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Questions for PBKs

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 8:26 am    Post subject: Questions for PBKs

Om Shanti

I am a BK and I have heard from people in the centre that I attend that PBKs do not observe Brahmacharya. If this is not the case, please don’t take offence. I am not making that claim but I don’t know any PBKs who can tell me one way or the other. Would any of the PBKs please clarify this aspect for me?

Also, after reading some of the comments on this site from PBKs and XBKs, I am curious about PBK views on regular BK practices, such as:

- offering bhog

- amrit vela

- giving drishti to food before eating

- meditation before picture of Brahma Baba (or BapDada)

Thanks in advance for your replies,


PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 5:08 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti bhai!

Welcome to the board.

Shiva has spoken about these topics in detail.

Many which the bk's continue to due after it is advised not to.

Take Carem

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:45 am    Post subject:

- we don't

- we do

- we don't

- we don't

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:46 am    Post subject:

We offer bhog of thoughts. Offering physical food to a nonphisical entity can be odd, but we can offer the food of our thoughts.

We drink nectar directly. In the morning of the drama God comes to us and gives nectar of knowledge to drink, we can wake up early in the morning to churn.

We are not entitled to give drishti. Only Shivbaba can give drishti.

Although it has been clearly mentioned in many muralies that photos of Brahma should not be kept, we can have his image /in form of his thoughts words, actions/ in our intellect as it has been said we should follow him.

Joined: 23 Aug 2005
Posts: 8
Location: Brampton, Canada

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:28 pm    Post subject:

Thanks for the responses Andrey and papaya.
Do PBKs practice celibacy as well?

Regards, khormoz

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:49 pm    Post subject:

OM shanti Bhai,

In respect for the administrator.

You might want to post any questions under the pbk subject heading.

Take Care,

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:09 am    Post subject:

Om Shanti kormoz,

I am aware full answers to this question were given in the PBK section at an earlier date. However in case new members may read this partial or somewhat truncated thread I would just like to say that the PBKs do practice celebacy. In fact the attention to deep aspects of purity in my opinion are given much greater importance in the PBKs that the BKs.

When Baba says in murli that we should not touch each other, he is talking about touching with the eyes. This practice of drishti spreads impurity and is widespread outside of the PBK world. A major aspect of following the path of purity is not to engage in this type of prolonged eye contact.

Mothers and young mothers and young girls are very protected in the PBK world.

There is also great attention given to eating simple food in smaller quantities.
In Kamphil where the seven day bhatti takes place, there are two meals a day, with maybe some fruit in between.

Amrit Vela begins at 2am in the morning.

There is of course a great deal of attention paid to study. in fact the atmosphere is like being at University. Everybody is studying.

I hope the administrator will accept this reply is intended to prevent any one being misled by an unanswered question on celebacy and purity.

Good wishes

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