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Response to flipper

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:19 pm    Post subject: Response to flipper

Flipper wrote:

Now I have more clarity, I had allowed myself to be brainwashed, used the BK web to support my weaknesses albiet on a subtle level, ie celibacy, because of poor body image....etc

Hi, I am presently having my lessons from the BK and am quite happy about what I am learning. I am usually not the 'emerge completely' type of seeker like I used to be, and this is, I think, the best way to seek, until I find my own comfortable and relevant way of life, which would always be changing I guess cos nothing is constant. I think that the first step in any kind of search is to understand the seeker, and that would be ourselves.

Om Shanti

Joined: 03 May 2005
Posts: 14
Location: england

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:56 pm    Post subject: response to flipper

Hello Moonrose

Good luck, we all felt it was good at the beginning, its so sweet in its seduction, just how far are you prepared to go, Im one of these types who will emerge fully into relationships, its a bit like the matrix(film),
which pill do you want to take? sounds like you want it both ways in life, follow your instinct, and if you have doubts then best not to do it.

flipper x

Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 86

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 5:21 pm    Post subject:

I can't seem to just "cherry-pick" the bits that appeal to me and ignore the rest of the dogma - ie I wasn't prepared to go any distance with the BKs under the conditions of 'partial acceptance' of their beliefs. What they taught either made sense as a whole or none of it did. That might seem a fairly one-eyed approach...but why believe in any type of dogma in the first place if only partially??

What does that say about your confidence in the validity of the organisations' credo in its entireity Confused

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 187
Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:52 am    Post subject:

I think that the first step in any kind of search is to understand the seeker, and that would be ourselves.

This is sound advice that you give yourself, moonrose. It is the very first and the most important lesson of the BK knowledge. The more difficult part for me, and many many others, I suspect, is to convert the first lesson of the soul (who am I) from knowledge to experience. That takes practice. Smile

with love

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:28 pm    Post subject:


thank you for your replies. we do have differences in opinions and beliefs, but i wish for us all the love,and peace we all deserve.


the most 'seductive' part for me is the feeling of peace after a meditation. Aren't all religion like the matrix? Like they say, in any relationship, we should keep something for ourselves. Well, easier said than done.


for me, no organization is perfect. nobody has the monopoly of truth. there are truths out there and there are truths inside. whichever truth outside that 'appeals' to my inner truths are my truths at this time of my growth. that is if we know what is most universal of all dogma. and for me that is love and peace. these are two things that all religions and
social processes are trying to achieve and teach. naturally, where you will find love and peace, there you will go. for seekers like us, the real seeking
happens inside. why do we go to an organization or religious groups? because there is something inside us that keeps nagging us towards something truer and safer than what we are presently experiencing. some
call it heaven (which could be inside and out) others call it the soul world, others call it a state of being where there is peace and love.


This is what i believe in; we have a body and we have a soul. The soul is the energy that we are converted into when our body dies. Meanwhile, we have to know and accept our body as part of us while it is existing. We need to see to its needs. Up in the heirarchy of needs, we also have to see to our soul needs, if we are to be whole. But for some, something
happens in their past that makes them unaware of the realities of their body and skip the heirarchy as a mechanism for survival. and there is psychology. we don't learn psychology for other people. we learn it for ourselves. some even make their own experiences as general theories, which really isnt. and then spirituality. what thing can give life and make it harmonious? if there wasnt any being or energy out there that holds us in place, would we survive our own imperfect humanness? We should also consider the fact that bad things happen to good people, so maybe it is true that we have been physically here before and had done some
things that needed to be paid for. hence, the reincarnation, because i don't believe that God (whoin all religion is all wise and loving) would give us pain. Anyway, this is not the only life we have. But of course, if we keep on collecting debts, there is a hell lot to pay.

Thank you xbk for accommodating me.

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