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Site Admin

Joined: 15 Nov 2003
Posts: 48

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 7:41 pm    Post subject: NEW PROCEDURE FOR VISITORS' COMMENTS

When this Visitors' Comments forum was first opened, any visitor (non members) could post a comment, following the steps which we set out in our welcome message (below). However, because of constant abuse of the Visitors' Comments forum - mainly by a single individual - we were forced to discontinue that method of posting comments.

We understand that this prevents all visitors, who may not necessarily want to apply for membership, from giving their comments and opinions. We have thought about this and have come up with an alternative procedure for visitors to make comments. It is as follows:

If you are NOT a registered member of XBKchat, but would like to post a comment in this "Visitors' Comments" forum, here is what you should do. Write out your comments and email that to the Administrator of XBKchat at this email address: admin@xbkchat.com

Give your email the subject heading "Visitor's comments"

Pick a user name, other than "Guest" or "Visitor". It should not be a user name that was used by a previous visitor. Sign the email with the user name followed by a 5 digit numeric code of your choice. The code may be used by the Administrator to verify your identity, in case of a further email exchange or additional comment by you.

So, for example, an email sent to the administrator, for posting in the Visitors' Comments forum will have a format like this:

Email Subject: Visitor's comment

Indicate if your comment is in response to another person's post (if so, state in which forum and under what topic the post you are responding to appears) or if you would like your comments to be given a separate / new topic name. In the latter case, give the topic name for your comments.

The text of your comments

Signed with your user name: (example) Batman

ID Code: (example) 39528

If your comments are not objectionable, the administrator will transfer them to the Visitors' comments forum. When your comments are transferred to the Visitors' comments forum, your user name will appear at the bottom of your comments but your numeric ID code will not be included.

We know that this is a somewhat roundabout way of getting your comments posted, but, as we mentioned, because of past abuses we have to resort to this. Actually, it should not be very inconvenient and, in most cases, your comments will be transferred and posted to the Visitors' Comments forum the same day that you send your email to the Administrator.

If someone replies to your comments and you wish to respond to that, follow the SAME procedure and use the SAME user name and the SAME numeric 5 digit code that you used before. That code will only be known to you and the adminstrator, and it will let the adminstrator know that the follow up comments are from the same person.

We have not deleted our first welcome message. It appears immediately below this. Although the method of posting described below no longer applies, we hope that one day we can revert to the method suggested below. For now, please use the procedure we have outlined above.

Thanks...and welcome




XBKchat welcomes all visitors. Feel free to explore our website Smile

Today, we have opened this visitors' forum. It allows you to post your comments, without having to to register as a member, so there is no need to "log in" to the site before you post. To post your comments, simply click on the "New topic" or "Post reply" buttons, which appear above and below, write up your comments in the box provided, and then click on the "Submit" button.

As a guest, you can read all the posts in the forums on this site. However, you cannot post in those forums. If, later on, you wish to join our free forums, read our mission statement. It will tell you how to apply for membership. http://www.xbkchat.com/mission.html

Membership will allow you to post in the various forums, except the "XBK issues...for XBKs ONLY" forum. Permission to post in that forum is by invitation of the XBKchat Administrator only. Membership will also give you the ability to send and receive private messages to and from other XBKchat members. Also, members are able to preview their posts and add colours and fancy effects to their writing.

You might also want to have a look at our classic posts page, where we display some of the best contributions, which were written by various XBKchat members. Here is the link:


Enjoy our site!
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