooked and eaten while in remembrance of God.


BRAHMA KUMAR - Son of Brahma, a male member of the movement.

BRAHMA KUMARI - Daughter of Brahma, a female member of the movement. The sisters who are teachers wear white saris.

CHAKRA - wheel, cycle, circle, disc - used to refer to the World Cycle.

DADI - elder, senior sister.

DHARM - religion.

DHARMRAJ - God as Supreme Judge.

DHARNA - pledge, inculcate.

DIDI - senior sister.

DRISHTI - a spiritually charged gaze which is beneficial to the recipient. During meditation, Brahma Kumari sisters give drishti. Shiv Baba himself gives drishti when he appears through medium.

DWARPA YUG - the third age of the cycle, the Copper Age, the age of prophets and religious founders.

GITA - literally ‘song’. Traditionally, a sacred text, the jewel of the Mahabharat. In Raja Yoga, the word is used to refer to the knowledge and teachings of Shiv Baba - hence ‘Gita Gyan’ - Gita knowledge.

GYAN - knowledge - used to refer to the teachings of Shiv Baba. Also used to refer to involvement in Raja Yoga – hence “So and so is now five years in gyan” or “I came in gyan in 1977”.

JANAM - birth. The maximum number of births a soul can take in the cycle is 84. This would apply to a soul who takes first birth at the very beginning of the Golden Age. The breakdown of births is as follows: Golden Age: 8, Silver Age: 12, Copper Age: 21, Iron Age: 43 (includes a spiritual birth).

JIVANMUKTI - liberation in life - the karma-free state of deities in the Golden Age.

KALI YUG - the last and worst age of the cycle, the present age.

KALPA - refers to the world cycle. The cycle is very much a part or Indian mythology and Hindu cosmology. However, Shiv Baba has pointed out that the major mistake made was to assign an extremely long duration to it - hundreds of thousands of years - whereas, as Baba explains, the duration of the entire cycle is only 5,000 years. The entire world drama plays out in that period - fifty centuries. Another mistake, according to Baba, is the placement of Krishna in Dwarpa yug, the third age of the cycle. Baba explains that Krishna is in fact the first prince of Sat yug, the Golden age - the first quarter of the cycle. There is also an illustration of a ‘Kalpa tree’ which shows the world cycle in the form of a tree, with the deity religion as the trunk, and other religions as branches of the tree.

KARMA - the account and effects of actions.

KARMATEET - a stage of being free of all negative karma. Brahma attained this state before he left his body in 1969 and ascended to the angelic world to be with Shiv Baba.

KRISHNA - the first prince of the Golden Age. Brahma, Shiv Baba’s number one child, will be reborn as Krishna. On coronation, he becomes ‘Narayan’.

LAKSHMI - Queen of the Golden Age. As a princess, hers name is "Radhe".

MADHUBAN - literally ‘honey forest’ - a name given to the Headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University in Mount Abu in Rajasthan, India.

MARYADA - code of conduct.

MAYA - illusion, delusion, unreality, temptation, a force that takes souls away from God.

MUKTI - liberation.

MURLI - literally ‘flute’. This word is used for the teachings of Shiv Baba. It is very appropriate and poetic. Baba enters a medium and speaks, as a flautist makes music by blowing wind through a hollow flute.

NAMASTE - salutation to you, greeting of respect.

NARAYAN - King of the Golden Age. As a prince, he was known as "Krisna".

NARK - hell - the present world.

NIWASI - dweller, resident - e.g. ‘Bharat niwasi’ means ‘resident of India’, ‘Madhuban niwasi’ is a person who lives in Mount Abu, and so on.

OM SHANTI - greeting of peace. Members of the movement use this greeting.

PANDAV - a Brahma Kumar - i.e. a male follower of the BK movement.

PARMATMA - the Supreme Soul - God.

PARAMDHAM - the supreme abode - the Soul World – God’s home and the original home of all souls.

PRAJAPITA BRAHMA - a name give by Shiva to Dada Lekhraj, his first medium. It means ‘Brahma, the father of humanity’.

RAM - King of the Silver Age (Treta Yug).

RAVAN - the devil, temptation, the allure of vice.

SANGAM YUG - literally ‘Confluence age’ - a short auspicious period which bridges and straddles the last years of the Iron age (Kali yug) and the beginning years of the Golden age (Sat yug). The confluence age began in 1936, with the descent of Shiva into Brahma’s body.

SANSKAR - mental impressions, the traits and tendencies of a soul, caused by past experiences and behaviour patterns. Close to what people describe as a person’s nature, but not quite.

SARKAR - concrete, manifest. Used to refer to Shiv Baba’s murlis given through the body of
Brahma, before Brahma’s ascension to the angelic world in 1969. Hence ‘Sarkar murli’

SATGURU - the true teacher - God.

SATSANG - spiritual gathering, congregation - for learning, meditation etc.

SATVICK - good, pure. Satvick food is vegetarian.

SAT YUG - the Golden Age - the first of the ages in the world cycle.

SEWA - service - refers to spiritual service.

SHIVA - benefactor. The Supreme Soul is also a point of light. However, unlike human souls, he is eternally pure , omniscient and almighty. He is also known as ‘Rudra’ and ‘Bholanath’- Lord of Innocence. In the path of devotion, there is an expression: “None can compare to Bholanath”.

SHRIMAT - Shiv Baba’s teachings, particularly his disciplinary advice to Raja Yogis.

SITA - Queen of the Silver Age (Treta Yug).

SWADARSHAN CHAKRADARI - one who wields the discus of self realization.

SWARG - heaven - the Golden Age. Heaven and hell play out right here on the world stage.

TAPASYA - penance.

TOLI - Indian sweet.

TRETA YUG - the second age of the cycle, the Silver Age.

TRIKALDARSHI - one who knows the three aspects of time - past, present and future - through realization and a firm grasp of the knowledge of the world cycle.

YAAD - remembrance. Remembrance of the Supreme is basically what Raja Yoga is.

YAGYA - sacrificial fire. People come to Raj Yoga to burn their sins through the fire of meditation. This word is used in reference to the movement. Hence, to speak of the history of the yagya is to refer to the history of the organization.

YOG - yoga, meditation, remembrance of God - through the mind, not by physical exercises.

YUG - an age or era, one of the four ages of the world cycle – Golden, Silver, Copper or Iron Age.

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:40 pm    Post subject: BK Dictionary


Does anyone know the meaning of the following two words:?:


Thank You,


Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 86

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:50 pm    Post subject:


manmat=man's law (not BK law in other words)

shudra=traitor (what I would be probably be designated as lol)

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:04 pm    Post subject: BK Dictionary


Many thanks for:[quote]manmat=man's law (not BK law in other words)

shudra=traitor (what I would be probably be designated as lol)

My schooling just keeps getting more challenging! Confused

What is the meaning of these two words: AFIAK and lol. I see lol a lot in the posts.



Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:54 pm    Post subject: Re: BK Dictionary

Tete wrote:

Does anyone know the meaning of the following two words:?:


Thank You,


I'd say ;

Manmat - more literally " man " = mind, "mat" = word. derrogatory. generally translated as human beings' - including junior B.K.'s - personal opinions in opposition to the " Shrimat " of " God " Shiva and the Senior Sisters whose opinions were objective truths [literally elevated or high words ].

Always a great put down of any alternative ideas you or they did not care for and did not want to engage in. Perhaps mental chatter in the modern idiom.

Shudra - lowest or 4th class of the classical indian caste system. very derrogatory. generally translated as " Untouchables " by the B.K. - or in fact every one else in the world except for them - but probably more traditionally as a peasant or labourer. Untouchables would be an even lower sub-culture of sick, beggars, folk who deal with human excrement, butchery, making leather etc.

Almost as bad a B.K. insult as " Bhagat " [ definition - a devotee or worshipper ]. It should be noted though that the current Indian caste system is far more complex than the one the B.K.'s present.

But may be an Indian would be better the person to answer though.

It is interesting to note that you heard these words being bantered around but did not feel that you could ask what they meant.

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:15 pm    Post subject:

Manmath--> Wish of our mind--->This is something like that soul is servant of mind-->soul lacks power to control vices

Shrimath-->Wish of God-->This is something like what soul actually need to be doing for peace and happiness-->soul has power to control vices

Brahmin-->Who follow Shrimath
Shudra---> Who follow manmath

This is very crystal clear to understand, if one wants.

Lastly the above meanings are very general, not just relating to BrahmaKumaris.
I think we come across these points in all religions.

In India the word untouchables is not there at all in books of hindu religion. There are only four divisions in hindu religion according to the work and interests they have
Brahmins--> interest relating to intellect (born from head of God)
Kshatriyas--> interest relating to power (born from shoulders of God)
Vyshyas--> interest relating to business (born from stomach of God)
Shudras--> have no specific interest and have chosen different works for their livelihood such as farming, pottery, goldsmith etc(born from feet of God)

Untouchables are divided by some people out of selfishness and was targeted to few castes in Shudra sector by complaining that they eat beef, take drink, have no right relationships, no interest in God etc. However some castes in Shudras and other sectors were able to be far from this division with power and money, though they are equally involved in some of bad qualities. But these complaints are not much bad now a days Wink . But still in some remote villages of India we come to see this tragedy of untouchables.



Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:55 am    Post subject: BK Dictionary


I see most of these in posts, but didn't know what they meant. Shudra, I figured was bad, but not to what degree. I have never been to India, all my Indian experience (PowWow, drum circle, shaman, curandero/ra etc.) have been in the Americas.

Also, does anyone know the meaning of "BB" and Bramachari(sp) Monk?

Thank you Ex-London and Satish.


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:11 am    Post subject:


I think this is just an abbreviation for Brahma Baba.

with love

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:10 am    Post subject:

Brahmachari monk

Monk who follow celibacy and direction of his/her mind goes upwards for purity.

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:37 am    Post subject:

It is interesting to note that although the B.K. use Hindi words, they very often give them quite different meanings that if you were to use them with India would have the India laughing out loud or condeming you. Use with care!

There is also a bit of a juggling around with spelling according to pronounciation, e.g. manmath vs manmat.
satish wrote:

Brahmin-->Who follow Shrimath
Shudra---> Who follow manmath

This is strictly a Brahma Kumari type association. A sort of " Neo-Hinduism Lite " that has little to do with accepted definitions of the terms and everything to do with the B.K. needs to place themselves above others. Interesting, Manmat seems to be a concept Brahma / Shiva picked up from Sikh influences. I remember being told how B/S only picked up and included references from other religions as individuals from those religions come into the gathering and asked questions about their own religion. This can be tracked in the Murlis.
satish wrote:

Brahmachari monk : Monk who follow celibacy and direction of his/her mind goes upwards for purity.

Again, not accurate. Satish, please, if you are not going to make an attempt to be at least preface your responses " in my opinion " or " according to the B.K.'s " or something.

Brahmachari / Brahmacharya's literal meaning within Hinduism is simply " student ". However, within the Varnashrama Dharma [ Hindu social system ] there were four stages in life each with its own proscribed code of behaviour. The Brahmacharya was the pre-marriatal stage of learning and hence celibacy was consider one of its main dharmas [ principles / respinsibilities ] in theory. The B.K.s tend to use the " student " reference but also misuse the term to mean simply following celibacy.
satish wrote:

In India the word untouchables is not there at all in books of hindu religion. There are only four divisions in hindu religion

That is because the Untouchables, Panchamas or Dalits, of which there are somewhere between 160 to 250 Million today, were considered outside of the Hindu system as laid down in the Manu Sashtra. They, and the Adivasis - the indigenous or native tribes of India numbering as many as 68 million today - were and are outcasts from Hinduism. Ethnically, they may actually be from the original India peoples and not the Eurasian root stock of the Aryan invaders. Despite bing the original people of India, during the invasions, they were massacred, driven into the hills to survive, turned into slaves, or outlawed as criminals.

They were and still are considered so impure and polluting that they were not even included in the system and allowed into society. It is not that they did not nor do not exist. They are largely a slave class used to do the most filthy, degrading jobs - which is of course their " karma ", they say.

Rates of serious violent caste crimes in India, e.g. mass rapes part of the tactics of intimidation used by upper caste gangs against lower castes against Untouchables, are reported to be rising .

As examples, an interesting quote from that Manu Sashtra [ Laws of Manu ] which laid this code down ; " Even by mistake if a lower caste person hears the vedas (holy scriptures), molten lead should be poured in his ears ... his tongue should be cut off if he recites the sacred verses ". Whilst in 1996, The Indian Prime Minister R.N. Karananda said in a speech " Why help the Untouchables, after all they do live in garbage dumps "!

Incidentally, other Untouchables whose activities were not classified in the Vedas would arguably include all non-Hindus and foreigners as well.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:51 pm    Post subject:


The terminology is strictly sanskrit and also belong to few indian languages, which is commonly used by people in Hindu religion. These words may be something to do with Sikh, Buddhist religions as the founders of those were Hindus and Indians. GuruNanak, was a Hindu- Brahmin, before he was guided by God to make Sikh religion. Gautham Buddha, was Hindu- Kshatriya, before he formed Buddhism.

If you want verify meanings of above words with any one who know bit of sanskrit knowledge or any priest in hindu temple. This is because the meanings that what I said can be referred wrong by few of them.

Usually if one is Indian he would be knowing that Brahmacharya is Celibacy. Further it is not just continence physically but also having pure mind, if one argues that celibacy can be followed without pure mind.

Ofcourse context wise the meaning may vary. Like unmarried and who lived with family are referred as brahmachari. Also in india when refering to student before marriage,then we can refer them as Brahmachari. This is general usage. And here some people might make mistake in understanding meaning of Brahmachari as just student.

In ancient india, students are disciplined to follow brahmacharya, until he finishes his study. Thats why student is said brahmachari. But not brahmachari meanse student. I wondered who told you that brahmachari is just student. In Mahabharata, epic of hindu religion, the character Bhishma is said to be lived as brahmachari in all his life because he never married and definitely not doing marriage is like following celibacy those days. Whoever have some knowledge of spiritual books would know this meaning.

But the similar word "BrahmaChari" when come in religious or spiritual terminolgy it is strictly saying that one who is following Brahmacharya (celibacy) and other disciplines. Though there are other disciplines, if we dont include Celibacy then he is not Brahmachari.
You can find it out from any guy who know sanskrit, otherwise. Also I suggest you to search in Google for meaning. Idea

Believe me I know Indian meanings very well Wink .

And coming to untouchables, Dalits all were creation of egotic Brahmins,scholars and higher castes. And you are true.

But in parallel we come to see in history of India the same Brahmins, who are spiritually high, always supported Dalits and said " By birth one cannot be called brahmin, as one can be called brahmin only when one follows disciplines, though born in untouchables".

Even BhagwadGeetha, holy book of Hindus, says that one is said to be intelligent if he see same living soul in all living beings.

However now a days no one cares much about higher castes though he is brahmin. Also Dalits have very high reservations in getting jobs, free education etc., though we see little improvement in their environment.
I know that hindu religion has drawback of caste differences, though it is wrong in practise according to religion.

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:17 pm    Post subject: tamopradhan state?

Can someone explain the meaning of: tamopradhan state.

Tete Wink

Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:30 pm    Post subject: Re: tamopradhan state?

Tete wrote:
Can someone explain the meaning of: tamopradhan state.

Tete Wink

satopradhan - completely pure
sato - pure
tamo - impure
tamopradhan - completely impure

From the Hindu theory of the three modes of things ; sattvic, rajsic, tamsic [ you will find that spelt closely but differently according to regional or linguist preferences, e.g. w instead of v ].

So " tamopradhan " is the completely impure spiritual state of the soul at the end of the darkest Iron Age which they see as now.

Just what " completely impure spiritual state " means in this context, well ... who knows. Might be true, might just be part of their simplistic black and white brainwash.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:29 pm    Post subject:

satish wrote:
But the similar word "BrahmaChari" when come in religious or spiritual terminolgy it is strictly saying that one who is following Brahmacharya (celibacy) and other disciplines. Though there are other disciplines, if we dont include Celibacy then he is not Brahmachari.

This is not exactly true. There seems to be two seperate uses of the word.

In the Manusmriti for the Dhwija castes [ the scripture called " The Laws of Manu " ] Brahmacharya defined as the first of the four phases of a human, i.e. Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, and finally Sanyasa. This has to be the earliest documented and established use of the word.

It translate as " student stage " in English and this is use / translated as " Student Stage " often in the English Murlis. There are many references to student and student life ... what are the Indian words used in the Murlis to express that? I bet it is Brahmacharya.

As Brahmacharya is the phase of studentship - and therefore also pre-marital childhood - sexual activity is a hardly presumption amongst children. Pre-marital sex did not figure or was not accepted by The Laws of Manu.

How and where is came to apply to mean purely celebacy I dont know. Perhaps it came to mean celebacy as part of a state of life long studentship

One thing that I have not seen discussed on this board is the Sanyasi religion as something seperate from " pure " Hinduism but yet it is set up as an entirely seperate branch of religion with its own Avatar by the Brahma Kumaris. This is quite different from the general Indian / Yogi point of view.

Sanyasism has certainly deeply influenced Hinduism a lot - expecially in this aspect. In fact, from the Western point of view, it is the Sanyasi / Yogi point of view that has influence our interpretation of the word.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:20 pm    Post subject:

Yogi is basically one who have connection to God.

Sanyasi, meanse one who live away from the worldy people. They just drop all relations. Basically who are in ashrams wearing orange dress are these people. Their only aim is be in complete intoxication of God and to live life with out any actions relating to worldy life. But this is usually acquired on old age according to Hindu dharma.

Well other side KarmaYogi is considered as greater than yogi, who is Sanyasi.

KarmaYogi is one who dont leave the worldy actions as Sanyasi but does worldy actions as his duty to do. So this kind of yogi dont take stress for any positive results in his actions, though he just hope as like in job. And mind always remembers God as a yogi.

But the important for both is that they have control of five vices.

And in laws of Manu, the first phase of life is considered as Brahmacharya. Well as I said one who is not married and following Celibacy is Brahmachari. So probably Manu has given name to that phase of life as Brahmacharya. Brahmacharya(Celibacy) being main subject of Brahmachari (Pre-martial stage), probably Manu might have named that phase of life as Brahmacharya.

Grihasthu is married people living marriage life. Here if he follows yogi life that yoga is considered as KarmaYoga.

Vanaprastha is where the married couple should see that they fulfill all their responsibilities in worldy life and turn their interest back to Spirituality.

Sanyasa is some thing that they prefer living in Ashrams (usually used to be in forests), just remembering God and be out of worldy life.

Well these stages that are described by Manu is for one in his religion.

BhagwadGita ,considered as holy book by Hindus, gives message for whole humanity. The Spiritual meanings in the Muralis and Gita are one and the same, leaving apart the Cycle and knowledge.

Also in Muralis, the word Brahmacharya Baba use for Celibacy.
Look into 7 days course where one of the four pillars that yogi in BK need to follow is Brahmacharya, ie Celibacy.

Isn't the spiritual lessons same in all religions? But religions now a days never teach these spiritual lessons. It looks no use of these religions when lacks message of GOD.

However Spiritual centers, inspite of having many oppositions, indeed does create the positive atmosphere of GOD's message.

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